May 23, 2018

I'm tired of being what you want me to be

PULL & BEAR oversized plaid blazer  //  River Island Ditch The Label charity t-shirt (find it here)  //  SheIn + DIY high waist jeans (find them here)  //  AliExpress bag (find it here)  //  Gifts for a Designer geometric earrings (find them here)  //  Gifts for a Designer ring (find it here)  //  Zaful rimless cat eye sunglasses (find them here)  //  Le Cachôt watch  //  Fashion 71 slippers (find them here)

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Kad sam bila dete obožavala sam pokemone, a i dan-danas se se sećam jednog od meni najdražih citata iz filma "Mewtwo uzvraća udarac" - "Zaista imamo mnogo toga zajedničkog. Istu Zemlju, isti vazduh, isto nebo. Možda, kad bismo počeli da gledamo ono po čemu smo isti umesto da gledamo ono po čemu smo različiti... pa, ko zna?" Nažalost, sve po čemu smo svi kao ljudi slični često pada u zaborav, a razlike koje bi trebalo da nas fasciniraju bivaju zloupotrebljene kao povod za nepotrebnu mržnju.
Ja sam jedna od onih ljudi koji su još u detinjstvu došli u dodir s mržnjom, neodobravanjem i odbacivanjem od strane vršnjaka. Nikada nisam razumela zašto i bila sam ubeđena da u nečemu grešim, a pošto nigde nisam mogla da pronađem odgovore jedino što sam želela je da prestane. I onda mi je, negde u sedmom razredu, jedna devojka iz odeljenja rekla da moram da se promenim ako želim da me drugi ljudi prihvate. Glupa kučka.
Kada sam čula za kampanju brenda River Island pod nazivom "Odbaci etikete" i njihov slogan "Etikete su za odeću, a ne za ljude", jednostavno sam morala da kupim nešto iz te kolekcije. Od svake kupovine odeće u okviru kolekcije izdvaja se po tri britanske funte za organizaciju "Ditch The Label" koja se suprotstavlja maltretiranju i nasilju. Majica koju sam ja odabrala vam dozvoljava da se poigrate i učinite je 100% unikatnom - ako ste 100% hrabri, napišite to. Ako ste 100% iskreni, napišite to. Ako ste 100% optimisti, samouvereni ili bilo šta drugo, samo napred, napišite to! Ja sam 100% ja, dosledna sebi, i volim sebe takvu kakva jesam.
Trebalo mi je toliko vremena da naučim da ne primam uvrede k srcu jer sam znala da nisam učinila ništa da bih ih zaslužila, da ignorišem ljude koji će mrzeti druge jer ne vole same sebe, a sada konačno postoji nešto što ću nositi s ponosom u nadi da ću ohrabriti druge da se suprotstave nasilju, mržnji i maltretiranju. Etikete su namenjene odeći, a ne ljudima, i ono čemu se najviše nadam jeste da ćemo svi kao ljudi naučiti da ne sudimo o drugima na osnovu onoga što vidimo, jer se nikada ne zna šta ćemo tačno videti kad ih bolje upoznamo. Naučila sam i još nešto što sam čula kao dete, ali je trebalo da odrastem da bih to razumela - "Sad uviđam da su okolnosti pod kojim je neko rođen nebitne, ono što činiš s darom života određuje ko si." Ono što ja biram da učinim s darom života jeste da pomažem ljudima, na sve načine na koje mogu - kao stomatolog, kao prijatelj, kao ljudsko biće koje vas razume, jer niste sami. Nikada niste sami.

As a child I used to love Pokémon, and even today I remember one of my favourite quotes from the movie "Mewtwo strikes back" - "We do have a lot in common. The same Earth, the same air, the same sky. Maybe if we started looking at what's the same instead of always looking at what's different... well, who knows?" Sadly, everything that we're the same by as the human beings that we are is often put aside, and the differences that are supposed to fascinate us are misused as reasons for unnecessary hatred.
I happen to be one of those people that experienced hate, disapproval and rejection from their peers even during childhood. I never understood why and I was convinced that I was doing something wrong, but as I couldn't find an answer to why it was all happening to me all I could do is hope that it would stop. And then one time, back in seventh grade, a girl from my class told me that I had to change for other people to accept me as their friend. Stupid bitch.
When I heard of the River Island campaign named "Ditch The Label" and their slogan "Labels are for clothes, not people", I just had to buy something from that collection. From every purchase within the collection £3 will be donated to the "Ditch The Label" charity that stands up to bullying and violence. The t-shirt I got allows you to play a little and make it 100% your own - if you're 100% brave, write it down. If you're 100% sincere, write it down. If you're 100% optimistic, confident or whatever, go ahead and write it down! I am 100% myself, true to myself, and I love myself the way I am.
It took me so long to learn not to feel hurt by the insults that I'd get because I knew that I had done nothing to deserve them, to ignore people who will hate others just because they don't love themselves to begin with, and now there is something that I can proudly wear, hoping to encourage others to stand up to violence, hate and bullying. Labels are for clothes, not people, and all that I hope for is that we will all, as people, learn not to judge others by what we see on the surface, because you never know what we'll end up seeing when we get to know them better. I also learned something that I heard as a child, but I needed to grow up to fully understand it - "I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant, it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." What I choose to do with the gift of life is to help others, in any way that I can - as a dentist, as a friend, as a human being that understands you, because you're not alone. You're never alone.


