May 21, 2017

Soufeel jewellery

Soufeel rose gold name necklace (find it here)  //  Soufeel rose gold infinity charm name necklace with baby footprints (find it here)  //  Soufeel rose gold sunlight earrings (find them here)  //  Soufeel golden engravable heart bar necklace (find it here)

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Čudna je slučajnost da sam odabrala upravo današnji dan da pišem o svojoj porudžbini sa sajta koji proizvodi i prodaje nakit od kog su najpopularnije ogrlice sa imenima. Naime, 21. maj je dan kada se u Grčkoj obeležava imendan za sve koji se zovu Elena (Ελενα) ili Eleni (Ελένη) (moje grčke imenjakinje) i Konstantinos (Κωνσταντινοσ) ili Konstantina (Κωνσταντινα), tako da bih volela da čestitam imendan svima koji ga slave. ♡ 
Sigurna sam da vam je sajt Soufeel dobro poznat, pogotovo ukoliko ste posetili veći broj modnih blogova do sada jer sam i sama primetila da često sarađuju sa modnim blogerima. Bila sam jako srećna kada sam dobila priliku da i sama ostvarim saradnju sa njima i priuštim sebi (i još nekome) donekle unikatan i lep nakit izrađen od kvalitetne legure srebra (više o sajtu i nakitu pročitajte ovde).
Kao što sam već istakla, najpopularnije na sajtu su ogrlice sa imenima (ili drugim natpisima), ali kako ja nisam neko ko bi nosio svoje ime oko vrata odlučila sam se za sledeće: ogrlicu sa gravurom COUTURE CASE (za hobi koji je potpuno neočekivano prerastao u jedan od mojih najvećih samostalnih uspeha), ogrlicu sa pločicom na kojoj je ugravirano jednostavno "Dreams" (jer mi je ostvarenje snova jedna od najvećih motivacija kroz život) i jedan delikatan par minđuša u obliku sunca (zanimljiva činjenica: ime Jelena, i sva njemu slična, vode poreklo iz Grčke i nose značenje "sunčeva svetlost"). Poslednja ogrlica je poklon - naime, moja najbolja prijateljica je u martu dobila ćerku, i kada sam ugledala ovaj privezak morala sam da ga uzmem na nju. Ne postoji ništa na ovom svetu što može u potpunosti da otelotvori beskonačnu ljubav majke prema njenom detetu, ali mislim da je ovakav poklon i više nego prikladan, zar ne?
Ono što sad želim da vas pitam jeste - šta vi najradije nosite oko vrata? Postoji li nešto što vam toliko znači da to nešto uvek nosite sa sobom?

It is a peculiar coincidence that I chose this very day to write about what I received from a website that sells jewellery, and their bestsellers turn out to be name necklaces. Namely, the 21st of May is the day when Greeks celebrate the name day of everyone named Elena (Ελενα) or Eleni (Ελένη) (my Greek namesakes) and Konstanthinos (Κωνστανθινοσ) or Konstanthina (Κωνστανθινα), so I would like to wish everyone who celebrates it a happy name day. ♡ 
I'm sure that you've already heard of Soufeel, especially if you visited a great number of fashion blogs because I noticed that they often collaborate with fashion bloggers. I was so happy when I got the chance to collaborate with them as well and treat myself (and someone else) with somewhat unique and beautiful jewellery made of a high-quality silver alloy (you can read more about the website and their jewellery here).
As I already said, their most popular products are name necklaces (or other engravings), and since I'm not the type of person who likes to wear their name around their neck I made up my mind for: a necklace with the writing COUTURE CASE (for the hobby that unexpectedly turned out to be one of my greatest independent successes), a platelet necklace with the simple engraving "Dreams" (because making my dreams come true is my greatest motivation in life) and a delicate pair of earrings shaped like the sun (fun fact: the name Jelena, and all those alike, originate from Greece and bear the meaning "sunlight"). The last necklace is a gift - namely, my best friend got a baby girl in March, and when I saw this pendant I just had to take it for her. There is nothing in this world that can depict the infinite love of a mother for her child, but I think that this gift is more than just appropriate, don't you agree?
What I want to ask you now is this - what is it that you like to wear around your neck? Is there something that means so much to you that you carry it everywhere with you?


  1. Naručivala sam sa Soufela i stvarno su predobri!
    Tvoj izbor mi se jaako sviđa ♥♥

  2. Pre svega, veoma interesantan tekst, jako zanimljiva priča, uživala sam čitajući. Fotografije veoma profesionalne i perfektne, bas kako sam i navikla od tebe. Sjajan post, veoma dobro uradjena recenzija, ovaj nakit je divan, zaista tako jednostavan a ipak jedinstevn, i moguce ga je kombinovati gotovo uz sve. Posebno bih izdvojila ogrlicu s natpisom dreams, koja me je zaista odusevila. Odličan post, draga Jelena! <3

    Visit me, Gothic

    1. Mnogo ti hvala, Sandra! Tvoji komentari me uvek obraduju. <3

  3. Love this beautiful pieces from soufeel jewelry

  4. Wow,beautiful pieces from soufeel jewelry.
    Really Awesome Collection.

  5. predobar nakit! naušnice mi se posebno sviđaju :D

  6. Wonderful post, love it! ♥
    Maybe follow for follow? :)

  7. Divan nakit, ne znam šta je lepše! Baš mi se dopada! :)

    Kathy's delight I Instagram I Facebook

  8. This is absolutely gorgeous - loving all the pieces, they're beautiful! :)

    Wishing you a great week!

    Layla xx

  9. Oh my, very gorgeous pieces.

  10. Ove ogrlice su fantasticne. Bas mi se svidjaju.

    March and May

  11. jao ovo je prelepo! Jako mi se dopada svoj si blog stavila za natpis ja sam odusevljena!

    1. Mnogo mi manje glupo to nego da nosim svoje ime, jednostavno nisam u tom fazonu. :)

  12. Prelep nakit pa još i personalizovan! Ne sumnjam da ćeš ga lepo nositi.
