June 1, 2019

Pre-graduation trip beauty haul

Huda Beauty The New Nude eyeshadow palette (find it here)  //  Huda Beauty Power Bullet matte lipstick in Graduation Day (find it here)  //  Fenty Beauty Stunna lip paint in Uncensored (find it here)  //  Fenty Beauty Flyliner (find it here)  //  Fenty Beauty Killawatt highlighter duo in Lightning Dust / Fire Crystal (find it here)  //  Pull&Bear eau de toilette in Purple Burst (find it here)

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Konačno sam se vratila s apsolventske ekskurzije tokom koje sam obišla Italiju, Španiju, Monako i Monte Karlo, i tokom tog putovanja odlučila sam da proširim svoju kolekciju šminke nekim stvarima koje sam želela već duže vreme. Huda Beauty i Fenty Beauty su brendovi koji su me zaista oduševili svojom šminkom i bila sam presrećna što sam u Sephora prodavnicama u Milanu i Barseloni uspela da pronađem sve što me je zanimalo, kao i Riviera paletu brenda Anastasia Beverly Hills koju me je Nataša sa bloga In Fashion Chains zamolila da joj donesem i koju ćete svakako videti na njenim društvenim mrežama. Kad su u pitanju palete senki, ja sam se u početku dvoumila između ove koju sam kupila i Soft Glam palete brenda Anastasia Beverly Hills, ali sam se odlučila za Huda Beauty paletu jer je nešto drugačija od paleti kojih već imam nekoliko, a deluje podjednako nosivo i kompatibilno s mojim stilom. Proizvodi koje sam kupila su:

1. Huda Beauty The New Nude paleta senki:  ova paleta mi je izgledala božanstveno još od trenutka kad je Huda Kattan najavila njen dolazak na tržište. Sadrži osamnaest predivnih, nežnih nijansi koje su nosive i u svakodnevnim i svečanijim prilikama i lako se kombinuju. Jedva čekam da je isprobam i da vam je detaljnije predstavim u nekom od narednih postova.

2. Huda Beauty Power Bullet mat karmin u nijansi Graduation Day:  kako me samo još malo vremena deli od diplomiranja (nadam se), znala sam da moram uzeti karmin s prikladnim imenom. Šalu na stranu, osim te srećne podudarnosti privukla me je i nijansa za koju mislim da će mi lepo stajati jer ima topao podton i savršena je kombinacija "nude" i roze boje. Mislim da će se odlično kombinovati sa svim nijansama iz prethodno pomenute palete senki i da ću ih rado koristiti zajedno.

3. Fenty Beauty Stunna tečni mat karmin u nijansi Uncensored:  ukoliko se sećate nekih mojih prethodnih postova onda znate da sam oduševljenje Rihanninim brendom pokazala i pre dve godine, proizvode koji su mi se tada najviše dopali možete pogledati ovde. Jedan od tih proizvoda je i ova univerzalna crvena nijansa koja izgleda božanstveno na svakoj ženi koju sam do sada videla da je nosi. U nekom od narednih postova ću vas bolje upoznati s ovim karminom i drugim Fenty Beauty proizvodima.

4. Fenty Beauty Flyliner:  crni ajlajner je jedan od neizostavnih elemenata moje estetike i ne bih mogla da zamislim da se nađem u situaciji da ga uopšte nemam. Ovaj ajlajner ima precizno oblikovan vrh koji obećava jednostavno nanošenje bez obzira da li želite diskretnu ili upečatljivu liniju, a uskoro ćete videti da li se slažem s tim.

5. Fenty Beauty Killawatt dvostruki hajlajter u nijansama Lightning Dust / Fire Crystal:  hajlajteri su apsolutno neizostavni u mojoj rutini šminkanja i najviše naginjem ka toplim nijansama boje šampanjca. Najpre sam isprobala tester u nijansama Mean Money / Hu$tla Baby za koje mislim da su im i jedne od najprodavanijih, ali sam imala utisak da su možda malo previše tople za moj ukus. Tester u nijansama za koje sam se na kraju opredelila je izgledao lepše na mojoj koži i jedva čekam da vidim kako se nanosi i ponaša na licu.

6. Pull&Bear toaletna voda Purple Burst:  nisam sigurna da li je ova mirisna nota dostupna u Srbiji, ja sam je pronašla u jednoj njihovoj prodavnici u Barseloni dok sam čekala u redu da kupim jednu njihovu majicu i zamolila jednog jako ljubaznog mladića da mi je dohvati s police iako sam znala da nije zaposlen tamo (hvala ti još jednom, ko god da si). Obično više volim parfeme od toaletnih voda, ali ova mirisna nota mi se jako dopala. Kombinacija crne ribizle, ćilibara i božura je idealna za proleće jer ima pravu dozu svežine, i za toaletnu vodu jako je postojana i miris se duže zadržava čak i od nekih parfema. Ukoliko je pronađete negde predlažem da je isprobate.

Kako vam se dopadaju proizvodi koje sam dodala u svoju kolekciju? Koje biste prvo voleli da vidite na blogu? Jeste li možda već koristili neke od njih i kako vam se dopadaju? Recite mi u komentarima!


