September 13, 2017

Technic cosmetics

Technic Cosmetics strobing cream in Sunkissed (find it here)  //  Technic Cosmetics matte liquid lipstick (find it here)  //  Technic Cosmetics Mega Lash waterproof mascara (find it here)  //  Technic Cosmetics Mega Mattes eyeshadow palette (find it here)

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Technic Cosmetics je kozmetički brend stacioniran u Velikoj Britaniji i čiji proizvodi, nažalost, trenutno nisu dostupni u Srbiji tako da je jedino moguće kupiti ih preko interneta, ali sam sa velikim zadovoljstvom otpočela saradnju s njim. Gotovi proizvodi i njihovi sastojci nisu testirani na životinjama, a neki od proizvoda u njihovom asortimanu odgovaraće i veganima jer ne sadrže sastojke životinjskog porekla - u opisu svakog proizvoda označeno je da li u njegov sastav ulaze vegetarijanski ili veganski sastojci. Proizvodi koje sam ja dobila na testiranje su: tečni hajlajter, tečni mat karmin, vodootporna maskara i paleta senki. Zajedno sa njima poslata je i i paleta za konturisanje koja se, nažalost, otvorila u transportu tako da su sve nijanse bile uništene i samo umrljale ambalaže drugih proizvoda tako da je bila neupotrebljiva. Moji utisci su sledeći:

1. Tečni hajlajter:  čula sam mnogo pozitivnih kritika na račun njihovih hajlajtera tako da sam se nadala da ću i sama dobiti jedan na testiranje. Međutim, malo sam se razočarala kad sam videla da je u pitanju tečni hajlajter jer zazirem od toga da ih koristim iz straha da se neće lepo stopiti sa puderom i da će se razmazati. Nijansa Sunkissed je namenjena preplanuloj koži i malo tamnijem tenu, ali mi se mnogo dopala jer me podseća na ružičasto zlato kad vidim kako se presijava. Oduševljena sam time kako se lako stapa s ostatkom šminke i kako izgleda na licu, ali pored toga ima jednu veliku manu - miris koji je neprijatno intenzivan ali, na svu sreću, brzo nestaje nakon što se proizvod osuši.

2. Tečni mat karmin:  blede boje karmina su nešto što izbegavam jer mi apsolutno ne pristaju i, kao za inat, ja od pet nijansi koliko imaju u ponudi dobijem najsvetliju. Čim sam videla nijansu u ambalaži znala sam da mi neće odgovarati, ali sam se ipak nadala da na usnama izgleda tamnije jer je to slučaj kod nekih karmina. Međutim, to se nije desilo i mislim da ću ga proslediti nekome kome će mnogo više odgovarati. Ima intenzivan, ali prijatan miris koji podseća na voće i žvake i koji nestane ubrzo po sušenju na usnama, za šta mu treba 30 do 60 sekundi. Pigmentacija je impresivna - dovoljno je naneti jedan sloj za potpuno prekrivanje usana, a i aplikator je prilično precizan i olakšava nanošenje. Postojanost je sasvim pristojna - izdržaće par sati bez potrebe za prepravkom, ali je nešto lakše skinuti ga micelarnom vodom u odnosu na druge mat karmine koje sam do sada koristila.

3. Vodootporna maskara:  čim sam je otvorila primetila sam da je znatno drugačija od drugih maskara koje sam do sada koristila - ne moram da je prislonim preterano blizu licu da bih osetila njen miris. Prejak je. Kada se radi o njenoj gustini mogu je uporediti sa Maybelline The Rocket Volum' Express maskarom ili Golden Rose maskarama koje sam opisivala u ovom postu. Četkica je silikonska i mnogo me je obradovao njen oblik jer sam očekivala da će dati efekat većeg volumena trepavicama. Međutim, prerano sam se ponadala. Uviće trepavice i znatno ih podići, razlika je svakako uočljiva po tom pitanju, ali kad se radi o volumenu trepavica koristila sam daleko bolje maskare. Jedna od njenih velikih prednosti jeste ta da čak ni pošto je nanesete u dva ili tri sloja neće izgledati grudvasto na trepavicama i mislim da će odgovarati svima čije su trepavice prirodno spuštene.

4. Paleta senki:  izgleda da je intenzivan miris, koji nije uvek naročito prijatan, karakteristika svih proizvoda ovog brenda jer ga ima čak i ova paleta. Začudila sam se kad sam primetila koliko se jako oseća. Međutim, odlučila sam da to zanemarim i isprobam ove senke jer su u pitanju neutralne nijanse sa kojima se može eksperimentisati s obzirom na to da ih ima dvanaest i da se lepo uklapaju. Puteraste su i lepo se nanose, ali pigmentacija je problem većem broju nijansi. Naime, svetlije nijanse su na kapcima jedva uočljive i pun intenzitet boje nećete dobiti tako lako. Međutim, ova paleta je sasvim pristojna za početnike jer je mogućnost preterivanja svedena na minimum, a neke od nijansi mogu poslužiti i za definisanje obrva.

Da li ste vi imali priliku da isprobate neki od Technic Cosmetics proizvoda i jeste li zadovoljni?


