December 31, 2020

Couture Case for Diva magazin interview

Interviewed by Milana Jovanović for Diva Magazin

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Ova godina je bila u najmanju ruku izazovna za sve nas - morali smo da se prilagodimo životu u jeku globalne pandemije, veći deo vremena smo bili zatvoreni u svojim domovima i to je bio težak udarac za mentalno zdravlje. Svako od nas se na različite načine borio s tim, i zato želim da vam kažem da je sama činjenica da ste preživeli ovu godinu punu neizvesnosti, stresnih situacija i nemilih događaja dovoljan razlog da odate priznanje sami sebi. U 2021. godini koja nam dolazi želim vam mnogo lepše i bezbrižnije dane, kao i zdravlja, ljubavi, uspeha i sreće u izobilju - ne zaslužujete ništa manje od toga.

Neposredno pred doček Nove godine postalo je uobičajeno, a za neke čak i ritual da naprave mali osvrt na prethodnu godinu i sve što su tokom nje postigli, na šta su ponosni i na čemu su zahvalni. U duhu svega toga volela bih da sa mnom u komentarima podelite nešto na čemu ste zahvalni - da li je to vaše i zdravlje vaših voljenih, neka promena koju ste se odvažili da napravite ili bilo šta drugo, volela bih da to podelimo jedni s drugima kao što smo tokom cele ove godine delili ljubav, saosećanje, solidarnost i odgovornost prema sebi i drugima. Ono na šta sam ja ponosna, između ostalog, jeste intervju koji sam dala za Diva magazin u saradnji s Milanom Jovanović ranije ovog meseca. Možete ga pronaći klikom na sledeći link, ali sam odlučila da ga s vama podelim i ovde. Nadam se da ćete uživati čitajući kao što sam i ja sama uživala odgovarajući na pitanja. ♡

BLOGERKA NA “MODNOM SKENERU”: Na Milaninom skeneru - Jelena Dimić sa bloga “Couture Case”

Jelena Dimić je modna blogerka, koja je svoj blog, Couture Case osnovala 2012. godine. Jelena je pravi primer devojke sa svetskim stilom. Na njenom instagram profilu možemo videti elegantne kombinacije koje u isto vreme, odišu jednostavnošću, ali su jako upadljive i zanimljive. Jelena je bila naš gost, a mi se nadamo da ćete uživati u novom “Modnom skeneru”!

Jelena je, takođe, i doktor dentalne medicine, a činjenica da pored ove ozbiljne profesije nalazi vremena za blogovanje, je veoma inspirativna i pokazuje ljubav koju Jelena gaji prema modi. 

1. Kako je nastao tvoj modni blog?

- Kad sam imala četiri godine, roditelji su me poveli na izložbu radova čiji su autori bili učenici Likovne Akademije. Na toj izložbi bio je formiran jedan mali dečiji kutak s papirima i flomasterima gde su deca mogla da se zabavljaju crtajući dok njihovi roditelji razgledaju, a ja sam crtala princeze i sirene nalik onima koje sam gledala u svojim omiljenim animiranim filmovima.

Devojka koja nas je nadgledala primetila je moje crteže i rekla da ne može da veruje da dete tog uzrasta ima takav osećaj za definisane oblike i nedugo zatim su se ti moji dečiji crteži našli na istoj toj izložbi kao eksponati. U detinjstvu bih provodila sate crtajući bez prestanka, a sa 12 godina sam počela da se interesujem za modu i preusmerila crtanje na odeću, posebno haljine koje su mi tada bile najinteresantnije.

Moja ljubav prema modi nastavila je da se razvija, a modni blog sam osnovala 2012. godine inspirisana svojom drugaricom Anđelom. Ona se u međuvremenu povukla iz blogosfere koja nam je poznata i posvetila ručnom radu i vezu za koji je jako talentovana. U to vreme sam bila negde pri kraju srednje škole i želela sam da stvorim nešto što će mi dozvoliti da ispoljim svoje ideje i kreativnost, i modni blog se činio kao savršena platforma za to!

