May 3, 2017

Met Gala 2017: Tops and Flops

all rights reserved for the authors of these photographs

Svake godine, početkom meseca maja, održava se Met Gala - prestižan događaj koji daje poznatim ličnostima, ili bolje rečeno, njihovim stilistima prostora za ispoljavanje pune kreativnosti (ili manjka iste), što neretko gazi i sve što podrazumeva okvire odevanja s ukusom. Pre nego što vam predstavim neko od sopstvenih novijih izdanja ovog meseca izneću svoje lično mišljenje o nekim od najupečatljivijih poznatih ličnosti sa ovogodišnjeg crvenog tepiha, to jest njihovim odevnim kombinacijama. Da počnemo?

Met Gala takes place every year on the first day of May - it is a prestigious event which gives celebrities, or better said, their stylists more than enough room to express their full creativity (or lack thereof), which, more often than not, crushes everything that can be described as dressing with taste. Before I present you another one of my own editions this month I will express my personal opinion on some of the most jaw-dropping celebrities on this year's red carpet, or to be more precise, their outfits. Shall we begin?

Selena Gomez i The Weeknd:  meni su ovo dvoje naprosto preslatki zajedno, ne samo zato što deluju kao golupčići preko glave zaljubljeni jedno u drugo, nego i zato što su se obukli onako kako smatram da dolikuje jednom gala događaju - elegantno, usklađeno, svedeno i s ukusom. Selena nosi haljinu brenda Coach sa kojim sarađuje, delikatnu i nežnu kreaciju sa kojom su savršeno ukombinovani aksesoari koji je dodatno ulepšavaju umesto da skreću pažnju s nje. Frizura i šminka su apsolutno bez greške - trenutno aktuelni lob, upečatljive senke u ružičastim nijansama i diskretan sjaj za usne, sve u svrhu da se istakne Selenina prirodna lepota. Gospodin Abel Tesfaye odabrao je odelo i u njemu izgleda sjajno, kako sam za sebe, tako i u pratnji svoje lepe dame.

Selena Gomez and The Weeknd:  these two are adorable if you ask me, not only because they look like two lovebirds hopelessly mad for each other, but because they dressed the way I believe someone should for a gala event - elegant, matching and within the boundaries of good taste. Selena is wearing a Coach dress, a brand she works closely with, and it's a delicate and tender garment perfectly upgraded with carefully selected accessories to emphasize it rather than take away its spotlight. Her hair and make up are absolutely flawless - a currently trending lob, statement pink eyeshadows and discreet lipgloss, all in favor of Selena's natural beauty. Mister Abel Tesfaye picked a tux and looks great wearing it, both on his own and as a date to his beautiful lady.

Sophie Turner:  Sansa Stark iz serije Igra Prestola me uvek zadivljuje svojim izdanjima sa crvenog tepiha, a ni ovo nije izuzetak. Zanosno izgleda u ovoj dugoj beloj haljini koja je sama po sebi predivna kako zbog ovog kontrastnog veza, tako i zbog karnera koji joj nežno padaju niz leđa. Elegantno zalizana kosa, minimalistički nakit i šminka - prelepoj devojci i nije potrebno više od toga da zablista.

Sophie Turner:  Sansa Stark from the Game of Thrones series always impresses me with her red carpet looks, and this one is no exception. She looks ravishing in this long white dress which is beautiful on its own, both for its contrast embroidery and the ruffles that gently slide down Sophie's back. Elegantly slicked hair, minimalist jewellery and make up - a beautiful girl needs nothing more than that to have her moment.

Diane Kruger:  izgleda da sam slaba na kombinaciju bele i zlatne boje jer me je ova haljina oduševila. Kroj je tako sveden i elegantan, a zlatni detalji kojima je optočena nikako ne zalaze u okvire kiča, već joj daju plemeniti, gotovo kraljevski izgled. Kako je haljina sama po sebi dovoljno upečatljiva, drago mi je što su celokupni izgled nadogradili jednostavnošću frizure, šminke i aksesoara.

Diane Kruger:  well, it looks like I have a weakness for the white and gold combo because this dress amazes me. The tailoring is so unpretentious and elegant, and the golden details it's decorated with don't make it look kitschy, but noble, almost befitting for a member of the royal family. As the dress itself takes all the spotlight, I'm glad that they completed this look with the simplicity of hair, make up and accessories.

Candice Swanepoel:  ove godine su me jako prijatno iznenadili anđeli Victoria's Secret brenda pojavivši se u glamuroznim, sofisticiranim izdanjima. Prvi, klasičniji primer je Candice Swanepoel, koja je ujedno i moj omiljeni Victoria's Secret anđeo. Jednostavna crna haljina princeza kroja (barem ja tako nazivam haljine koje ovako izgledaju) i kosa podignuta u visoki rep - proveren recept za sjajan izgled.

Candice Swanepoel:  this year I was very pleasantly surprised by Victoria's Secret angels as they appeared in glamorous, sophisticated editions. The first, more classical example is Candice Swanepoel, who also happens to be my favourite Victoria's Secret angel. A simple black princess type dress (as I call these dresses) and a high ponytail - a tested recipe for a great look.

Taylor Hill:  bordo je prelepa boja, podjednako otmena kao crna, i smatram da divno pristaje njenom tenu. Taylor izgleda apsolutno besprekorno u ovoj haljini koja otkriva ramena i na prave načine naglašava njenu skladnu figuru.

Taylor Hill:  burgundy is a beautiful color, just as classy as black, and I think that it fits her complexion like a glove. Taylor looks absolutely flawless in this dress that reveals the shoulders and emphasizes her lovely figure in all the right ways.

