March 8, 2021

You have mastered the art of cruelty

SheIn statement collar trench coat (find it here)  //  SheIn dress (find it here)  //  Mohito bucket bag  //  Studio 16 The Label earrings "Devotion" (find them here)  //  Studio 16 The Label bracelet "Pearl Charm" (find it here)  //  Rosefield watch (find it here)  //  Scarf thrifted from Snatch  //  RAYE via Revolve boots (find them here)

If you're shopping on SheIn, you can use my discount code '21couture0' to get 15% off your order worth $60, valid until the 31st of March

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Srećan međunarodni dan žena! Današnji dan se tradicionalno obeležava malim znacima pažnje namenjenim ženama, najčešće u vidu cveća, bombonjera i drugih poklona, ali ako mene pitate, poenta međunarodnog dana žena je time velikim delom promašena. Žene su kroz istoriju morale da udruže snage i bore se za svoja elementarna ljudska prava: na obrazovanje, zaposlenje i samostalne prihode, posed imovine, pravo glasa na izborima, samostalan odabir partnera, razvod braka, zdravstvenu zaštitu, prijavu silovanja, porodičnog ili partnerskog nasilja nadležnim organima, kao i mnoga druga prava koja su se muškarcima od samog začetka ljudskog društva podrazumevala. Činjenica da i danas, 2021. godine, žene nailaze na različite oblike mizoginije u svim sferama života, kao i to da se njihova elementarna ljudska prava krše na različite načine širom sveta i što često nemaju dovoljno podrške da dobiju pravdu koju zaslužuju je ozbiljan znak za uzbunu. 
Prilikom zasnivanja novog radnog odnosa, poslodavci ženama postavljaju pitanja vezana za njihov privatni život i planiranje porodice iako je to protivzakonito, dok se od muškaraca to uglavnom ne traži. U mnogim zemljama i na brojnim radnim mestima, žene su manje plaćene od muškaraca za isto radno mesto, isto radno vreme i istu poziciju iako imaju isti, ili čak viši stepen obrazovanja. Postporođajna depresija, koja se javlja kod sve većeg broja žena, u mnogim kulturama i sredinama se zataškava, a žene koje se nekome obrate nailaze na osudu i ubeđivanje da "to ne postoji" umesto da dobiju adekvatnu pomoć, što se često završi tragično. Žene koje su bile žrtve silovanja ili seksualnog zlostavljanja, i koje su smogle snage da progovore o traumama koje su pretrpele i optuže svog silovatelja, nisu pošteđene brutalnih opaski i komentara poput "zašto si ćutala do sad", "nije silovanje ako se desilo više puta", "ti si kriva, sama si to tražila" i "sigurno laže da bi izvukla neku korist" i to dodatno obeshrabruje one koje se s tim još uvek bore. Jedan od najboljih i najskorijih primera sistemskog napada na prava i slobode žena je zakon donet u Poljskoj koji zabranjuje ženama bezbedne abortuse čak i u slučajevima fatalnih anomalija fetusa, gde bi se deca koju su prisiljene da rode rađala mrtva ili ne bi doživela ni svoj prvi rođendan. Primera širom sveta ima još mnogo, ali mislim da svakako shvatate koliko su stvari ozbiljne. Nema te ruže, čokolade, nakita ili parfema koji mogu da ponište neprekidne udare na živote i dostojanstvo kako cis, tako i trans žena.
Želim da mi porodica, prijatelji, a posebno potencijalni poslodavci i neki tamo nebitni ljudi ne postavljaju pitanja imam li dečka ili muža, kad planiram i da li uopšte planiram da se udam i imam decu jer se to ne tiče nikoga osim mene. Želim da imam slobodu da obučem bilo šta i izađem iz kuće bez razmišljanja da li će moj dekolte ili suknja izazvati nekog manijaka. Želim da niko ne sudi o meni na osnovu toga kako izgledam, kako se oblačim i koliko kilograma imam. Želim da znam da sam zaštićena od nasilja bilo koje vrste u porodici, partnerskom odnosu, u školi i na fakultetu, na radnom mestu i gde god idem u svako doba dana i noći. Želim da mi niko ne dobacuje, trubi i zviždi za mnom kad prođem ulicom. Želim da niko ko pomisli da digne ruku na mene ne prođe nekažnjeno. Želim da se moje mišljenje, stavovi, osećanja i reči poštuju, moje "ne" znači "ne". Želim da me posmatraju kao ljudsko biće koje ima svoja prava, a ne kao seksualni objekat. Želim da poštujete moj život, ljudska prava i dostojanstvo. Želim da živim svoj život bez strahova. Prava žena su ljudska prava.
Ne želim ružu za osmi mart, želim revoluciju!!!

