October 1, 2018

We live, we love, we lie

Pimkie leather jacket  //  Motel Rocks slip dress worn as a top  //  SheIn checkered skirt (find it here)  //  Zaful backpack  //  Cosmic Chains Cancer charm in gold (find it here)  //  Gifts for a Designer necklace (find it here)  //  Exit over the knee boots

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Nikada nisam mislila da će se Nataši i meni dopasti identična stvar s obzirom na to koliko nam se stilovi razlikuju. Ovu suknju ste već mogli da vidite na njoj, a sad vidite kako je ja nosim. Njen stil je hrabriji, ona kombinuje boje, teksture i dezene onako kako se malo ko usuđuje da uopšte pokuša, dok je meni maltene refleksna reakcija da ovako upečatljiv komad kombinujem s jednostavnim i jednobojnim. Dok me je fotografisala i sama je priznala da joj je čudno, ali istovremeno i zanimljivo što vidi nešto što i ona sama nosi na nekom drugom, uklopljeno na potpuno drugačiji način.
Nataši su prva asocijacija na ovaj print crno-belih kvadratića Formula 1 i zastavice na auto-trkama (pogledajte na njenom instagramu kako je to genijalno uključila u svoju šminku), dok je meni, kao najgorem zaluđeniku, prva asocijacija bila partija šaha. Suknju sam uklopila s klasičnom kožnom jaknom i čizmama preko kolena, i kada sam sastavila kombinaciju videla sam sebe kao crnu figuru kraljice na šahovskoj tabli - može da ide kuda želi, može da uradi šta god joj padne na pamet i najmoćnija je među figurama. Želim da se uvek osećate tako - kao kraljice, sa slobodom i moći da radite šta god želite, i niko nema pravo da vam oduzme taj osećaj. Svaka od nas nosi svoju nevidljivu krunu i zato poštujte druge kraljice koje svojim životima vladaju drugačije - vaša kruna neće biti dragocenija ako pokušate da uništite tuđu.

I never thought that Nataša and I could ever like the exact same thing considering the fact that our styles are completely different. You've already seen this skirt on her and now you can see me wearing it. Her style is bold, she combines colors, textures and patterns in a way very few dare to try, and when it comes to me, combining a garment such as this one with simple, monochromatic items has become an almost reflex reaction. As she was photographing me, she admitted that it was a bit funny, but also interesting for her to see an item that she likes to wear on someone else, matched in a completely different way.  
The first thing that comes to Nataša's mind when she sees these black and white squares as a pattern are Formula 1 and the flags on a race course (take a look at her instagram to see how she brilliantly incorporated it into her make up), as for me, as geeky as it sounds, the first thing that came to mind was a game of chess. I paired the skirt with a classic black leather jacket and over the knee boots, and once I put the outfit together I saw myself as the queen figurine on the chessboard - she can go wherever she wants to, she can do whatever comes to her mind and is the most powerful of all the figurines. I want you to always feel that way - like queens, with the freedom and power to do whatever you please and no one has the right to take that feeling away from you. Every one of us is wearing an invisible crown and therefore I beg you to respect other queens that rule their lives differently - your crown will not shine any brighter if you try to destroy someone else's.


  1. gorgeous look!

    love your boots



  2. Love the cami + moto jacket. Nice mix! You are gorgeous, carina!

    The Flower Duet

  3. You look totally amazing! I've fallen in love with this outfit!

  4. Odlična kombinacija.
    Suknja je top! :)

  5. Love your look!
    xx- Nina


  6. Fabulous edgy look dear! Love the skirt and jacket combo.
    Jessica | notjessfashion.com

  7. Ove fotke su savrsenstvo.
    Bas bas mi se dopadaju, kao i sam outfit!


  8. I love this whole outfit! That skirt though, stunning!

  9. This is such a gorgeous look and I love this post so much!! x

    Grace Louise || www.gracelouiseofficial.blogspot.co.uk/

  10. Thank you so much for your comment, Jelena!! I'm so happy that you liked my outfit with the diplomatic jumper! :D You're also rocking the city with that checked skirt! Happy weekend! Kss

    ♥ ★ ♥ GINGER COLLAGE ♥ ★ ♥

  11. You make such a fabulous model! This monochromatic look is everything, especially the leather jacket. I'm SO excited over-the-knee boots are back in season :)

    aglassofice.com x

    1. Thank you so much! In my opinion they never left. ;)

  12. Replies
    1. I think it would look great on you, sweetheart, plus it’s not expensive! :)

  13. Mnogo lijep outfit, baš mi se dopada suknja. Odmah sam po naslovu prepoznala pjesmu, jako volim tu pjesmu. <3

    Vildana from Living Like V

    1. Hvala puno! Volim da vidim da neko voli iste pesme kao ja. 🖤
