August 5, 2017

My SheIn summer picks

SheIn rose satin slip dress (find it here)  //  SheIn rose gold hoop earrings (find them here)  //  SheIn flamingo print midi skirt (find it here)  //  SheIn pink and white bag (find it here)  //  SheIn black lace bralette (find it here)  //  SheIn tropical print clear heel sandals (find them here)

Leto je odavno počelo, ali neće se završiti još neko vreme tako da biram da uživam u njemu što je više moguće, a ne planiram ni da propustim priliku da neke od letnjih trendova uključim u svoj stil dok su još uvek dostupni. SheIn je moja omiljena stranica za kupovinu preko interneta, ne samo zato što je jedna od najpouzdanijih za koje znam, već i zbog toga što im je ponuda uvek raznovrsna, a odeća me nikad do sada nije razočarala kvalitetom. Ovoga puta se na mojoj listi želja nalaze:

1. Satenska "slip" haljina:  ovaj model haljine me je osvojio na prvi pogled, dugo sam čekala da se pojavi nešto što ću želeti da nosim sa tolikim uživanjem i u čemu ću se osećati i prijatno i ženstveno u isto vreme. Pored toga što su i same po sebi jako atraktivne, ove haljine mi daju ideje za kombinovanje kojih se skupilo na pretek, a sve što je trebalo da uradim jeste da pustim mašti na volju i posmatram ih iz malo drugačijeg ugla. Pitate se na šta mislim? Uskoro ćete saznati. ;)

2. Alke:  sećam se kad sam u sedmom razredu za jednu školsku žurku pozajmila mamine velike srebrne alke i koliko sam tad volela da ih nosim. Kad sam ugledala ove (koje izgledaju znatno manje od onih koje sam nosila, mada je moguće da grešim) u boji ružičastog zlata mojoj sreći nije bilo kraja. Mislim da bih mogla u nekom trenutku da priuštim sebi ovaj par, svakako mi treba više nakita u ovoj boji.

3. Flamingo suknja:  očigledno je da je flamingo postao svetski rasprostranjen trend za ovu sezonu. Toliko sam ga viđala na instagramu, plaži, odeći i aksesoarima da sam mislila da ću u nekom trenutku poludeti i postati odgovorna za istrebljenje te vrste. Šalim se, naravno, jer je flamingo jedna od meni omiljenih ptica (pobogu, roze je). Mada ja više volim ovaj dezen na jastučnicama ili nečemu sličnom moram priznati da bih se vrlo verovatno usudila da ponesem ovu predivnu suknju. Savršena je za kombinovanje uz bele bluze i aksesoare, i još sadrži i tri od pet mojih omiljenih boja na jednom mestu (da, ja imam top 5 omiljenih boja, kakvo iznenađenje). Može li biti bolje od toga?

4. Pastelna torbica:  iako se nekad u njima snalazim kao da gledam u ponor bez dna, moram priznati da češće kupujem i nosim velike torbe u odnosu na male. Međutim, bez obzira na svoju naviku nekad jednostavno ne mogu da odolim jednoj slatkoj torbi manjih dimenzija, poput ove, na primer. Pastelna roze i bela se fenomenalno uklapaju i te boje volim da nosim zajedno tako da nije ni čudo što mi se ova toliko dopala. Mislim da bi se Isidora složila sa mnom - stalno mi govori kako želi da nađe jednu lepu veliku torbu koja će se savršeno uklopiti u njen stil, ali uvek poklekne i kupi neku manju. Počinjem da mislim da su male torbe njena slabost. ;)

5. Čipkani brushalter:  svila i čipka su moji omiljeni materijali - u njima se osećam ženstveno, moćno, samouvereno i seksi. Stoga ne bi trebalo da vas začudi ovo što ću vam sad priznati - "slip" haljine i čipkani brushalteri (pogotovo crni) su stvari koje toliko volim da se to graniči sa opsesijom i mogla bih da ih kupujem u nedogled, nikada mi ne bi bilo dovoljno. Ovaj model je savršen za uklapanje sa majicama sa dubokim izrezima, što i sama planiram češće da nosim, sve što treba da uradim jeste da nađem komad garderobe koji će mu dopustiti da malo proviri i diskretno nadogradi celu kombinaciju.