Happy International Women's Day! This day is traditionally celebrated by giving women tokens of appreciation, mostly in the form of flowers, chocolates and other gifts, but if you ask me, it seriously misses the point. Women had to join forces and fight for their elementary human rights throughout history: education, employment and their own income, having property, the right to vote during elections, to choose a partner on their own, to file for divorce, healthcare, to report sexual assault or domestic violence to the authorities, as well as many other rights that were guaranteed to men since society came to be. The fact that even today, in 2021, women come across different forms of misogyny in all spheres of life, as well as seeing their basic human rights being disrespected in many different ways around the world without an adequate support system to rely on when they demand the justice they deserve is something we should be worried about.
During job interviews, women are often asked about their private lives and planning families by their potential employers although it's illegal, while men are rarely asked about the topic. In many countries and in many workplaces, women are paid less than men for the same jobs, same working hours and same functions despite being equally, or even more qualified than their male counterparts. Postpartum depression, which occurs in a growing number of women, is being pushed under the rug in many cultures and environments, and women who talk to someone about it are judged and gaslighted into believing that "it doesn't exist" instead of getting the help they need, which often ends tragically. Women who were victims of rape or sexual assault and who gathered the courage to speak up about their traumas and accuse their rapist, aren't spared from brutal comments such as "why haven't you said anything before", "it's not rape if it happened more than once", "it's your fault, you asked for it" and "she must be lying to gain something from it" and that additionally discourages those who are still struggling. One of the most recent and most remarkable examples of the systemic oppression of women's rights and freedom is the law in Poland that bans safe abortions even if the fetus has suffered a lethal anomaly, and the children those women would be forced to have would either be born dead or die by their first birthday. There are so many other examples worldwide, but you surely see how serious things are. There is no rose, chocolate, piece of jewelry or perfume that could undo the constant attacks against women's lives and dignity, both cis and trans women alike.
I want my family, friends, and especially potential employers and irrelevant people to stop asking me if I have a boyfriend or husband, when or if I'm planning to get married and have children because it's no one's concern but mine. I want to have the freedom to wear whatever I want and leave the house without being afraid that my cleavage or skirt might provoke a maniac. I want to not be judged by what I look like, how I dress and how much I weigh. I want to know that I am protected against violence of any kind in my family, relationship with a partner, at school or college, at work and wherever I go at any time of day and night. I want to not be cat-called and whistled at when I walk down the street. I want no one who even thinks to raise their hand at me to go unpunished. I want my opinion, stance, feelings and words to be respected, my "no" means "no". I want to be seen as a human being who has their rights instead of being perceived as a sexual object. I want you to respect my life, human rights and dignity. I want to live my life with no fears. Women's rights are human rights.
I don't want a rose for the 8th of March, I want a revolution!!!


  1. You look fabulous!
    xx- Nina

  2. Beautiful pictures! You look stunning:)

    Faustyna, ❤SPRING OUTFITS❤

  3. Amazing outfit and photos!
    Love your boots and bag!

  4. You are SO right. Not a rose but a revolution! So many employers try to subtly ask women whether they want children or if they are married as a way to gauge whether or not they should hire them or promote them. It is so upsetting that women are still fighting for equal rights. But today is certainly a day to celebrate how far we have come.
    the creation of beauty is art.

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post and respond to the topic! I couldn't agree with you more, it's so frustrating and disrespectful how women are still looked down at as if their only purpose in life was getting married and having children and that their marital status and the children they have or don't have are often the factors that determine whether a woman will get a job or a well-earned promotion at work. I agree with you both on having come so far and having more things to take care of and I'm glad we stand together on this. <3

  5. I love this look head to toe! You look fab!

  6. Beautiful outfit and amazing pictures!<3

  7. So with you- PAY US WHAT WE'RE WORTH and save the chocolates, haha. So true and well-said!

    Loving the structure of this jacket-- soooo good-- and the rest of the outfit is perfect!

