August 15, 2018

Jo make up

Make up by Jo Make Up  //  Products used:

M • A • C  Prep + Prime natural radiance primer  //  M • A • C  Studio Fix Fluid SPF15 foundation  // Rimmel Stay Matte pressed powder  //  Maybelline Age Rewind concealer  //  Artdeco Most Wanted brows palette  //  Anastasia Beverly Hills Modern Renaissance eyeshadow palette  //  Too Faced Chocolate Bar eyeshadow palette  //  Inglot gel eyeliner  //  NYX Cosmetics slide on black pencil  //  NYX Cosmetics bronzing powder  //  Bourjois blush in Rose d'Or  //  Anastasia Beverly Hills Glow Kit highlighters in Summer and Moonstone  //  Maybelline Lash Sensational mascara  // Sophie's Choice false eyelashes  //   M • A • C cosmetics  lip liner in Whirl  //  M • A • C  matte lipstick in Velvet Teddy  //  M • A • C Prep + Prime fix setting spray


Scooter jumpsuit  // Cosmic Chains gold Cancer locket (find it here)

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Mnogo ljudi se iznenadi kad kažem da vodim ovaj blog kao hobi pored toga što studiram stomatologiju i govore kako im je ta kombinacija neobična, ali svakako zanimljiva. Kako biste reagovali kad bih vam rekla da mnogo nas kojima je stomatologija osnovno zanimanje imamo kreativne hobije? Jedna od mojih koleginica i drugarica sa studija je Jovana Bogdanović koja je nedavno počela da radi kao profesionalna šminkerka, a možete je pronaći na njenom instagram profilu Jo Make Up. Upoznala sam je na prvoj godini studija i već tada primetila da se šminka neverovatno i da uživa u tome, a pre nekoliko meseci je završila kurs u Sophie's Choice studiju da bi usavršila svoju kreativnu stranu i bavila se nečim što voli koliko i stomatologiju. Jedna je od najboljih studentkinja u našoj generaciji, a ako mene pitate, kao šminkerka drži jednako visok standard.
Pre izlaska na ispit koji smo polagale zajedno pričale smo o njenom hobiju i rekla sam joj koliko mi se dopada ono što je do tad pokazivala i da bih mnogo volela da joj budem jedna od klijentkinja, i na moje oduševljenje je pristala. Ubrzo nakon toga pozvala me je da svratim u njen studio i dogovorile smo se da oči naglasimo u orijentalnom stilu, što bi dopunili neutralniji tonovi.
Deo svog doma je pretvorila u studio za šminkanje i opremila se najkvalitetnijim četkicama, pincetama i veštačkim trepavicama, i koristi šminku mnogih kvalitetnih i poznatih brendova poput M • A • C, Inglot, Anastasia Beverly Hills, Too Faced i mnogih drugih, a radi na tome da dodatno proširi svoj asortiman. Veliki je perfekcionista tokom rada, a iako smo se opredelile za neutralne nijanse podjednako je vešta i s jarkim bojama i uvažava želje svake klijentkinje. Njen smisao za sklad boja je besprekoran i našminkaće vas prikladno za svaku priliku, a čim vas osmotri i upozna se s vašom lepotom znaće kako da je maksimalno istakne. Mislim da će vam slike u ovom postu reći dovoljno o tome koliko je dobra, ali slobodno posetite i njen instagram profil da biste videli šta je sve do sada radila, a možete joj se obratiti u poruci radi zakazivanja termina i da se konsultujete s njom po pitanju cene. Volim da se šminkam od sedmog razreda osnovne škole i za sve to vreme kod profesionalnog šminkera sam bila samo jednom za veliku maturu, i bilo je stvarno zabavno provesti dan tako što sam, za promenu, pustila prijateljicu da uzme stvar u svoje ruke i usput nešto naučila od nje. Mislim da sam vam rekla i više nego dovoljno da vas ubedim, ukoliko vam je potrebna šminkerka za neku posebnu priliku - znate gde da je nađete.
P.S:  ako se pitate šta nosim u pitanju je kratki crni kombinezon iz butika Scooter u Raveni i lančić s priveskom mog horoskopskog znaka sa sajta Cosmic Chains - u nekom od narednih postova imaćete priliku da ih vidite u odevnoj kombinaciji.