Kroz osam godina, koliko je prošlo od tada, moj stil se razvijao i napredovao, a paralelno s tim stekla sam i neka nova znanja i veštine unapređujući dizajn bloga. Pronalazila sam inspiraciju kod blogerki koje sam volela da pratim, ljudi koje sam sretala na ulici, modnim časopisima, kao i u trendovima koji su se smenjivali i tako je nastao blog COUTURE CASE kakav je danas.

2. Šta bi preporučila nekome ko želi da otvori svoj blog?

- Ono što bih poručila nekome ko želi da otvori svoj blog, YouTube kanal, profil na Instagramu ili bilo kojoj platformi na kojoj želi da se bavi određenim temama i sadržajima poručila bih sledeće - samo počnite i budite svoji! Početak je uvek najteži, ali ako se odvažite da načinite taj prvi potez od koga sve počinje videćete da od te tačke možete samo da napredujete.

Kada kreirate određenu vrstu sadržaja koji ćete deliti na svojim platformama, ne opterećujte se onim što je trenutno u trendu i onim što rade drugi ljudi, već gledajte prvenstveno da se to dopada vama i da ste vi zadovoljni. Sve ostalo će vršiti nepotreban pritisak na vas i oduzeti taj najzabavniji deo koji podrazumeva apsolutnu slobodu da se bavite čime god želite - modom i stilom, kuvanjem, umetnošću, muzikom ili bilo čim drugim.

I naravno, uvek pristupajte tome otvorenog srca i spremni da pronađete inspiraciju bilo gde, uzmite po malo od svega što vam se dopadne i prilagodite to sebi. Iznenadićete se time koliko ćete evoluirati kako vreme odmiče.

3. Kako bi opisala svoj stil?

- Svoj stil bih opisala kao svestran, pre svega jer ne volim da se ograničavam i zato što me bilo ko i bilo šta može inspirisati da probam nešto novo.

Nisam neko ko prati trendove u smislu da osećam potrebu da se uklopim u njih, ali obraćam pažnju na njih jer me inspirišu i daju mi nove ideje kako da uklapam određene dezene, boje i krojeve. Tako uvek iznova upoznajem sebe, svoj ukus koji je otvoren za promene i ako se pogledam u ogledalo i dopadne mi se ono što vidim, onda znam da je to to.

Ako se vama dopada kako izgledate i osećate da ste to vi, apsolutno nije važno da li je to nešto što se može videti u editorijalima časopisa, na modnim pistama ili u okvirima nečega što se u tom trenutku smatra lepim i modernim. Suština svega je da uvek budete otvoreni za promene, ali ipak ostanete dosledni sebi i svom ukusu. To je ono što primenjujem na sebi i što uvek govorim kad me neko pita za savet.

4. Šta za tebe predstavlja moda?

- Moda je izraz koji izbegavam da koristim i menjam ga jednom mnogo adekvatnijom rečju - stil.

Modna industrija je, po mom mišljenju, licemerna i surova sfera koja nameće nerealne standarde lepote koje je gotovo nemoguće ispratiti. To je zadalo teške udarce ljudima i načinu na koji percipiraju same sebe, i velikim delom zato se razvila distorzija, odnosno iskrivljena slika onoga što se smatra lepim, prihvatljivim i normalnim.

Prisetimo se samo koliko je manekenki vodilo teške bitke s anoreksijom i bulimijom, a mnoge od njih su ih izgubile! Danas imamo i sve više primera toga koliko su daleko pojedinci spremni da idu u obradi fotografija - toliko izmene svoj fizički izgled da to više nema nikakve veze s osobom iz stvarnog života, kao da time stvaraju potpuno drugu personu za društvene mreže.

To dodatno podstiče opstanak nerealnih standarda i utiče na ljude i formiranje odnosa prema njima samima, posebno kod mladih generacija. Krajnje je vreme da se svaka osoba na ovom svetu, bez obzira na boju kose, kože, telesnu građu, odeću koju nosi ili bilo šta drugo oseća dobro u svojoj koži, i da je prihvaćena, cenjena i poštovana takva kakva jeste.

Stil, s druge strane, za mene predstavlja više od onoga što nosite - to je i način na koji provodite svoje vreme, kako se ophodite prema drugima, kako koristite svoj uticaj jer je to mnogo više od broja pratilaca na bilo kojoj platformi. Stil je manifestacija onoga što jeste, a vaše odevne kombinacije su samo jedan deo cele te magije. Stil je i vaša sloboda, iskoristite je maksimalno. Ujedno je i način da otkrijete nešto o sebi, a da ne progovorite ni reč.

