Koton top // Sinsay skirt // Ipekyol bucket bag // Pearly Little World pearl hair clips // Rosegal earrings // Stradivarius seashell choker necklace // Cosmic Chains woman's body necklace // Cosmic Chains pearl chain bracelet (find it here) // Mint green seashell bracelet from a souvenir shop in Rimini, Italy // Faro Concept sandals (find them here)
photos by Ivana from Bambolai
Zdravo, ljudi! Dugo se nisam javljala, je l' da? Razlog tome je što sam u poslednje vreme imala više inspiracije za video sadržaj u vidu reelova (zapratite me na Instagramu i TikToku ako želite da i to gledate), a i to što sam dve nedelje bila na preko potrebnom odmoru u Italiji. Krajem istog sam proslavila i svoj trideseti rođendan, tako da živele tridesete i sve lepo što će s njima sigurno doći! ♡
Nedavno sam na društvenim mrežama videla neku vrstu ankete koja kaže da svako od nas spada u određeni arhetip lepote - vampir, veštica, sirena ili vila. Bila sam radoznala i na svom Instagram nalogu sam okačila tu anketu da vidim šta misle ljudi koji me prate, i pretežno su izglasali sirenu! To me je mnogo obradovalo jer sam kao devojčica najviše volela upravo sirene i maštala o tome da imam sopstvena peraja i živim u živopisnim dubinama mora. ♡
U ime svoje najveće dečije fanzatije, ali i toga što su rekli o meni, sastavila sam ovu odevnu kombinaciju - prizvala sam svoju unutrašnju sirenu i obukla ovu predivnu suknju sa školjkama koju imam od prošle godine! Sećam se koliko sam se oduševila kad sam je videla na lutki i koliko sam se namučila da je nađem u svojoj veličini jer je tad bila skoro pa rasprodata. Kako mi je skupljanje školjki jedan od najdražih hobija i imam kolekciju školjki sa svih mesta koje sam posetila u poslednjih sedamnaest godina jasno vam je da nije bilo šanse da odolim ovoj suknji.
Šta mislite, kom arhetipu lepote vi pripadate - vampir, veštica, sirena ili vila? I koji su vaši najdraži hobiji? Recite mi u komentarima, volela bih da vas bolje upoznam! ♡
Hello, everybody! It's been a long time since I've posted on here, right? The reason behind that was the fact that I was much more inspired for creating video content in the form of reels (follow me on Instagram and TikTok if you'd like to watch that as well), and also the fact that I've spent two weeks on long overdue vacation in Italy. Towards the end of my stay there I celebrated my thirtieth birthday, so cheers to thirties and everything beautiful that will surely come along with them! ♡
I've recently seen a sort of poll on social media that said that every one of us fits a certain archetype of beauty - a vampire, a witch, a mermaid or a fairy. I was quite curious and posted that poll on my Instagram to see what people who follow me thought, and most of them voted for mermaid! That made me really happy because mermaids were my favourite when I was a little girl, and I would often daydream of having my own fishtail and living in the vivid depths of the sea. ♡
In honor of my greatest childhood fantasy, and also what people said about me, I put together this outfit - I channeled my inner mermaid and wore this gorgeous seashell skirt that I bought last year! I remember how much I loved it when I saw it on the mannequin and how I barely found it in my size because it had already been almost sold out. As collecting seashells is one of my favourite hobbies and I have a collection of shells from all the places I've been to in the last seventeen years it's obvious that I couldn't possibly resist this skirt.
What do you think, what archetype of beauty do you fit in - a vampire, a witch, a mermaid or a fairy? And what are your favourite hobbies? Let me know in the comments, I'd love to get to know you better! ♡
You look amazing Jelena!
Thanks! <3
DeleteLijepa haljina i kratki top, idealna ljeta kombinacija. Sviđa mi se i frizura i lagani ljetni valovi. Ono što zovu- beach waves, valovi u kosi. Lijepe su i fotografije. Sve u svemu, predivna kombinacija, sviđa mi se što si uzela sirene kao inspiraciju. Ja sam isto kao mala voljela sirene, valjda zato što obožavam more. Ne znam u koji bi se tip ljepote svrstala, možda isto u sirene jer sam tamnoputa, nekako zamišljam vile i vampirice kao svijetlopute tipove:).
ReplyDeleteČestitam na ulasku u tridesete!
Hvala, draga! <3
DeleteWonderful styling, I really like the perfectly balanced colors. It's a real masterpiece! I read the future so I'll probably count myself as a witch ;-)
ReplyDeleteThanks! Wow, interesting choice! <3
DeleteLike you, I am more of the mermaid type because I adore the ocean so much. I also used to collect seashells as a little kid, and still as an adult love picking them up along with rocks. I do try to respect the ecosystem and not take too many though, hehe. Anyways, I love your mermaid inspired style very much. It screams ocean lover!
Yes, I absolutely agree! I've only recently found out how overshelling disrupts the marine ecosystem so I'm doing it in a much more sustainable way than in my younger years. Thanks! <3
DeleteI think that I am more of the witches type, I loved all the witches books and histories when I was younger, and I was an unconditional fan of Charmed when I was a teenager. About your outfit, I love the mermaid or summer vibes! The skirt is really wonderful and perfect for summer events!
