March 21, 2025

Could you tell me where'd you get the nerve?

ASOS leather jacket  //  Fashion Hunter sweater and skirt set  //  Pull and Bear boots  //  Nine West bag

photos by Nataša

Zdravo, ljudi! Znam da sam ponovo nestala na par meseci iako sam rekla da ću redovno pisati ovde, ali poslednjih par meseci je bilo stvarno teško - kreativno pregorevanje se vratilo, odlučila sam da dam otkaz i napustim posao na kome nisam bila srećna, i na sve to su dešavanja u mojoj zemlji učinila život ovde jedva podnošljivim i dugo sam imala osećaj da nije u redu baviti se bilo kakvim sadržajem za razonodu.
Bez obzira na to što je situacija u Srbiji dobila medijsku pokrivenost i na međunarodnim portalima, uputiću vas u to šta se već neko vreme dešava - prvog novembra 2024. godine se u Novom Sadu betonska nadstrešnica železničke stanice koju je korumpirana vlast rekonstruisala obrušila i ubila šesnaestoro nedužnih ljudi, među kojima je bilo i dece. Ukoliko ste viđali broj 15 do sada, to nažalost više nije slučaj - danas je i šesnaesta žrtva podlegla povredama posle 4 meseca borbe.
Studenti su, u znak protesta protiv korupcije, nepoverenja u institucije i poziva na odgovornost za šesnaest oduzetih života, blokirali fakultete širom Srbije i započeli niz mirnih protesta. Svojom upornošću, integritetom, znanjem i poštenjem pridobili su podršku naroda u svim gradovima, selima i mestima u Srbiji, i njihova nenasilna borba dosegla je neverovatne razmere i podsetila ljude s ovih prostora na solidarnost, empatiju i nadu da se nešto može promeniti ovde, koliko god vremena to zahtevalo.
I ja sam sama išla na proteste zajedno s njima, kao i desetine hiljada ljudi - a na poslednjem protestu u Beogradu 15.3., ta ista korumpirana vlast je na masu od nešto manje od milion ljudi koja je mirno stajala i ćutala u pomen preminulima uperila i ispalila ilegalno oružje - zvučni top. Zvuk je podsećao na stampedo koji se zaleće u masu ili avion koji nisko leti prema ljudima, i ja ne mogu da vam opišem strah koji sam u tom trenutku osetila za svoj, a i za živote svojih šest drugarica koje su na protestu bile zajedno sa mnom.
Žao mi je što sadržaj ovog posta nije u duhu dugo iščekivanog proleća koje bi trebalo da nam vrati u život boje i dezene i razgali nas, ali iskreno verujem da nećete zameriti. Želela sam da ovo podelim s vama u nadi da ćete razumeti i pomoći nam svima da nastavimo da podižemo svest o dešavanjima ovde.
Isto tako - ni ova odevna kombinacija nije baš u duhu proleća, ali ukoliko se nastave hladni i kišni dani, ili živite na južnoj hemisferi gde sad dolazi jesen moći će da posluži kao inspiracija. Nisam dodavala previše aksesoara jer sam želela da krojevi i teksture materijala govore za sebe - bajkerska kožna jakna, komplet džempera i suknje u tamnosivom tonu, čizme koje neodoljivo podsećaju na čuveni Givenchy Shark Lock model i crna torba od koje se ne odvajam. Uz ovu jednostavnu kombinaciju želela sam da malo eksperimentišem sa šminkom na očima pa sam se opredelila za ovaj svetlucavi "smokey eye" - snimiću tutorijal za svoj Instagram i TikTok gde me možete zapratiti da vidite to i još mnogo sadržaja koji ću vam tek pripremiti.
Nadam se da će buduće objave biti u veselijem tonu, a vama hvala što ste toliko godina uz ovu stranicu. 


