Andrea Iyamah "Reni" dress in plum (find it here) // Cocopat "Hurem" bag in blush pink // H&M earrings // Rosefield watch (find it here) // Cosmic Chains pearl chain bracelet (find it here) // Public Desire feather sandals (find them here)
photos by Nataša
Zaljubila sam se u pozorište početkom prošle godine, i od tada sam pogledala sigurno desetak predstava. Koliko god da uživam u posmatranju umetničkih dela u ambijentu muzeja ili galerije do poslednjeg detalja, mislim da ne postoji mnogo toga što može da se meri s trenutkom kad umetnost oživi, poprimi pokret i glas pred vama na sceni, a onda počne da vas opčinjava tako da je pomno pratite sve dok se zavese ne spuste. Iz tog razloga se do sad nije desilo da uskratim aplauz glumcima zahvaljujući kojima umetnost živi - ne samo zbog izuzetnog nastupa, već i zbog same činjenice da se bave poslom kojim ja ne bih mogla da se bavim ni u snu. xD
Iako sam neko ko čvrsto veruje da je pozorište za svakoga ko želi da uživa u dobroj predstavi i da pozorište pripada svima, volim da se doterujem svaki put kad idem u pozorište bez obzira na to šta gledam jer taj trenutak kad osetite umetnost svim svojim čulima za mene predstavlja posebnu priliku. Išla sam ja u pozorište i u ležernijim izdanjima, naravno, ali ako mi padne na pamet da obučem neku lepu haljinu za uživanje u predstavi ja ću to i uraditi. Ova predivna haljina je kreacija nigerijske modne dizajnerke Andree Iyamah i opčinila me je čim sam je pronašla na sajtu njenog ateljea u Lagosu. Njeno afričko nasleđe se ogleda u krojevima, bojama i dezenima njenih predivnih komada koji su prava umetnička dela, i svaki od njih je savršen izbor kad želite da izgledate elegantno i očaravajuće.
Ovu haljinu sam nosila kad sam išla da gledam predstavu "Edip" u Jugoslovenskom Dramskom Pozorištu, i ova moderna adaptacija jednog od najčuvenijh komada antičke Grčke je nešto što bih svakome preporučila da pogleda. Kad je reč o haljini, dobijem ogroman nalet samopouzdanja kad god je obučem jer iako nisam savršeno građena (niti mi je to cilj), ona mi grli telo tako da se i sama u njoj osećam kao umetničko delo kome je udahnut život. I mislim da je to nešto što nam je svima potrebno s vremena na vreme i što svi zaslužujemo - da se osetimo kao umetničko delo, jer na neki način to i jesmo.
I fell in love with the theatre in the beginning of last year, and since then I probably watched around ten plays. As much as I enjoy observing works of art in the ambience of a museum or a gallery to the finest detail, I don't think that many things can compare to the moment when art comes alive, takes shape and gets a voice before your eyes on the stage, and then it mesmerizes you to follow it all the way until the curtains go down. That's why I never restrained from applauding to actors, those who make art come to life - not only because of their magnificent performance, but also for the sheer fact that their job is something I couldn't do in a million years. xD
Although I'm someone who strongly believes that theatre is for anyone who wants to enjoy a good play and that it belongs to everybody, I love dressing up whenever I go to the theatre regardless of the play that I'm about to watch because the moment you get to feel art with all your senses is a special occasion to me. I went to the theatre in casual outfits, of course, but if I get the idea to wear a beautiful dress to enjoy a play I'm gonna do it for sure. This wonderful dress is the creation of a Nigerian fashion designer Andrea Iyamah, and it took my breath away when I first saw it on the website of her atelier in Lagos. Her African heritage is embodied in the silhouettes, colors and patterns of her beautiful garments that are true works of art, and each and every one of them is the perfect choice if you want to look elegant and breathtaking.
I wore this dress when I went to watch "Oedipus" in the Yugoslav Drama Theatre, and this modern adaptation of one of the most famous plays from ancient Greece is something I'd recommend everyone. When it comes to the dress, I get a huge boost of confidence whenever I wear it because although I'm not built perfectly (nor do I aspire to be), it embraces my body in such a way that it makes me feel like a work of art that has come to life. And I believe that it's something we all need from time to time and that we all deserve - to feel like a work of art, because in a certain way we are one.
Wow, so beautiful! ♥
ReplyDeleteI love your dress and your hair is so amazing! :)
Thank you so much! <3
DeleteYou look stunning!
Curated by Jennifer
Thank you! <3
DeleteIt is wonderful that you have been able to see so many performances! There is really something magical about the experience. I love this outfit so much. Those shoes are incredible!
ReplyDeletethe creation of beauty is art.
Thank you! I adore them, they actually look so good when you put them on! <3
DeleteThis dress is incredible on you Jelena!! We always love going to plays and musicals, and the talent that people have in preforming is amazing,
Thanks, Jodie! Musicals aren't really my genre, but the feeling is just the same, I'm sure. <3 Also I do agree, the talent IS amazing! :D
DeleteOh what a beautiful dress, love the color and it looks incredible with the shoes and bag. You look amazing in this, on another level! Fire! And there is something about going to the theatre and the ballet and the Opera...
ReplyDeleteAllie of
Thank you so much, Allie! <3
DeleteWhat a wonderful uplifting blog post! I love to hear of peoples passions and I am so happy for you that you found the theatre. You look incredible in this dress, I love the cut and the colour of it on you xx
Thank you so much, dear Janet! <3
DeleteThe dress is beautiful, and I love this color on you.