5. Koji je tvoj omiljeni modni detalj?

- “Sve je u detaljima” - uvek imajte ovo na umu dok izgrađujete ili unapređujete svoj stil, jer je zaista istina.

Dobra torba, par cipela ili komad nakita mogu potpuno preobraziti jednu odevnu kombinaciju i zato ih pažljivo birajte. Ne mogu reći da imam omiljeni modni detalj, ali u poslednje vreme najviše volim beretke. One daju pravu dozu francuskog šarma i sjajno se uklapaju uz većinu mojih kombinacija.

6. Da li smatraš da je skupa i brendirana garderoba neophodna za dobar autfit?

- Naravno da ne! Odeća ne mora da vas dovede do bankrota da biste izgledali dobro, ono što treba da gledate jeste kvalitet - investirajte u komade koji se neće izobličiti ili pocepati posle svega par nošenja, već u nešto što će prkositi nemilosrdnoj smeni trendova i zubu vremena.

Dobru odevnu kombinaciju ne nameću modni magazini, modne revije ili editorijali, već je stvarate vi sami. Inspiraciju, smernice i ideje možete pronaći bilo gde i one su uvek dobrodošle.

Međutim, ono što je najvažnije jeste kako se u toj garderobi osećate - ako se pogledate u ogledalo s osmehom i odobravanjem, onda ništa drugo nije važno – ni cena, ni konfekcijski broj, ni šta piše u modnim magazinima ili šta su servirali brendovi koji dominiraju modnom industrijom. Autentičan stil u kome se pronalazite možete negovati bez obzira na budžet kojim raspolažete.

7. Da li više voliš da nosiš tamnije, jednobojne autfite ili malo šarenije i veselije?

- Mojim garderoberom dominiraju neutralne boje i nijanse - prvenstveno crna, bela i nekoliko nijansi bež i sive, ali to ne znači da zazirem od dezena i drugih boja, naprotiv!

Ono što ću obući zavisi od mog raspoloženja, a i od prilike, tako da bih s jednakim samopouzdanjem mogla da ponesem i ležernu kombinaciju neutralnih tonova i glamuroznu haljinu u nekoj upečatljivoj boji poput smaragdnozelene ili crvene.

8. Koji je tvoj omiljeni brend?

- Imam ih nekoliko, zapravo! Brendovi u čijim prodavnicama najčešće kupujem su ZARA i H&M, a kad je reč o brendovima visoke mode oni koji me najviše inspirišu su Chanel i Versace.

Međutim, brend koji mi se u poslednje vreme mnogo dopada i koji zaista želim da podržim jeste Audrey Leighton Vintage koji je pokrenula influenserka Audrey Leighton Rogers. Njene božanstvene haljine pristaju svakoj figuri i pravo su oličenje glamura, velika mi je želja da jednog dana priuštim sebi jednu od njih!

9. Obzirom da se, osim blogovanja i mode, baviš i stomatologijom, da li je teško uskladiti sve obaveze i izdvojiti vreme za obe profesije?

- U suštini je moja jedina profesija stomatologija - to je zanimanje za koje sam se opredelila jer želim da pomažem ljudima u oblasti zdravstva.

Moda jeste nešto čime volim da se bavim, ali nju mnogo više doživljavam kao hobi i jedna je od sfera mojih interesovanja van profesionalnog života. Svoje obaveze i hobije usklađujem bez poteškoća jer imam podršku svoje porodice i prijatelja zahvaljujući kojoj osećam da mogu sve da postignem.

Otkako modi i svojim platformama pristupam bez nametanja pritiska samoj sebi da budem redovna s objavama po svaku cenu i fokusiram se na kvalitet daleko više nego na kvantitet, mnogo sam zadovoljnija rezultatima i to je tempo koji mi savršeno odgovara.

Uz sve to imam sasvim dovoljno vremena i za svoju porodicu i prijatelje, igru sa svojim psima, čitanje neke dobre knjige, igranje video igrica i sve ostalo čime volim da se bavim.