Hi, guys! I know I've vanished for a couple of months again despite saying that I'd be more active on here, but the last couple of months have been hard - the creative burnout came back, I quit a job that was making me miserable, and on top of that the recent events in my country have made life here close to unbearable, which made me think that it wasn't okay to post recreational content for some time.
Even though the situation in Serbia has gained international media coverage in the meantime, I would still like to tell you what has been going on here - on November 1st 2024, a concrete canopy of a train station in Novi Sad that had been reconstructed by the corrupted authorities collapsed and crushed sixteen innocent people to death, among which were children. If you have been seeing 15 until now, that is sadly no longer the case - unfortunately, the 16th victim succumbed to their devastating injuries today, after four months of hospital treatment.
The students have blocked universities all across Serbia as a sign of protest against corruption, distrust in institutions and a call for taking accountability for the sixteen lost lives, and started a series of peaceful protests. With their persistence, integrity, knowledge and honesty, they have gained the support of people from all over the country, and their non-violent fight has grown incredibly, reminding people of these lands of solidarity, empathy and hope that something can be changed here, however long it would take.
I too have gone to these protests as their supporter, as did tens of thousands of people - and on the last protest in Belgrade on March 15th, that very same corrupted government has aimed and fired an illegal weapon to the mass of shortly under a million people who stood peacefully in silence to honor the dead - a sound cannon. The sound reminded us all of either a stampede rushing towards the mass or a plane flying dangerously close to the people, and I cannot fully describe the fear I felt in that moment, not just for my own life, but also for the six of my friends who attended the protest with me.
I'm sorry that the content of this post doesn't match the vibes of the long-awaited spring that should give our lives some color and pattern, but I'm sure you won't hold it against me. I wanted to share this with you hoping you'd understand and help us all keep raising awareness of what is going on here.
Also, this outfit doesn't really match the spring vibes, but if the cold rainy days stick around for a little while, or if you're living in the southern hemisphere where autumn is coming it can come in handy as inspo. I haven't accessorized much because I wanted the silhouette and textures to speak for themselves - a biker leather jacket, a sweater and skirt set, a pair of boots that look like the famous Givenchy Shark Lock and my all-time favourite black bag. I wanted to experiment a little with this simple outfit by doing a glittery smokey eye look - I plan to film a tutorial and post it on my Instagram and TikTok where you can follow me to see that and all the fun content that I have in store for you.
I hope that the upcoming posts will be in a much happier tone, and on top of that, I thank you so very much for supporting this page all these years. 


  1. Mediji u regiji su pratili događaje rekla bih poprilično objektivno i koliko vidim davali su potporu studentima i njihovoj mirnoj organiziranosti i ustrajnim prosvjedima što mi je drago. Barem na vijestima koje sam gledala nekako su dobili priliku reći što imaju. Vjerujem u studente, u mlade i mislim da trebamo svi vjerovati u nove generacije, a i jedni u druge. Divno je vidjeti međugeneracijsku solidarnost i ljude svih dobi koji podržavaju studente. Vidjela sam i intervju s nekim mladim profesorom koji je došao podržati svoje studente i baš je lijepo govorio o njima i o svemu tome. Teška su vremena u kojima živimo ali dok ne odustajemo ima nade za neko bolje sutra.

    Razumijem tvoje osjećanje i razmišljanje, kada se događaju ozbiljne situacije i stvari, čovjek se zapita je li neprilično baviti se nekim hobijem kao što je stvaranje sadržaja ili blog. No, mislim da nas i to stvaranje sadržaja hrani na više načina, mentalno i osjećajno te nam može i pomoći da se nosimo s izazovima svakodnevnog života.
    Međutim ponekad je potreban i odmor od bloga i usmjeravanje na druge stvari. Kreativan rad kao i sve drugo zahtjeva energiju. Nekako si samo to moramo svi izbalansirati.

    Meni je ova neutralna kombinacija divna. Predivna suknjica i džemper. Sviđa mi se jako i kožna jakna, torba i čizmice, prava urbana kombinacija. Šminka i frizura izgleda jako profesionalno i dotjerano.

  2. Love the look, and the leather jacket is the chic and cool!

  3. Love the look, and the leather jacket is chic and cool!

  4. Stay safe! I've heard what's been going on in Serbia. Fabulous outfit!


  5. I appreciate you speaking out and sharing what has been happening where you live. You are such a strong and caring person. I also applaud you for leaving a job that was making you unhappy. Sending you so much love <3
    the creation of beauty is art.

  6. Make sure you stay safe lovely, I'm glad you quit a job that was making you miserable!

    Lucy Mary

  7. I am so sorry you and so many are having to go through this. I know my parents were planning to go there but have delayed due the political unrest. Take care of yourself. As for the outfit it very much mirrors the mood.

  8. Ah yes I heard about this. From what I understand 325 thousand people showed up to the last protest. It is very frustrating when you feel you have no control and the government just does what it wants. I also heard about the sound cannon that is INSANE. The world is spinning out of control. Things are getting bad in the U.S. I am getting very worried. We are only 2 months in. I don't think this is going to end well. I wish I could move to Paris where my step family lives.

    On a happier note your look is gorge! The gray and black together is such a classic and love the boots!

    Allie of

    1. The number of people reportedly on the protest varies from source to source, but the most legitimate one counts over 800,000 actually, which is massive given that the population in Serbia is between 6 and 7 million. And yes, I am also familiar with what is going on in the US and I understand the anxiety and fear over it all. The world IS spinning out of control and it's frightening to say the least.

      Also thank you so much for the compliment on the outfit! Hope the overall situation goes to normal soon. <3

  9. I just left a long comment I hope you got it!

    Allie of
