May 13, 2018

Sugar Bear hair vitamins

Sabo Skirt Mikelle eyelet top  //  SheIn + DIY high waist jeans (find them here)  //  Zaful layered necklace (find it here)  //  Gifts for a Designer geometric earrings (find them here)  //  Gifts for a Designer ring (find it here)  

Sugar Bear Hair vitamin gummies (find them here)

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Iako sam relativno skoro skratila kosu za čitavih dvadeset centimetara, moram priznati da je vrlo brzo počela da mi nedostaje stara dužina kose i zato sam odlučila da je puštam da ponovo izraste. Nedavno sam dobila priliku da isprobam Sugar Bear Hair vitamine za pospešivanje rasta kose i nimalo se ne kajem što sam ih uvrstila u svoju dnevnu rutinu nege kose.
Sugar Bear Hair suplementi sadrže sve neophodne sastojke za zdrav rast kose, pretežno vitamine koji pospešuju sintezu keratina (gradivnog proteina kose i noktiju tako da su dobri i za njihov rast i negu) smeštenih u slatke plave medvediće (spisak svih sastojaka možete pogledati ovde). Jedna bočica sadrži 60 medvedića, a preporučena doza unosi se kroz dva medvedića dnevno, što znači da ste jednom bočicom pokriveni na mesec dana. Ovi suplementi su verovatno nešto najukusnije što sam ikada probala jer me podsećaju na gumene bombone koje toliko volim iako ne sadrže želatin, a ukus im daju prirodne arome bobičastog voća na koje niko ne može ostati ravnodušan. Međutim, ukoliko odlučite da počnete da ih koristite nemojte premašiti preporučenu dnevnu dozu. Još jedna njihova prednost jeste da ne sadrže hormone, mogu ih koristiti i muškarci i žene, a za preosetljive je dobra vest da ne sadrže ni gluten ni soju. Ono što ja smatram njihovim najvećim kvalitetom jeste da nisu testirani na životinjama tako da će se dopasti svakome, a kako sam pročitala i više nego dovoljno pozitivnih kritika na račun njihovog dejstva budite sigurni da ću vam javiti rezultate kad dovršim bočicu. ;) Da li je neko od vas koristio ove vitamine i kako ste zadovoljni? Recite mi u komentarima, volela bih da saznam nešto više iz prve ruke!

P.S: u poslednje vreme zaista volim minimalistički, geometrijski nakit, i dobila sam sjajnu priliku da kroz saradnju sa sajtom Gifts for a Designer poručim ovaj predivan prsten i verovatno najlepše minđuše koje imam u svojoj kolekciji, kako vam se dopadaju?

Although it wasn't so long ago when I decided to get my hair cut 20cm shorter, I have to admit that it didn't take long for me to start missing my old hair length and therefore I decided to let it grow back. I recently got an opportunity to try out Sugar Bear Hair hair growth vitamins and I don't regret adding them to my daily hair care routine one bit.
Sugar Bear Hair supplements contain all the necessary ingredients for healthy hair growth, mainly vitamins that increase keratin synthesis (which is the main structural protein of hair and nails so it can benefit your nail growth as well) shaped as cute little blue bears (you can take a look at the list of their active ingredients here). One bottle contains 60 gummy bears, and the recommended dose is taken through two bears a day, which means that one bottle will keep you covered for a month. These supplements are probably the tastiest thing I've ever used because they remind me of gummy candy which I love so much although they contain no gelatin, and their flavour comes from natural berry aromas that no one could possibly resist. However, if you decide to start using them make sure to never exceed the recommended daily dose. Another advantage of theirs is that they contain no hormones, they can be used by men and women alike, and the good news for people with allergies is that they also don't contain gluten and soy. What I consider their greatest quality is that they're cruelty free so everyone will love them, and as I read more than enough positive reviews on these be sure that I'll show you the results as soon as I finish my bottle. ;) Did anyone among you use these vitamins and how do you like them? Let me know in the comments, I'd love to find out more from you personally!

P.S: lately I've been loving minimalist, geometric jewellery, and I got the greatest opportunity to collaborate with Gifts for a Designer and order this gorgeous ring and probably the prettiest earrings in my collection, how do you like them?


  1. I’ve seen these on instagram! They look super good!

    TheNotSoGirlyGirl // Instagram // Facebook

  2. Ja ih nisam nikada koristila. Ali i ja sam cula dosta pozitivnih komentara za njih. Obavezno nam javi kakvi su. Sto se tice prstena, meni se jako svida 😊

    1. Hvala! Sigurno ću nešto napisati o tome budem li primetila da ima nekog efekta. :D

  3. I never tried it, but it seems a cool product :)

    If you want check out my latest blogpost
    xx, Eva

  4. I would like to try them as well! Pretty photos! ❀✿

    Blog de la Licorne

    1. Thank you! They really are popular worldwide. :)

  5. Prvo, jako jako jako mi se dipada tvoj blog i stil tvog pisanja :) Uzivam u citanju! Nisam mogla da odolim, a ne zapratim te.
    Sto se ovog posta tice, cula sam za gumene medvedice,ali nikako nisam procitala recenziju o tome da li se uopste isplati koristiti ih. Javi utiske! :)

    Novi post je na mom blogu:

    1. Hvala ti puno! Prikazaću rezultate ako ih uočim nakon što ih sve iskoristim. :D

  6. Great post <3 You are soo beautiful <3
    Do you want to follow each other?

  7. mnogo su ti lepe slike! Drago mi je da su ti lajkovali sliku na ig videla sam sve :))

    na mom blogu procitaj trendi boje lakova za nokte

    Ili kako da napraviš svoj čiviluk

  8. Great post dear!!😊❤️
    I follow you!!


  9. Jao, susretala sam ovo jako često na Instagramu :) Djeluje jako slatko i zabavno.. I ja bih htjela nekada da probam :) Jako lijep post.. A lijepa si i ti! -Pogledaj moj novi post i novi izgled bloga :)

  10. Oh I've seen a lot of my friends consuming this vitamin but I'm not sure about what it does and does it really work because it's not that affordable for a hair vitamin.


    1. Yeah, I agree that they are a bit pricey, I'll show the results once I'm done with taking them and then you can get the idea on whether you'll use them or not. :)

  11. Yummy, jedva cekam i ja da isprobam :D

  12. Wow, you look blooming! I think it's not just the vitamins tho! Stay pretty.

  13. Replies
    1. Osvojila sam ih u jednoj njihovoj nagradnoj igri, a jedini zvanični sajt za poručivanje ovih vitamina je njihov sajt <3