Technic Cosmetics is a beauty brand based in the United Kingdom and their products are, sadly, currently unavailable for purchase in Serbia so the only way for us to buy them is to order them online, but I started a collaboration with the brand with great pleasure nevertheless. The products they sell and their ingredients aren't tested on animals which makes them cruelty free, and some of their products are also suitable for vegans as they don't contain animal bi-products - every product on their website is precisely described and you can see whether they contain vegetarian or vegan ingredients. The products I received for testing are: a strobing cream, a liquid matte lipstick, a waterproof mascara and an eyeshadow palette. I also received a contouring palette which, sadly, arrived so damaged that it was no longer usable. These are my impressions:

1. Strobing cream:  I saw so many positive reviews on their highlighters so I was hoping to receive one of them for testing. However, I was slightly disappointed when I saw that I got a strobing cream because I'm not really comfortable with using them out of fear that it doesn't blend in with the powder nicely and that everything will get smeared and messy. This shade called Sunkissed is suitable for tanned skin and a slightly darker complexion, but I like it a lot because it looks sort of rose gold when it shines. I love how it looks on the face and how it blends in with the rest of the make up, but it has a bad side - the smell which is unpleasantly strong but, fortunately, goes away as soon as the product dries out. 

2. Liquid matte lipstick:  I avoid pale lipstick colors because they do not fit me well whatsoever, and out of five shades that they have I received the palest. My luck! As soon as I saw the shade in the package I knew that it wouldn't suit me, but I was still hoping that it could look slightly darker on the lips as it happens with some lipsticks. However, that didn't happen and I think I'll pass it on to someone who will like it more than me. It has an intensive, yet pleasant fruity bubblegum smell that vanishes as soon as it dries out on your lips, which happens in 30 or 60 seconds. It's impressively pigmented - one layer is enough to cover the entire lips, and the applicator is quite precise which makes putting it on a lot easier. Its duration is decent as well - it will last for a couple of hours without requiring to be fixed, but it's a bit easier to take it off using micellar water compared to other liquid matte lipsticks that I've used.

3. Waterproof mascara:  as soon as I opened it I noticed that it was significantly different than other mascaras that I've used before - I don't have to put it too close to my face to feel its smell. It's overpowering. When it comes to its density you can compare it to the Maybelline The Rocket Volum' Express mascara or the Golden Rose mascaras that I described in this post. I was happy with the shape of the silicone brush because I was expecting it to emphasize the volume of the eyelashes. However, I spoke too soon. It will lift your eyelashes and push them upwards, the difference can be seen, but when it comes to volume I've used much better mascaras. One of its great advantages is that it won't look lumpy even after you apply two or three coats of it and I think it's good for everyone whose eyelashes grow downwards.

4. Eyeshadow palette:  it looks like the intensive smell, which isn't always too pleasant, is something that all products of this brand have because even this palette smells overpowering. I was surprised by how strong the smell is. However, I decided to leave that aside and try these eyeshadows out because these are neutral shades which you can experiment with a lot as there are twelve of them and they match well. They are buttery and you can apply them nicely, but the main issue for many shades is the pigmentation. Namely, these brighter shades are barely visible on the eyes and you won't get the full intensity of the color so easily. However, this palette is adequate for beginners as the possibility of overdoing your make up with these is down to a minimum, and some of the shades can also be used to fill in your eyebrows.

Have you ever tried Technic Cosmetics products and are you happy with them?


  1. I ja sam surađivala sa njima više puta do sada, međutim nijedan od ovih proizvoda nisam probala.
    Poslali su mi isto paletu sjenila ali u mojoj su uglavnom šimeraste sjenke i pigmentacija im je fenomenalna!
    Kameni highglihter im je čudo zaista odličan!
    Također obični mat ruževi su super, u svkaom slučaju žao mi je što nisi dobila bar jedan od tih proizvoda.
    I da, Technic proizvodi zaista imaju specifičan miris. ☺♥
    Odličan post i super fotkice ♥

    1. Hvala. :) Moram priznati da se moje mišljenje o tečnom hajlajteru dosta poboljšalo i veoma sam zadovoljna sad. :D

  2. Ne koristim cesto sminku tako da ne znam sta da kazem jedino da je vodootporna maskara pun pogodak! <3

    1. Odlična je za naglašavanje trepavica u nekoj svakodnevnoj varijanti, ali preporučujem nešto bolje za efekat većeg volumena.

  3. Ovaj tekući mat ruž predivno izgleda,ja lično volim ovakve nijanse pa mi je predivan!
    Odlična recenzija kao i fotografije.♥

    Bella Place.

    1. Na kvalitet karmina ne mogu da se požalim, ali je nijansa presvetla za mene. :(

  4. NIsam imala prilike da probam nijedan njihov proizvod, ali čula sam da su zaista mnogo hvaljeni i da ih djevojke vole. Žao mi je što se tebi jedan proizvod uništio u transportu i što nisi u potpunosti zadovoljna sa ostatkom ❤️❤️❤️

    I follow you: Visit and follow ----> Marija's blog

    1. Kad je hajlajter u pitanju stvarno se pokazao kao fenomenalan - jedina mana mu je miris. Karmin je izvanredan, jedino mi nijansa ne odgovara. Hvala. :)

  5. Wonderful review on all the products, I am not much on an eye shadow person though it would be great for my brows like you said!


  6. Tečni hajlajter je stvarno divan ❤️

    1. Izuzetan! Ranije sam zazirala od njega a sad ga svakodnevno koristim!

  7. Replies
    1. It did, and it's great for beginners, but the pigmentation could have been a bit stronger.

  8. Ja sam uživala čitajući, stvarno si detaljno opisala i predstavila proizvode. Sjajna recenzija i fotografije! <3