A lot of people I meet are surprised when I say that I'm a future dentist and running this blog as a hobby alongside that, they think that it's an unusual, but a rather interesting combo. How would you react if I told you that many of us who chose dental medicine as our future profession had very creative hobbies? One of my colleagues and college friends is Jovana Bogdanović who recently started working as a professional make up artist, and you can find her on her instagram Jo Make Up. I met her on our freshman year of studies and even then I could tell that her make up always looked flawless because she enjoyed it so much, and a couple of months ago she finished a make up artist course run by the Sophie's Choice studio to perfect her creative side and do something she loves as much as dental medicine. She's one of the best students in our generation, and if you ask me, she raised the bar just as high as a make up artist.
Before taking an exam that we had together we talked about her hobby and I told her how I loved what she had done up to that point and how I'd love to be one of her clients, and to my excitement she agreed. Shortly after that she invited me to come to her studio and we agreed to do an oriental cat eye look complemented by neutral tones.
She turned a part of her home into a make up studio and equipped herself with some high quality brushes, tweezers and false eyelashes, and she uses the make up of many famous high quality brands such as M • A • C, Inglot, Anastasia Beverly Hills, Too Faced and many others, and she's working on additionally expanding her collection. She's a true perfectionist in her work, and although we went for more neutral shades she's just as good with bright colors and she can do anything her clients might ask for. Her ability to match colors is impeccable and she'll do your make up flawlessly for any occasion, as soon as she takes a look at you and gets to know your kind of beauty she'll know how to emphasize it in the best way. I think the photos in this post are enough for you to see how good she is, but feel free to visit her instagram to see what she's done so far, and you can also message her to ask her for the price and make your appointment. I love doing my make up since I've been in seventh grade of elementary school and in all this time I've only been to a professional make up artist once for my high school prom, and it was truly fun to let my friend take matters into her own hands and learn something from her along the way. I think I told you more than enough to convince you, so if you need a make up artist for a special occasion - you know where to find her.
P.S:  in case you're wondering what I'm wearing here it's a black jumpsuit from the boutique Scooter in Ravenna, Italy and a gold chain with my zodiac sign charm from Cosmic Chains - you'll be able to see them in an outfit in one of the upcoming posts.


  1. OMG so beautiful.
    I'm in love with that make up and with this blog!

  2. That looks amazing! I used to do an eyeliner every single day and It had to be perfect, haha :)


    1. I often do, but I never do it this flawlessly! <3

  3. Wonderful photos ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* You look stunning!

    Blog de la Licorne

  4. I think it is wonderful that you have creative hobbies outside of your future profession. That is an amazing thing! <3

  5. Thank you so much Jelena!! I'm so happy that you like my outfit with the double-breasted dress and the vintage straw bag! :D The dress is so comfy too! ;) Hope you're enjoying the summer! Kss

    ♥ ★ ♥ GINGER COLLAGE ♥ ★ ♥

  6. Wow! I'd never guessed you are a dentist. The make up on you is so pretty and flattering on your skin. Btw thanks for that lovely and articulate comment on my recent post.

    Bernie, xx
    The Style Fanatic

    1. I said that on the sidebar of my blog and in the "About me" section on the navbar. :) Than kyou! :D

  7. Who that wonderful girl??
    So beautiful!

  8. Great post! Photos are amazing.. :)
    If you want that we follow each other let me know by leaving comment on the last post and please click on link at the end -->

  9. I think a combination of dental medicine and blogging is awesome! Who says a person should be difined by one single thing? - Creative hobbies always reveal an interesting personality behind any job...

    Have a great week!

  10. Izgledaš preskrasno Jelena, zaista te je prijateljica divno našminkala i istakla na tebi sve ono što je lepo. Oduševljena sam njenim makeup kutkom, to je nešto o čemu mašta skoro svaka devojka. P.S. fotografije su neverovatne, koji foto-aparat koristiš? <33

    Dear Miss Modern: OUTFIT | Cute Daisy Instagram: @ https.katt

    1. Hvala ti puno! <3 Kad je reč o fotografijama u ovom postu slikane su telefonom drugarice koja me je šminkala (iPhone X), fotografije koje inače stavljam na blog i Instagram su slikane mojim telefonom (iPhone 7), a kad me drugarice slikaju u odevnim kombinacijama u pitanju su Nikon foto-aparati, kakav i sama planiram da nabavim čim budem bila u mogućnosti. Kad me slika Nataša s bloga In Fashion Chains onda je to Nikon D90, a kad me slika Isidora s bloga High Heel Poodle takođe je u pitanju Nikon foto-aparat, ali nisam sigurna koji tačno model. Nadam se da sam pomogla. <3

  11. Ovo mi je jedan od tvojih omiljenih postova. Dana kada sam jednu od priloženih fotografija ugledala na Instagramu, prvo mi je kroz glavu prošlo - hmm, neka poznata ličnost... da, zaista je tako. Prijateljica te je perfektno našminkala i naglasila tvoju lepotu. <3

    New blog post: K R I N K A

    Instagram: xan_dr_a