10. Budući da se trenutno nalaziš na “modnom skeneru”, da li u sebi i ti imaš neki osećaj za skeniranje ljudi i u kojim trenucima umeš da “skeniraš”?

- Vrlo zanimljivo pitanje! Kad god negde izađem volim da posmatram ljude oko sebe i neretko se desi da mi neki komad garderobe ili usklađena odevna kombinacija na nekome privuku pažnju, što mi kasnije da ideju koju želim da i sama isprobam. Situacije u kojima sam mnogo više sklona da “skeniram” ljude su one u kojima proučavam njihovo ponašanje, posebno to kako se ophode prema meni ili ljudima koje volim.

Mislim da je to doza opreznosti koju sam zadržala jer sam upoznala mnogo neiskrenih ljudi od kojih sam neke dugo smatrala svojim prijateljima, a bila sam i zaljubljena u nekog s kim sam se često pitala šta misli i oseća prema meni.

Iz tog razloga obraćam pažnju na reči i postupke ljudi koje upoznajem, a i zato što možete steći neku osnovnu predstavu o njima kad vidite kako se ophode prema drugim ljudima.

Kad je reč o “modnom skeniranju” nisam sklona da to radim jer smo svi različiti i naši ukusi variraju, to je sasvim prirodno! Ono što me oduševi je kad vidim da je neko bezuslovno svoj i neguje ono što jeste, to me fascinira bez obzira na to da li ta osoba i ja delimo istu estetiku ili ne.

Lepota sveta u kome živimo je u različitosti koja nikada neće prestati da me fascinira.


This year has been challenging for a lot of us to say the least - we had to adapt to living in the middle of a global pandemic, we were closed in our homes for most of the time and that has made a huge impact on the overall mental health. Every single one of us dealt with it in different ways, and that's why I want to tell you that the mere fact that you made it through this year full of uncertainty, stressful situations and unfortunate events is a good enough reason to congratulate yourself. In the upcoming year of 2021 I wish you all much more beautiful and carefree days, and all the health, love, success and happiness in the world - you deserve nothing less than that.

Right before the New Year celebration it's become a habit, and even a ritual for some to look back to the previous year and everything they've achieved, are proud of or thankful for. Inspired by that I'd like you to share something you're grateful for in the comments - your health or the health of your loved ones, a change you were brave enough to make or anything else, I'd love us to share that with each other the same way we shared the love, empathy, solidarity and responsibility to ourselves and others all year round. One of the things I'm proud of is the interview I did for the portal Diva magazin in collaboration with Milana Jovanović earlier this month. You can see it by clicking on this link, but I decided to share it here as well. I hope you'll enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed answering these questions. ♡

A BLOGGER ON THE “FASHION SCANNER”: On Milana's scanner - Jelena Dimić from “Couture Case”

Jelena Dimić is a fashion blogger who founded her blog, Couture Case in 2012. Jelena is a true example of a girl with great style. Her instagram profile is a place where we can see elegant outfits which radiate simplicity, but also have a touch of statement and interesting twists. Jelena was our guest, and we hope you'll enjoy the new “Fashion scanner”!

Jelena is also a doctor of dental medicine, and the fact that she takes the time for blogging aside from her serious profession is very inspiring and just shows the love Jelena has for fashion. 

1. How did your fashion blog come to be?

- When I was four years old, my parents took me to an exhibition of artwork made by the students of the Art Academy. There was a small children's corner with papers and crayons where children could have fun drawing while their parents were attending the exhibition, and I was drawing princesses and mermaids similar to those I've seen in my favourite animated movies.

The girl who was watching over us noticed my drawings and said she couldn't believe how a child of that age had such sense for defined shapes, and shortly after those drawings of mine became part of the exhibition as well. I'd spend hours drawing non stop as a child, and at the age of twelve I started taking interest in fashion and focused my drawing on clothing, especially dresses I found the most interesting.

My love for fashion kept growing, and I started my blog in 2012 inspired by my friend Anđela. She retired from the blogosphere as we know it in the meantime and dedicated herself to embroidery that she's very talented for. At that time I was somewhere close to graduating from high school and I wanted to create something that would allow me to showcase my ideas and creativity, and a fashion blog seemed to be the perfect platform for it!

