August 2, 2017

Insta storybook #3: my Thassos getaway

follow me on @thecouturecase

1. Astpas beach
2. Overwhelmed by the endless source of vitamin sea
3. My favourite colors are everywhere
4. Meditating on the sand
5. Alone with the waves
6. This seagull with a broken wing is my favourite bird on the island

1. Working on my tan all vacation long
2. Feeling the sun, the sea and the freedom
3. Officially my favourite kind of selfie
4. Summer body showoff
5. I love leaving footprints in the sand
6. These magnificent waves never cease to amaze me
7. The most beautiful shore I've seen in my life
8. Feeling like a mermaid in her natural habitat

1. Thought that I could resist the one-piece swimsuit trend? Nope!
2. Rocking on the waves
3. Summer tan goals? Achieved.
4. On the last day the waters were calm
5. My very own stairway to heaven.
6. Goodbye, Thassos! I hope I'll see you again.

Dobro se sećam da sam obećala da ću na blogu objaviti što više odevnih kombinacija pre nego što odem na odmor, ali se putovanje približilo brže nego što sam mislila tako da sam na kraju samo spakovala kofer i otišla. Sad kad sam se vratila u Beograd mogu ponovo izdvojiti vreme i za nove objave na blogu, moram priznati da mi je to pomalo i nedostajalo dok sam bila odsutna. Međutim, iako sam bila daleko od svojih bliskih prijatelja i nekih rituala koji me usrećuju jedno je sasvim sigurno - ovo je najbolje leto u mom životu, a 2017. je moja godina. Sve i da sam planirala sve što se dešavalo mislim da nije moglo da ispadne bolje nego što jeste. Štaviše, da sam sve isplanirala to ne bi bilo ni upola tako iskreno, ne bi bilo stvarno. Naučila sam da se opustim i prepustim, a to je sve što je bilo potrebno. Ponekad je to sasvim dovoljno.
Dakle, ovogodišnja destinacija za odmor je ista kao i prošlog puta - selo Skala Marion na ostrvu Tasos, mesto koje još od tada smatram svojim drugim domom, a ove godine se taj osećaj samo pojačao. Bilo je neverovatno videti koliko me se ljudi još uvek seća iako nisam bila sa njima u kontaktu tokom cele godine, i upravo me taj osećaj da sam dobrodošla uvek iznova pridobija. Slike koje sam izdvojila da podelim sa vama su one koje sam već objavila na svom instagramu, ali se nadam da su dovoljne da vas ubedim da u nekom trenutku odlučite da posetite ovo mesto. Verujte mi, ne postoji mogućnost da se pokajete.

I remember all too well that I promised to publish as many outfits as I can before I go on holiday, but the day of the trip came sooner than I thought so in the end I just packed my suitcase and left. Now that I'm back in Belgrade I can get back to publishing new things on the blog, I have to admit that I missed it a bit while I was away. However, although I was away from my close friends and some rituals that make me happy one thing is for sure - this is the best summer of my life, and 2017 is my year. I don't think that things could have gone better for me even if I could have planned it all out, but even if I could have I don't think it would have been so true, it wouldn't have been real. I learned to relax and give in, and that was all it took. Sometimes it's all it takes.
So, this year's destination was the same as last year - Skala Marion, a village on the island of Thassos, a place that I consider my second home ever since, and this year the feeling got stronger. It was amazing to see how many people actually remember me even though I wasn't in touch with them all this time, and that exact feeling is what's winning me over each and every time. The pictures I chose to share with you are those that I already posted on my instagram, but I hope they're enough to convince you to visit this place at some point. Believe me, there is not even a chance for you to regret it.


  1. Great post and amazing pictures!

    Have a nice day

  2. Dobro došla kući :D
    Fotkice su predivne. Već sam ih gledala u većem formatu tako da sam ostala očarana ovim jednodijelnim kupaćim kostimom.Predivno ti stoji.
    Želim ti lijep dan, draga!

  3. beautiful pictures

  4. Slike su ti predivne..💞💞

  5. Vacations always seem to sneak up on you...and it's hard to get everything done before you go away. Gorgeous pictures!

  6. Such a beautiful place and such amazing photos. Hope this is a fantastic vacation.
    Wish you a beautiful evening.
    Flo from

  7. Iskreno, jesam ocekivala vise fotografija i postova ali sam se ipak jako obradoval ovom. Jako lepe i interesantne slike. Drago mi je sto si se divno provela! Ovo mesto izgleda sjajno, draga Jelena!
    Visit me, Gothic

    1. Mesto je preslatko, pravo za opuštanje. Ovo je bio jedan od onih odmora koji natera čoveka da zaboravi na uređaje i u većini trenutaka samo uživa, tek poželi da zabeleži poneki. <3

  8. Tasos je prelep, kao i ti i tvoje slikice. ♥

  9. Predivne fotografije, jedva cekam svoj odmor :)

  10. Dobro dosla natrag u Beograd!
    Nadam se da ti je putovanje bilo izvrsno i da ces ga jos pamtit mnogo godina :)
    Odlicne fotkice :)
    Tako si slatka :)
    Posjeti i nas blog,zaista bi nam znacilo :)
    Preplatile smo se :)

  11. Bas si uzivala <3

  12. Great summer photos!
    Want to follow each other? Let me know then :)


  13. Prelepe fotkice, bas se vidi da si uzivala. Kostim sa palmama ti je pun pogodak i stoji ti kao saliven.


  14. Divan tekst i predivne slike.
    Nasem Viktoru je prvo letovanje bilo na Tasosu!!
    Volimo Tashos mnogo svi mi:)

    1. Jao, to je preslatko! Meni je ovog leta to postalo omiljeno ostrvo. 💕