I finally came back from my pre-graduation trip that gave me the opportunity to visit Italy, Spain, Monaco and Monte Carlo, and during the trip I decided to expand my make up collection with some things I've been wanting to get my hands on for a long time. Huda Beauty and Fenty Beauty are the brands that really blew my socks off with their make up and I was so happy that I found everything I wanted in Sephora shops in Milan and Barcelona, as well as the Riviera palette by Anastasia Beverly Hills that Nataša from In Fashion Chains asked me to bring her and which you will surely see on her social media channels. When it comes to the eyeshadow palettes, at first I couldn't decide between the one that I got and Soft Glam by Anastasia Beverly Hills, but I chose the Huda Beauty palette because it's somewhat different from the other palettes that I own, but still looks wearable and compatible with my style. The products that I purchased are:

1. Huda Beauty The New Nude eyeshadow palette:  this palette looked divine from the moment Huda Kattan announced its arrival to the market. It contains eighteen gorgeous, tender shades which are wearable for both everyday and formal make up and they're so easy to combine. I can't wait to try it out and introduce it to you in one of the upcoming posts.

2. Huda Beauty Power Bullet matte lipstick in Graduation Day:  as I only have to wait a little more to graduate (hopefully), I knew that I had to take a lipstick with the appropriate name. Pun intended, but apart from the happy coincidence I was also attracted to the shade which I think will look good on me because it has a warm undertone and it's a perfect fusion of nude and pink. I think it will look great with the previously mentioned palette and I'll be happy to use them together.

3. Fenty Beauty Stunna lip paint in Uncensored:  if you remember some of my older posts then you know how I love Rihanna's brand from the beginning and that I showed my love for it two years ago, you can take a look at the products I liked the most back then in this post. One of those products is this universal red shade that looks divine on every woman I've seen wearing it. In one of the upcoming posts I'll introduce you thoroughly to this lipstick and other Fenty Beauty products.

4. Fenty Beauty Flyliner:  the black eyeliner is one of the staples of my aesthetics and I couldn't imagine being in a situation of not having it with me. This eyeliner has a precisely shaped tip which promises applying the liner with ease no matter if you're going for a more subtle or a statement line, and soon you'll see if I agree with that statement.

5. Fenty Beauty Killawatt highlighter duo in Lightning Dust / Fire Crystal:  highlighters are an absolute must have in my make up routine and I have the highest affinity to warm champagne tones. First I went for the tester in shades Mean Money / Hu$tla Baby which are among their best sellers in my opinion, but I somehow thought that they were a little too warm for my liking. The tester in the shades I ended up choosing looked nicer on my skin and I can't wait to see what they look like once applied to the face.

6. Pull&Bear eau de toilette in Purple Burst:  I'm not sure if this fragrance is available everywhere in the world, I found it in one of their stores in Barcelona while waiting in line to buy one of their t-shirts and I asked a very kind young man to fetch it from the nearby shelf even though he wasn't employed there (thank you, whoever you may be). I usually prefer perfumes over these, but I really liked this fragrance. The combination of blackcurrant, amber and peony is perfect for spring because it has the right amount of freshness, and for an eau de toilette it's very durable, the scent lingers longer even compared to some perfumes. If you find it somewhere I suggest you to try it out.

How do you like the products that I added to my collection? Which ones would you like me to review first? Have you used any of them and how do you like them? Let me know in the comments!


  1. Sve izgleda predivno, ali paleta senki je fantazija. <3 Uz to, moram da pohvalim i fotke, sve su vrhunski i profi uslikane. <3

    Current Trend Obsession: Straw Bags

  2. Divne su slike 😄💙 Ova Hudina paleta ne definitivno najlepsa 💞


  3. The nail polish bottle is insanely gorgeous! I love you dresser table!

    The Flower Duet

    1. You must be referring to the Fenty Beauty liquid lipstick. Yes, it is, thank you! 🖤

  4. What awesome pieces! Looks like you had a lot of fun shopping :)

    Hope that you've had a great weekend! I was surprised with a weekend away, it was wonderful! :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Yes, a lot of fun! I hope you had an amazing time, have a nice week! :D

  5. These are amazing picks dear! I'd love to check out some of these, especially the Pull&Bear eau de toilette in Purple Burst. I'm intrigued by your description of the scent.

    Jessica | notjessfashion.com

    1. Go for it, you won't regret it if your taste in fragrances in anything like mine! I love the freshness of this one. :D

  6. What a pretty dresser table, everything so beautiful!


  7. Great Post! I love the Fenty Lipstick as well! I follow your blog now! :)



  8. A lot of very interesting cosmetics which I would like to have: D Regards:**

  9. The Huda beauty palette is sooo gorgeous! The shimmered shades look as though they'd stand out beautifully! Hope you're having a fabulous week so far babe :)

    aglassofice.com x

    1. Thanks! I agree on the shimmer shades, they look so good! I hope you're having a great week too. :D

  10. I love the killawat highlighter! And the pull&bear scent sounds lovely and perfect for spring/summer!


  11. Girl, I just recently gotten my hands on the Huda Beauty palette too!😍 Loving it so far!~ Congrats on your graduation!!

    ieyra h. | beauty blog