It's been eight years since, and in all that time my style kept developing and evolving, and along with that I learned new skills by upgrading my blog's design. I would find inspiration in bloggers I liked to follow, people I'd meet in the streets, fashion magazines and trends that kept coming and going, and that's how my blog COUTURE CASE became what it is today.

2. What would you tell someone who wanted to start their own blog?

- The one thing I'd tell someone who wanted to start their own blog, YouTube channel, Instagram profile or any social platform where they'd like to share their content on any subject would be this - just begin and be yourself! The beginning is always the hardest, but if you decide to make that first move where everything starts from you'll see that you can only move forward from that point.

When you create a certain kind of content you want to share on your platforms, don't stress over what's currently trending and what other people are doing, just make sure you're the one who likes it and that you're happy. Everything else will put unnecessary pressure on you and take away the most fun part that includes absolute freedom to do whatever you want to do - fashion and style, cooking, art, music or anything else.

And of course, always keep your heart open and be ready to find inspiration anywhere, take a bit of everything you like and make it your own. You'll be surprised by how much you'll evolve over time.

3. How would you describe your style?

- I'd describe my style as versatile, mostly because I don't like limiting myself and because anyone or anything can inspire me to try something new.

I'm not someone who follows the trends wanting to fit in, but I do pay attention to them because they inspire me and give me ideas on how to combine prints, colors and silhouettes. This is how I always rediscover myself, my taste that is open for change and if I look in the mirror and like what I see, then I know I'm on the right path.

If you like the way you look and you feel yourself in it, it's absolutely irrelevant if it's something you'll see in a magazine editorial, on the runway or in the zone of something that is considered beautiful and modern at the time. The essence of everything is to always be open for change, but to also stay true to yourself and your taste. That's what I do myself and what I always say when I get asked for advice.

4. What does fashion mean to you?

- Fashion is an expression I avoid using and I replace it with a much more adequate word - style.

The fashion industry is, in my opinion, a hypocritical and cruel sphere that implies unreal standards of beauty that are impossible to keep up with. It's given hard blows to people and the way they perceive themselves, and this is what created a distortion, or a twisted image of what is considered beautiful, acceptable and normal.

Let's remember how many models fought tough battles with anorexia and bulimia, and many of them have lost! Nowadays we have a growing number of examples of how far people are ready to go in photo editing - they alter their physical appearance so much it no longer resembles the person in real life, as if they're creating a whole new persona for social media.

That's why the unreal standards persist and what takes a toll on people and their relationships with themselves, especially in younger generations. It's about time for every person in this world, regardless of their hair or skin color, body shape, clothes they wear or anything else, to feel good in their own skin, and be accepted, appreciated and respected the way they are.

Style, on the other hand, is more than what you wear if you ask me - it's also the way you spend your time, how you treat other people, how you use your influence because it's so much more than the number of followers on any social media channel. Style is the manifestation of who you are, and your outfits are just part of that magic. Style is also your freedom, so make the most of it. It's also a way to say something about yourself without uttering a single word.

5. What's your favourite accessory?

- “It's all in the details” - always have this in mind when you're developping or upgrading your style because it's really true.

A good bag, pair of shoes or piece of jewellery can entirely transform an outfit so choose them wisely. I can't say that I have a specific favourite accessory, but I'm loving berets as of late. They give a nice dose of French charm and match so well with most of my outfits.

6. Do you think that expensive and branded clothes are needed for a good outfit?

- Of course not! Clothes don't have to make you go bankrupt for you to look good, what you need to look for is quality - invest in garments that won't lose their shape or tear up after only a few times of putting them on, instead aim for things that will withstand the test of time and the merciless change of trends.

A good outfit is not something that fashion magazines, runway shows and editorials impose, it's something you create. Inspiration, directions and ideas can come from anywhere and they're always welcome.

However, what matters the most is how you feel in what you wear - if you look in the mirror with a smile and approval, then nothing else matters - not the price tag, the size, nor what is published in fashion magazines or what is served by brands that dominate the fashion industry. You can nurture an authentic style you see yourself in regardless of the budget you have.