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely week!
Oh, yes, Charmed is a stable of my childhood! Hearing of the passing of Shannen Doherty has broken my heart, honestly. <3
DeleteAnd thank you so much! <3
I absolutely love your outfit in these photos lovely! I'll make sure to follow your TikTok! x
ReplyDeleteLucy Mary
Thank you so much! <3
DeleteYou are a terrific mermaid for sure. I just love everything about this look.
Thank you so much, Jodie! <3
DeleteWhat a gorgeous outfit. I hope you had an amazing time and enjoyed your birthday!
ReplyDeleteThanks! It was a pretty good birthday! <3
DeleteThat skirt is beautiful on you and I love the neutral colors in this look!
Thanks! I do too, but I did feel like it needed a bit of a marine touch. That's why I opted for the mint green eyeshadow. <3
DeleteLove this "mermaid" look and welcome back! Poll sounds kind of silly and another way of judging women but still mermaid is fun!
ReplyDeleteAllie of
Thanks, Allie! I personally saw nothing harmful in it, more like a fun way to remind ourselves how every one of us is beautiful like something magical. <3 Then again, categorizing women in any way is bad by itself so I understand your point of view. :D
DeleteThat's a very stylish look!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Nancy! <3
DeleteWhat a stunning summer look! The skirt is so pretty and loving how it gathers on the side.
Thanks, Kathrine! And yes, I love that too! It's my second favourite thing about it, right after the print. <3
DeleteI'm so glad you enjoyed your vacation! This outfit is fabulous. I just love the skirt and the cute pattern!
ReplyDeletethe creation of beauty is art.
Thank you very much! <3
DeleteYou look fabulous!
ReplyDeleteThanks! <3
DeleteFirst, I want to wish you a happy birthday! Much success and good things, always ♥
ReplyDeleteSecond, you really look like a mermaid. The photos are beautiful and the look is perfect!
I think I look like a vampire, I like vampires hehe!
Oh, I'm following your blog, I didn't before ;)
Thanks, Val! You're a sweetheart. <3
DeleteAnd I agree, you definitely have the vampire beauty in you. <3
Happy belated 30th birthday. I celebrated my 40th in Italy a few years ago and I couldn't have picked a better place. although Belgrade is beautiful but it's been many years since I've been there now. Your outfit does have that mermaid, classy and mythical vibe. Loving that for summer.
Thank you so much! Hope you get to come visit again soon! <3
DeleteHappy belated birthday! 🎉 Your mermaid-inspired look is stunning—such a magical way to celebrate! 🧜♀️✨ I’d love to know: which archetype do you feel most connected to? 💖
ReplyDeleteThanks, Doris! <3 I have to say mermaid, absolutely, and I think that the majority of people who voted that on my poll were right! I've felt connected to the sea and mermaids since I was little. <3
DeleteWhat a beautiful style and outfit dear. I am always forever connected to the sea.
Thanks! <3
DeleteHappy belated birthday! This is such a beautiful outfit! You look gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteJill - Doused in Pink
Thanks, Jill! <3
DeleteIt's so lovely to hear about your Italian adventure and your birthday celebrations! I love that seashell skirt—so magical and mermaid-like! I'd totally be a mermaid too if I could xx
ReplyDeleteLenne | lennezulkiflly.com
Thank you, Lenne! <3
DeleteYou look stunning Jelena. I love that skirt with the side slit! Happy Belated Birthday
ReplyDeleteJulia x
Thanks, Julia! <3
ReplyDeleteThis outfit is great for hot summer days, you really look like a beautiful mermaid! Congratulations on your birthday! I also love looking for shells in the sea, I also have a lot stored in glass jars! You look beautiful!
Thanks, Marisa! <3
Deleteyou look beautiful! I love the skirt! xx
ReplyDeleteDanielle’s Beauty Blog
Thanks, Danielle! <3
DeleteThis is truly a beautiful outfit. It gives me holiday vibes and feels so luxe. https://www.bauchlefashion.com
ReplyDeleteThank you, Heather! <3
DeleteHappy belated birthday and I hope you had a lovely time in Italy. This is such a beautiful outfit and I definitely get the mermaid vibes xx
ReplyDeleteHannah | https://luxuryblush.co.uk/
Thanks, Hannah! <3
DeleteHappy birthday, great photos :D
ReplyDeleteThanks! <3
DeleteSo so beautiful ♥
Thank you! <3
DeleteHappy birthday! I love the seashell necklace! Hmm I think I might be a fairy archetype of beauty. I love bright colors and glitter. As for hobbies, I have been learning Spanish in my free time :)
Thanks! Oh, Spanish, I love that language! I learned a great deal of it by watching telenovelas as a kid. xD And yes, why not be a fairy? <3
DeleteOne beautiful mermaid! I love it all!
ReplyDeleteMy hobbies are playing sports, djing and going to shows/concerts.
Thank you so much, Radi! Also happy to hear about your hobbies, always a pleasure to know a DJ! <3
DeleteWow..stunning pictures...beautiful outfit and super chic styling..just love this look on you :-)
ReplyDeleteFine Art and You
Thanks! <3