    Le Stylo Rouge

    1. Thank you so much, both for your compliment and for sharing your opinion on the topic! <3

  8. Obsessed with this look! So retro chic! and very unique

    XX Angelica

  9. You are looking so pretty! Loving this white dress so much.
    Have a great day!
    Rampdiary | Fineartandyou | Beautyandfashionfreaks

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks, those are my favourite boots ever! They were a graduation gift from me to me and they hold a special place in my heart because of that. :D

  11. This was so well said! We def have more work to do with women's equality! And you look so chic in all of these pics!


  12. Just gorgeous! I love this look so much. This is fab fashion, especially those boots!


  13. Totally obsessed with your trench coat, amazing accessories too!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

  14. Znam puno žena koje su prolazile kroz ta neugodna pitanja na razgovorima za posao, a čula sam je jedna žena dobila otkaz (to jest nije joj prođužen ugovor) jer je poslodavac slučajno čuo da je trudna. Također imam jednu prijateljicu koja je krila skoro do porođaja da je trudna jer se bojala da ne izgubi specijalizaciju. Sve su to ružni primjeri i duboki problemi. Muškarci se također susreću s zlostavljem i osudama, a i ne pruža im se pomoć koja im je potrebna kada su žrtve zlostavljanja ali postoje problemi koji su vezani specifično za ženska prava a gdje ne vidim nikakav pomak i tu nam je slaba utjeha jedan dan u godini. Kako su tek ugrožena ljudska prava žena koje žive u groznim uvjetima zemalja trećeg svijeta. Puno je problema u društvu koje ne može riješiti jedan dan i nekakve ruže. Postporođajna depresija je ogroman problem koji se sramotno zanemaruje. Sve majke zaslužuju i trebaju pomoć. Sretan dan žena s zakašnjenjem. Želim ti sve najbolje! Ova kombinacija je veoma lijepa.

    1. Hvala, draga! Takođe! Tako je, kad je reč o muškarcima patrijarhat je i njima naneo velika zla - i muškarci mogu biti žrtve porodičnog, partnerskog i seksualnog nasilja. Iako statistički najveći broj žrtava čine žene, postoji i nasilje nad muškarcima koje je i dalje jedna velika stigma i o tome se nedovoljno priča. Takođe postoji i problem visoke stope suicida kod muškaraca za koju takođe krivim patrijarhat jer ih uči da je ispoljavanje osećanja znak slabosti i manjak muškosti, zbog čega se ustručavaju da potraže stručnu pomoć. Feminizam kao pokret prepoznaje i te probleme i zalaže se i za njihovo rešavanje, mada mnogo ljudi to ne razume i zato ga pogrešno shvataju.
      Što se tiče žena koje si pomenula i situacija kroz koje su one prošle, žao mi je što to čujem i nadam se da ćemo jednog dana doći do toga da se nijedna žena na bilo koji način ne oseti ugroženo. Isto mislim i za cis i za trans žene širom sveta bez izuzetka. <3

  15. Such a powerful message !
    Thanks you so much for sharing.
    And you're so beautiful ! I love your outfit.

  16. Love this! I agree - we've come far but we still have a long way to go to be treated as equal to our male peers.

    Lovely outfit!

  17. This outfit is super stylish. I love the details!
    I totally agree with what you said.

  18. LOVE your coat! It's such a fantastic piece, and you look super chic!

    Life is a Shoe

  19. Love the look

  20. You look stunning!


  21. Ne prestaješ da me oduševljavaš! Što sa prelepim kombinacijama, što sa stavovima koje iskazuješ. Malo je reći da ti zavidim na ovakvom razmišljanju i hrabrosti da isto izneseš, kao i na tome što se zalažeš ne samo za sebe, nego za sve žene ovog sveta. Promena je uvek potekla od pojedinca. Prava si inspiracija! ❤

    1. Ne mogu da ti objasnim koliko si me dirnula ovim rečima, hvala ti od srca! <3

  22. Kombinacija za svaku pohvalu. Koliko tebi lepo stoje beli i generalno svetli odevni komadi, savršen kontrast sa kosom. My Heart Beats For You! 💓 Inače, zaljubljena sam u te čizmice, probala sam da ih nađem ali ih izgleda više nema u prodaji. My Heart Beats For You! 💓



    1. Hvala ti puno, draga. <3 Čizmice trenutno nisu dostupne na sajtu, ali je moguće naručiti ih unapred (preorder) ili uključiti obaveštenja o obnovi zaliha. :D

  23. Lovely pictures! You look so beautiful :)
