August 6, 2018

Say something that you know they might attack you for

Light in the Box shirt (find it here)  //  SheIn + DIY high waist jeans  //  Zara minaudière bag  //  Fashion 71 slippers

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Svaki put kad bih prešla ovaj most zamišljala bih fotografije kakve sam sanjala da napravim od trenutka kad je sagrađen, sasvim drugačije od onih kakve inače pravim, tako blizu oblaka, tako blizu sunca. Nataša i ja smo stalno morale da podsećamo jedna drugu da ne gledamo dole sve dok nismo došle do vrha, i vredelo je. Zamišljala sam ih mnogo puta i očekivala da će biti sjajne, ali nikad nisam mislila da će nadmašiti sva moja očekivanja.
Primetićete da se ova kombinacija sastoji iz manje komada nego obično - samo četiri. Kao i okruženje u kome su ove fotografije nastale, kombinacija je jednostavna, ali izuzetna u svom minimalizmu. Stil u velikoj meri podrazumeva imati osećaj za meru i znati kad je dosta, gde se povlači granica između ukusa i kiča, sklada i haosa. U poslednje vreme zaista volim da nosim nakit i opredelim se za upečatljiv par minđuša ili komplet ogrlica, ali čim sam obukla ovu sasvim drugačiju verziju klasične bele košulje osetila sam da joj nije potrebno ništa od toga. Istina je da je sve u detaljima, ali detalje treba pažljivo birati.

Every time I crossed this bridge I would imagine the photos that I'd take on it from the moment it was built, completely different than the ones I normally take, so close to the clouds, so close to the sun. Nataša and I had to constantly remind each other not to look down until we reached the top, and it was worth it. I imagined them so many times and expected them to be great, but I've never thought that they'd be this outstanding.
You must have noticed that this outfit is made of fewer garments than usual - only four. Just like the environment these pictures were taken in, this outfit is simple, but outstanding in its minimalism. Style often means to know where the boundaries are and when it's enough, where you should draw the line between tasteful and tacky, and at what point a hot outfit turns into a hot mess. I'm loving the trend of layering necklaces or going for statement earrings as of late, but as soon as I put this edgy take on a classic white shirt on I just felt that it needed nothing more. It is true that it's all in the details, but you should choose your details wisely.


  1. That top looks so cute and elegant. The view is stunning and you look beautiful, dear!

    The Flower Duet

  2. Veoma interesantna i pomalo neobična kombinacija, ali meni je oko ostalo na košulji. Na prvu sam pomislila da je ovaj kaiš od ruksaka i nije mi bilo jasno zašto si kombinovala ruksak i torbu, ali kasnije sam shvatila da je to kaiš od košulje i moram priznati da sam se baš oduševila ovim neobičnim detaljom. Ti i Taša ste stvarno odličan tim i mislim da ne treba da mijenjaš fotića :D

    1. Hvala! Meni je upravo taj detalj i privukao pažnju i morala sam da je imam. :)

  3. What a perfect spot to take your pictures. So glad you were able to do it! And that blouse is fabulous. I absolutely love that piece.

  4. Nestvarno si lijepa zaista!
    Divan outfit, slike su odlične!

    Vildana from Living Like V

  5. Koliko si predivna! *o* Zaista, oduševljena sam ovom kombinacijom i kako si je svima nama predstavila! Retko koja kombinacija me na blogu toliko zadivi, ali tvoja je bez lažne skromnosti savršena. Takođe pohvale za fotografije, izvanredne su! <33

    Dear Miss Modern: OUTFIT | Red Rose Instagram: @ https.katt

  6. I couldn't like this more! I'm a big fan of black and white, but you took it to another level with the accessories. I love your location too! That bridge looks amazing


  7. What a gorgeous and stylish outfit girl! Absolutely love the pictures! And the drop collar shirt looks so good on you!
    Hope you're having an amazing week!
    Ankita | Real Girl Talks

  8. Divan je ovaj most, sjajna lokacija, a fotografije su prekrasne. Kombinacija mi se jako sviđa, klasika je uvijek dobar izbor, a ta torbica je preslatka.....Savršena si!!!!

  9. Amazing photos!
    Beautiful outfit!

    Zapraszam do mnie:


  10. wow you look perfect:) amazing style:)

  11. Those photos look so cool !

  12. Draga, izgledas jako elegant u ovome. Svidja mi se stil, lokacija, detalji... Izgledas predivno, pohvala za tvoje roditelje i Natasa x)

    Inace, tek sam otkrila tvoj blog i stim da mi se jako svideo, pa sam se uclanila. Nadam se da mozes pogledati moj <3

  13. Prelep autfit, ti, pozadina i celokupna slika posta! Svaka čast!


  14. Ovo izdanje mi je predivno, kao lokacija i fotka.

    Kiss <3

  15. Great look and amazing photos!

    Have a happy day.

  16. Odličan outfit i super fotke! :)

    Shoot for the stars | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Facebook page | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Instagram

  17. Lovely look ;)

  18. Predivne fotografije, outfit i ti! Oduševljena sam!

  19. Love this outfit :D
    Kiss, kiss *

  20. cute look dear... thank you for sharing, this is neat!
    IG @grace_njio

  21. Love the minimalist vibe to these photos; both the styling and the location! The white shirt is such a fabulous piece to have in your wardrobe and all year around! Hope you have a fabulous weekend :) x

  22. Photography is amazing~! And I love black details in look!

    blog: MyBlondeGal
    insta: @myblondegal

  23. I love your outfit and your white top looks really great on you :)