Thank you, Lovely! <3
DeleteI could not agree with you more - there is something so magical and special about the theatre. It's one of the main things I miss about living in London. You look absolutely stunning in that dress, Jelena! <3
ReplyDeletemia // https://miasdiyprojects.com/
Thanks, Mia! <3 Oh, I would LOVE to visit the theatre in London, must be amazing! <3
DeleteIts such a gorgeous dress. Love the color so much! Wonderful Post! Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteRampdiary | Fineartandyou | Beautyandfashionfreaks
Thanks! Although it came in different colors this was the one that really caught my eye! <3
DeleteWhat a gorgeous dress! I adore the color and loving the feather heels!
Thank you, Kathrine! The feather heels are super fun. <3
ReplyDeleteNice blog. I am new. Do you want to follow each other?
Thanks for the visit, sure. <3
DeleteSuch a beautiful look! I love the colours and the shoes are amazing!
ReplyDeleteGemma x
Thank you so much, Gemma! <3
DeleteAbsolutely stunning! I love this gorgeous dress and color on you!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Laura! <3
DeleteThat is such a beautiful dress, I love the cut out. The shoes are so fun!
Thank you, Carrie! <3
DeletePredivno izgledaš u ovoj haljini. Ja baš volim kazalište, odem kad god mi se pruži prigoda.
ReplyDeleteHvala, draga Ivana. <3
DeleteHaljina je san. U kombinaciji sa sandalama, pun pogodak... ljubac
Hvala najlepše, Jovana! <3
DeleteBeautiful! Both you and the dress. :D I feel the same way about live music. Art makes life special.
Absolutely! Live music is magical! <3
DeleteThis color is SO fabulous on you! Such a perfect shade for fall!
Thanks, Shauna! <3
DeleteThat outfit is so gorgeous. I just love this hue it is so feminine and pretty. The accessories look so nice paired here. Love your sense of style.
Thank you so much! <3
Deletewow this dress looks stunning on you! beautiful cut out and hue. I love your hair xx
ReplyDeleteMaria xx
Thanks, Maria! <3
DeleteNice outfit! Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI invite you to visit my last post. Have a good week-end!
Thanks! :D
DeleteThis is such a stunning dress on you! I love the colour and the way it drapes, it really is a work of art! those heels are so fun with it too :)
ReplyDeleteHope you are having a wonderful weekend :)
Away From The Blue
Thank you so much, dear Mica! The color and the draping are fabulous indeed! <3
DeleteSuch an amazing dress and you are so gorgeous!
Thank you so much! <3
DeleteSuch wionderful dress! You look like a goddess!
ReplyDeleteAnd I looove your hair!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear Silvia! <3
DeleteThis is a beautiful dress, and it suits you so well
Thank you so much! <3
DeleteSo beautiful dress, you look awesome!
Thank you! <3
DeleteSuch a beautiful shade on you! xx
ReplyDeleteDanielle's Beauty Blog
Thank you! <3
DeleteThis dress is beautiful on you! I love the deep purple color!
Visit AvecAmber.com
Follow Avec Amber on Bloglovin
Thank you, Amber! <3
DeleteSuch an incredible dress! You look stunning!
ReplyDeleteEmma xxx
Thanks, Emma! <3
DeleteBeautiful look! I am IN LOVE with your sandals! x
Thanks! <3
DeleteWhat an absolutely stunning dress! Love the color and love your shoes!!
Thanks, Lizzie! <3
DeleteYou are so beautiful and chic my dear! Fabulous dress!
ReplyDeleteThank you, dear Kinga! <3
DeleteSuch a beautiful dress and I love your hair!
ReplyDeleteKisses, Paola.
My Instagram
Thanks, Paola! <3
DeleteWhat a beautiful dress! I love your shoes! You look stunning!
ReplyDeleteJill - Doused in Pink
Thank you so much, Jill! <3
DeleteYou look beautiful in this dress!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Amy! <3
DeleteThis dress is so sexy yet so chic! I really love the color of it as well, looks great on you!
ReplyDeletexoxo Simone | https://beautymone.com
Thank you, Simone! <3
DeletePredivna haljina. Oduševila me unikatnim krojem i bojom koja izgleda jako bogato i raskošno. Također način na koji si je stilizirala je savršen, one štikle su predivne i takav statement komad. Također tvoja kosa je savršen, tako gusta i bujna.
Hvala ti od srca. <3
DeleteLove your sense of style! <3
ReplyDeleteThank you. <3
DeleteDivne fotke! Haljina ti prekrasno stoji :)
ReplyDeleteShoot for the stars | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Facebook page | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Instagram
Hvala puno. <3
DeleteBeautiful post! Loving your photos!
Thank you! <3
DeleteOMG those shoes!!!! Love them.
ReplyDeleteZoey | www.zoeyolivia.com xx
Thanks, Zoey! <3
DeleteYou look absolutely amazing in that dress! Love the color and the cutout in the middle <3
ReplyDeleteLots of love,
Krissi of the marquise diamond
Thank you so much, Krissi! <3
DeleteThis dress is just beyond beautiful on you! The cut, the color, everything! And I love the super flirty shoe choice that goes with it!
ReplyDeleteI've got a new post up and hope you'll stop by!
Thank you, Ashley! <3
DeleteYou look stunning Jelena! This dress is simply gorgeous! I love the cut and the colour.
ReplyDeleteJulia x
Thanks, Julia! <3