6. Sandale sa tropskim dezenom:  ne mogu se pohvaliti da imam zavidnu kolekciju obuće, ali uživam u tome da nosim visoke potpetice, pogotovo sandale. Međutim, svesna sam činjenice da u visokim potpeticama koje su izrazito tanke hodam kao pingvin sa artritisom tako da pre biram deblju štiklu da ne bih posle dva koraka po izlasku iz kuće završila u bolnici. Proleće i leto su sezona printova, a ovaj koji podseća na palmino lišće mi se u poslednje vreme mnogo dopada. Prozirna štikla je nešto što se sve češće sreće u prodaji i moram priznati da daje vrlo interesantan izgled cipeli. Jedan takav par sam skoro dodala svojoj kolekciji obuće i jedva čekam da vam pokažem kako izgledaju. ;)

Šta je to što vi volite da nosite leti? Da li su to cvetne haljine, maksi suknje, bluze s otkrivenim ramenima ili nešto potpuno drugačije? Recite mi u komentarima. ;)


Summer has begun a while ago, but it won't end just yet so I choose to enjoy it as much as possible, and I also don't want to miss the opportunity to include some trends into my style while they're still available. SheIn is my favourite online shopping website, not only because it's one of the most reliable ones I know, but also because they have so much to offer, and their clothes never disappointed me when it comes to quality. This time my wishlist contains:

1. A satin slip dress:  this type of dress won me over at first sight, I've been waiting for so long to see something that I'd wear with such enjoyment and that would make me feel both comfortable and feminine. Not only are they nice the way they are, these dresses also inspire me to wear them in so many ways, and all I had to do to get the ideas was to use my imagination and look at them from a slightly different perspective. Are you wondering what I mean by it? You'll find out soon enough. ;)

2. Hoop earrings:  I remember when I was in seventh grade and there was this school dance thing that I wanted to go to, so I borrowed my mum's huge silver hoop earrings and loved wearing them. When I saw these (which look quite smaller compared to the ones I wore back then, but still I could be wrong) in rose gold my happiness was overwhelming. I think I could treat myself with this pair at some point, I could really use more jewellery in this color.

3. The flamingo skirt:  obviously the flamingo became a worldwide summer trend. I've seen it everywhere starting from instagram, the beaches, clothes and accessories that I thought I'd go berserk and end up being responsible for the extinction of the species. Just kidding, of course, because the flamingo is one of my favourite birds (it's pink, for God's sake). Though I prefer this pattern on pillowcases or something more related to interior design, I have to admit that I'd probably dare to wear this lovely skirt. It's perfect for combining with white blouses and accessories, and it also has three out of my five favourite colors in one place (yes, I have a top 5 list of my favourite colors, what a surprise). Could it get any better than that?

4. A pastel bag:  although sometimes I feel like I'm diving into a bottomless pit, I have to admit that I prefer buying and carrying around big bags compared to smaller ones. However, regardless of my habit sometimes I just can't resist a cute little bag such as this one. Pastel pink and white go so well together and I love to combine those colors so no wonder I liked this bag so much. I think that Isidora would agree with me - she keeps telling me how she wants to find a nice big bag which will fit into her style, but she always gives up and buys another small one. I'm starting to think that smaller bags are her weakness. ;)

5. A lace bra:  silk and lace are my favourite fabrics - when I wear them I feel feminine, powerful, confident and sexy. Therefore you shouldn't be surprised by what I'm about to confess - slip dresses and lace bras (especially in black) are things that I like so much it's borderline obession and I could buy them forever without having enough. This one is perfect for matching with deep cut t-shirts and blouses, which I'm planning to wear more often as well, all I have to do is to find a garment which will allow it to show off discreetly and work its magic.

6. Tropical print sandals:  I can't say that I have a collection of footwear one could envy me for, but I enjoy wearing high heels, especially sandals. However, I'm aware that I can only walk like a penguin with arthritis if I wear heels that are both really high and thin, so I always go for a thicker heel to avoid ending up in the ER after taking two steps outside my house. Spring and summer are seasons of prints, and this one that looks like palm leaves is something I'm really fond of lately. A clear heel is something I'm seeing more and more every day and I have to admit that it makes the entire shoe look much more interesting. I recently added one such pair to my collection of footwear and I can't wait to show you what they look like. ;)

What is it that you like to wear in the summer? Are those floral print dresses, maxi skirts, off the shoulder blouses or something completely different? Let me know in the comments.


  1. The shoe, the bag and skirt are to die for... i love them

    Glowyshoes's blog

  2. Odličan izbor, mnogo mi se sviđa, haljinica i suknja su mi p r e l e p e , i mislim da ću pogledati Shein- ov sajt, možda pronađem nešto slično i korisno <3

    Boomy's Place

  3. Ooh, I'm digging the satin dress and the flamingo skirt! I feel like these two have been around for awhile (and definitely pretty popular), but I still haven't got my hands on them yet x'D I can't wait to see the satin dress on you!

    Simplee Nikkie
    I'd love to follow each other! :)

  4. Oh. thank you for interesting post)
    i'm a new follower of your blog, can you follow mine and support me?


  5. Preslatke letnje krpice, pogotovo suknja.


  6. Pink Flamingosi su mi predivni.
    Imam divnu haljniu upravo sa njima.
    Divna lista

  7. Jooj koliko su slatke stvari i bojee :D <3 Suknja je preslatka, obozavam flamingose!