7. Do you prefer wearing darker, monochrome outfits or those that are brighter and more vivid?

- My wardrobe is consisted of mostly neutrals - black, white and several shades of grey and beige, but that doesn't mean that I'm repulsed by colors and patterns, on the contrary!

My outfit depends on my mood, and also on the occasion, which means that I could wear a casual outfit in neutral tones and a glamorous dress in a statement color such as emerald green or red with equal confidence.

8. What's your favourite brand?

- I have a few, actually! The brands I shop from the most are ZARA and H&M, and when it comes to haute couture I'm mostly inspired by Chanel and Versace.

However, the one brand I'm loving the most as of late and that I really want to support is Audrey Leighton Vintage founded by the influencer Audrey Leighton Rogers. Her divine dresses suit any body shape and are a true embodiment of glamour, I'd love to afford myself one of them someday!

9. Considering that you're in the field of dental medicine apart from blogging and fashion, do you find it hard to organize yourself and have time for both professions?

- In essence, dental medicine is my only profession - it's a career I chose for myself because I want to help people in the domain of healthcare.

Fashion is something I like to do, but I see it much more as a hobby and one of the spheres of my interests outside of my professional life. I organize my obligations and hobbies with ease thanks to the support of my family and friends, they make me feel like I can achieve anything.

Ever since I started approaching fashion and my platforms without putting pressure on myself to publish frequently and focusing on quality over quantity, I'm much more pleased with the results and it works best for me.

Apart from all of that I have just enough time for my family and friends, playing with my dogs, reading a good book, playing video games and everything else I enjoy doing.

10. Since you're on a “fashion scanner” right now, do you have a certain way of scanning people and when are you prone to doing that?

- This is an interesting question! Whenever I go somewhere I like watching people around me and more often than not I see a piece of clothing or a well put together outfit that grabs my attention, which later gives me ideas that I want to try on myself. The situations in which I'm more likely to “scan” people are those when I study their behavior, especially the way they treat me or people that I love.

I think it's a dose of cautiousness I kept because I met so many untrue people that I used to consider my good friends, and I was also in love with someone who kept me wondering how they really thought and felt about me.

This is why I pay attention to words and actions of people I get to know, and also because you can tell a lot about someone by seeing how they treat other people.

When it comes to “fashion scanning” I'm not prone to doing that because we're all different and our tastes vary, it's completely natural! I'm amazed when I see someone being unconditionally themselves and nurturing who they are, that's what fascinates me whether or not that person and I share the same aesthetic.

The beauty of the world we live in is in the diversity that will never stop fascinating me.


  1. Loved the interview! Thanks for sharing! <3

  2. Congratulations on the feature, well deserved! Happy new year, dear!

  3. Oduševljena sam intervjuom i tvojim odgovorima. Pogotovo mi se dopao odgovor na pitanje pod brojem 4. gdje si ukazala na mane modne industrije i trendova, koji su prisutni u istoj, ali i objasnila značaj stila i koliko je on zapravo moćna stvar. Vrhunski i profesionalno odrađeno! Sve pohvale! 👏🔝❤️ - novi post

  4. What a lovely interview! nice to read more about how you started your blog and I like how you prefer style over fashion! :)

    Happy new year! Hope that your 2021 has started well :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Thank you so much for reading and your nice words, wishing you a wonderful, thriving year ahead. <3

  5. thanks for sharing this!
    so cool post!!

  6. Very nice feature
    So good for you :)



  7. That's so wonderful, congrats! And love your story of how your little art pieces ended up on exhibition, you've been destined for fashion world <3


  8. congratulations for your interview sweetie!
    its amazing :D and we have lot in common, like I tend to use more monochromatic clothes as well, but i like a bit of colour of course :)

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

  9. Brava for getting the interview!
    Was interesting to learn more about you, I agree with many of your points- style over fashion, Zara is a fab high street brand etc.
    Happy New Year, Xo

  10. Congrats on the feature. it was a nice read.

    The Style Fanatic

  11. Gostei bastante do artigo, muito bom mesmo! Estou amando ler seus artigos e compartilhar com os amigos!

    Meu Blog: Como realizar uma aposta no Gbet Sports?

  12. Congrats on this awesome feature, babe!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  13. Amazing interview and BIG congrats!