  1. I know what you mean and your look is cool!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  2. Predivan outfit. Imam sličan blejzer i obožavam ga!

    Kathy's delight

  3. Prelep outfit :*

  4. Thank you so much Jelena!! I'm so happy that you liked my summer wishlist :) I also like your outfit, you have a cool style! ;) Can't wait to receive my final choices and show them to you so stay tunned! ;) Kss

    ♥ ★ ♥ GINGER COLLAGE ♥ ★ ♥

  5. I love your photos are very beautiful and especially the scenarios

  6. Way to share your feeling. I totally understand you!
    You look so chic and stunning in this outfit.

  7. I love your Pull and Bear blazer
    and nice shirt and slippers ♥


  8. Just beautiful dear. <3

  9. Tekst mi se mnogo dopao! Prelijepa si!

  10. You are gorgeous! I love that plaid pattern. <3

  11. Love your blazer!
    gorgeous look

  12. Precioso todo! feliz fin de semana!💚💚💚

  13. Beautiful photos! Love the blazer.

    Ami Amour

  14. Amazing outfit! You look stylish!

  15. Odlican post, odusevljena sam tvojim pisanjem kao i uvek :D A slike su nam super ispale ;D

  16. Beautiful pictures, what a cool outfit and top!
    Have a lovely day :)
    Rosanna x
    Rose's Rooftop

  17. I am in love with your plaid blazer and the mules. This is such a comfy chic look.

  18. This is a great campaign to support!!! You look amazing in this outfit!! xx


  19. Odlična kombinacija! Ovaj model papuča mi se jako sviđa! :)

  20. Pero que mona estás cielo

  21. Wow!! You look beautiful dear <33 Lovely style ;)

  22. Aww you look super cute! And I always loved Pokemon and there's lots of inspiring quotes you can take from there! :)

  23. Predivna look!Bas mi se dopada svaki komad na tebi!Pokotovo majica! :)
    Divan tekst!! <3 <3 <3

  24. You look beautiful:) great blazer:)

  25. That is a great campaign. Kudos to river island for thinking about something like this. You look casually comfortable and chic.

  26. Beautiful photos :)
    Zapraszam na nowy post :)

  27. OMG I love this plaid jacket it look soo good:)


  28. Such a great initiative! Labels are for clothes not people is a very strong message!!

    Thanks for spreading the word, and the t-shirt looks great on you!


    Seize your Style

    1. Thank you so much! <3 I really hope to see as many campaigns as this one, changes need to be made.

  29. coool outfit!!
    you look so chic!!

  30. Pokemon is awesome!!!! (T_T) You be you girl. People are too judgemental nowadays. Remember "Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." :) Thank you for sharing this lovely and supportive post Jelena!!

    p.s You look fabulous in this outfit!

  31. amazing dear! You're so pretty.

    Sara's City

  32. Odlične slike! Sako je predivan. :)

    Shoot for the stars | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Facebook page | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Instagram

  33. wau super izgeldas i dopadaju mi se naocari :))
    moj novi post je na blogu
    ako nisi molim te pogledaj moj novi video

  34. Predivna si draga ^_^ Autfit je top, jako mi se dopada, kao i fotkice ^_^

    Novi post

  35. Hun your look is amazing but what I like the most from this post are your words. I totally agree with what you said. We should all look at similarities and not differences!

    Check out my latest blogpost, to get some spring ootd inspo :)

    xx Eva

    1. The best would be that we should all look at both similarities and differences, but to never see those differences as reasons to hate each other, but to be fascinated by them and to be curious to know more about someone who is not exactly like us. :)

  36. You have such an incredible style :D
    With love,

    Patricia & Miguel
