August 11, 2018

Huda Beauty contour and strobe lip tin

Huda Beauty contour and strobe lip tin with a lip liner and liquid matte lipstick in Trophy Wife and a lip strobe topper in Shameless (find it here)

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Pošto je plan kupovine Fenty Beauty šminke propao, preusmerila sam pažnju na proizvode iz Huda Beauty asortimana, i zajedno s Desert Dusk paletom senki (o kojoj možete više pročitati u ovom postu) kupila sam i jedan od kompleta za usne koji se sastoji od olovke, tečnog mat karmina i sjaja sa šljokicama. Kako je izbor nijansi bio ograničen na svega dve, od kojih bi jedna, po mojoj proceni, bila previše svetla da bi odgovarala mom tenu, opredelila sam se za komplet koji sadrži olovku i mat karmin u nijansi Trophy Wife i sjaj u nijansi Shameless.
Pakovanje izgleda onako kako bi izgledale vaše usne kada biste ih uokvirili i popunili olovkom, naneli tečni karmin, a potom i sjaj nakon što se karmin osuši, što bi moglo znatno da vam olakša odabir boje. Ako ste odrasli igrajući se BRATZ lutkama kao ja, verovatno će vas podsetiti upravo na njih, kao i telefon u obliku usana koji je takođe jedno vreme bio u prodaji (vidite na šta mislim?). Pakovanje vam kasnije može poslužiti kao zgodna kutija za nakit ili neke druge sitnice, sve što treba da uradite je da izvadite kalup u kome su proizvodi smešteni.
Olovka za usne je namenjena da se koristi prva za konturisanje i popunjavanje usana. Izuzetno je pigmentisana, kremasta i laka za korišćenje, čak i samostalno može biti dovoljna da se na usne nanese ujednačena boja. Karmin je takođe kremast, dovoljno pigmentisan da da pun intenzitet boje već u prvom sloju, ali mu je potrebno nešto više od minuta da se sasvim osuši. Formula je dovoljno lagana da ne stvara osećaj isušivanja i zatezanja usana, ali i pored toga je karmin prilično postojan sve dok se ne nanese sjaj kao završni sloj. Iako se to na slikama ne može verno prikazati, sjaj je pun šljokica koje su jasno uočljive i božanstveno reflektuju svetlost. Usne će izgledati prelepo, ali imajte na umu da se s nanošenjem sjaja značajno smanjuje postojanost karmina, lakše će se razmazivati i preslikavati na čaši, mada nisam primetila da se neravnomerno skida. Sjaj mi je ubedljivo najlepši proizvod iz kompleta jer do sada nisam koristila nijedan koji ima tako divan svetlucavi efekat tako da planiram da ga kombinujem i s drugim olovkama za usne i karminima jer me zanima kako će izgledati.
Jeste li nekad koristili Huda Beauty komplete i koje nijanse su vam se dopale? Koje biste želeli da probate ukoliko već niste? Recite mi u komentarima.

As my plan to purchase some Fenty Beauty make up failed miserably, I focused on some Huda Beauty products, and along with the Desert Dusk eyeshadow palette (you can read more about it in this post) I bought one of her contour and strobe lip sets, which consists of a lip liner, liquid matte lipstick and strobing lip gloss. As there were only two shades available, and I thought that one of them would be too pale for my skintone, I decided to go for the lip tin with the lip liner and liquid matte lipstick in the shade Trophy Wife and a lip strobing gloss in the shade Shameless.
The packaging looks the way your lips should look once you contour and fill in your lips using the lip liner, apply the liquid matte lipstick on top, and once it dries out you apply the lip strobing gloss, which should help you decide which color to go for. If you grew up playing with BRATZ dolls like me, they'll probably remind you of them, as well as a lip shaped phone that was sold ages ago (see what I mean?). The packaging could later serve you as a box where you could keep your jewellery or other things, all you need to do is to remove the mould that the products are placed in. 
The lip liner is meant to be used first in order to contour and fill in your lips. It's highly pigmented, creamy and easy to use, and you can even apply it on its own to get an even color on your lips. The lipstick is also creamy, pigmented enough to give full coverage in a single layer, but it takes a bit more than a minute to fully dry out. The formula is light and doesn't give you that tightening or drying sensation on the lips, but even so it's pretty durable until you apply the strobing gloss on top. Although you can't see it in the picture, the strobing gloss is packed with glitter that are clearly visible and reflect light beautifully. Your lips will look gorgeous, however if you do apply the gloss it will shorten the durability of the lipstick, it will be easier to smear and leave traces on the glass, though I didn't notice that it leaves an uneven trace. The gloss is by far the most beautiful product in this tin as no other lip gloss I used to use had this divine glitter in it, and I'm planning to use it with other lipsticks and lip liners as I'm curious to see what it will look like.
Have you ever used any of the Huda Beauty lip tins and which shades did you like? Which ones would you like to try if you hadn't already? Let me know in the comments. 


  1. OMG,beautiful colors. I love it

  2. Wow, that gloss really does look amazing! What a cool set. I just love the packaging.

    1. That gloss IS amazing! It looks even better in person, and the packaging is too cool. :)

  3. I haven't tried any Huda Beauty products yet but they look amazing!! Also, I'm absolutely in love with that packaging!! So cute!!


    Seize your Style

    1. They're great quality so I advise you to go for it. :)

  4. These products look absolutely amazing! Those shades are just incredibly beautiful, wow!


  5. Replies
    1. Yeah, it does, even as decor when you use up all the products. :)

  6. Također imam ovu paletu, boje su predivne! Nisi pogriješila s izborom :) :*

  7. This gloss is so nice!!! :)
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  8. Kako se meni dopada ta Huda beauty kolekcija. I ne samo to, nego sva njena kolekcija. Baš mi je drago što se i ttebi dopada i hvala ti na tako divnoj recenziji ❤️❤️❤️

    I follow you: Visit and follow ----> Marija's blog

    1. Njeni proizvodi su zaista odlični, mislim da ću kupovati njene sjajeve ubuduće ako vidim da se prodaju odvojeno u većim pakovanjima. :D

  9. WOW! So beautiful!

  10. What a sassy set!I love the shades and the packaging is divine! xx

    Much Love,
    Elegant Duchess xx

    1. There are even more beautiful shades that I'd love to try. :D

  11. That packaging is just so cool, love the shades too.

    Bernie, xx
    The Style Fanatic