Kim Kardashian West:  ja nisam prepoznala ovu ženu na prvi pogled. Ova haljina je tako netipična za njena uobičajena izdanja, ali mislim da mi se upravo zato i dopada. Bela boja joj neverovatno stoji, a kroj ove haljine joj naglašava obline onako kako bi trebalo da to čini sva odeća koju je ikada nosila, tako da ne pravi disproporciju. Moguće je da je došla sama zbog toga što je Kanye Westu bila suviše neinspirativna da bi smislio kako da opet napravi budalu od sebe, pa je stoga odlučio da sedi kod kuće i ceo događaj prati uz kokice.

Kim Kardashian West:  I didn't recognize this woman at first sight. This dress is anything but typical for her usual appearances, but I think that's the exact reason why I like it. White looks incredible on her, and the tailoring of this dress emphasizes her curves in the only way all of her clothes should, in a way that doesn't make her look disproportional. It's possible that she arrived on her own because she was way too uninspiring for Kanye West to make a complete idiot of himself, again, and therefore he decided to sit at home and keep up with the event with a bag of popcorn.

Zoe Kravitz:  ova haljina me podseća na detinjstvo, tačno se sećam da sam nekada provodila sate i sate crtajući haljine za crveni tepih i da sam tada mnogo volela kontrast crne i pastelnoroze boje, a podjednako su mi se dopadala i otkrivena ramena i "plašt". Zaista mislim da je ovo jedno od lepših i otmenijih izdanja sa ovog događaja i ne mogu reći ništa loše na račun ove kombinacije, zaista predivno.

Zoe Kravitz:  this dress reminds me of my childhood, I remember how I used to spend hours and hours drawing dresses for the red carpet and how much I loved the contrast between black and pastel pink back then, as well as the off-shoulder tailoring and this "cape". I really think that this is one of the most beautiful editions of this event and I can't say anything to trash this outfit, truly wonderful.

Cara Delevingne:  izgleda da je prestižna nagrada Oscar dobila svog srebrnog blizanca! Upečatljivo odelo je koncept koji i te kako razumem, ali smatram da je ipak malo preteran. Moguće je da sam dosadna, ali ja bih radije nosila ili blejzer sa crnim ili belim pantalonama, ili obrnuto - pantalone sa crnim ili belim gornjim delom. Cipele su me oduševile jer bih zaista volela da imam takav par, dok za kaiš zaista mislim da je suvišan. I za ime Boga, šta učini sa kosom? 

Cara Delevingne:  looks like the prestigious Oscar award got its silver twin! A statement suit is a concept which I perfectly understand, but I still think it's a little over the top. Call me boring if you wish, but I'd rather wear: either the blazer with black or white trousers, or the other way around - the trousers with a black or white top. I adore the shoes and would love to own such a pair, but I think the belt is a bit much. And for God's sake, what has she done with her hair?

Kendall Jenner:  sećate se kako sam u prethodnom postu pominjala da Kendall Jenner, u svojoj potrebi da koketira sa seksepilom i provokacijama nekad i pretera i izgleda frapantno? Evo jednog idealnog primera na šta sam time mislila. Ovo... čudo je delo brenda La Perla i iskreno, iznenađena sam, najneprijatnije moguće. Ova 80% providna krpa je bruka i sramota za brend koji pravi neverovatan donji veš. Ovo nema nikakav sklad, nikakvu simetriju i, na kraju krajeva, nikakav smisao. Katastrofa!

Kendall Jenner:  remember what I mentioned in the previous post, that Kendall Jenner, in her need to flirt with sex appeal and provocations, sometimes goes way overboard and looks shockingly bad? Here is an ideal example on what I though of when I said it. This... horror is the work of La Perla and honestly, I'm surprised, in the worst possible way. This 80% sheer cloth is a disgrace for a brand that makes incredible lingerie. This has no harmony, no symmetry, and in the end, absolutely no sense. A catastrophe!

Bella Hadid:  ova devojka ume dobro da se obuče, i stoga sam planirala da neke od tih kombinacija iskoristim kao inspiraciju za neki od narednih Style Crush postova. Međutim, kad sam je videla u ovome zapitala sam se treba li da odustanem od te ideje. Ja sam u šoku, apsolutno u šoku. Izgleda kao da je na sebe navukla neki čudan hibrid mrežaste čarape i patofne koji jednostavno izgleda užasno. Zar je potrebno da jedna lepa devojka pravi ovoliku budalu od sebe?

Bella Hadid:  this girl can put on a gorgeous outfit, and therefore I was planning to put some of those outfits in one of the upcoming Style Crush posts as inspiration. However, when I saw her in this thing I began to wonder whether I should throw away that idea. I'm in sock, absolutely in shock. She looks like she put on a strange hybrid of fishnets and house slippers which looks simply horrific. Does a pretty girl like her really need to make a fool of herself?

Rihanna:  sveta majko Božija. Ne, jednostavno ne.

Rihanna:  holy mother of God. No, just no.

Katy Perry:  Bella Hadid, Rihanna, a sada i Katy Perry -  jednostavno ne razumem, i nikada neću razumeti zašto jedna lepa žena ne ume da odabere kreaciju koja će istaći sve njene kvalitete i zablistati, nego se pojavi u nekom frapantnom užasu zbog koga poželimo da im dodamo bocu sa kiseonikom i dodelimo im pratnju u vidu medicinske sestre za slučaj da im pozli. Ovaj crveni haos nema nikakvog smisla, i Katy u ovome, nažalost, izgleda kao čiviluk na koji je materijal nabacan. Haljina (ili gde se ovo već ubraja) nosi nju, a ne obrnuto, kako bi i trebalo da bude.

Katy Perry:  Bella Hadid, Rihanna, and now Katy Perry - I simply don't understand, and I never will, why can't a beautiful woman simply pick a creation that will emphasize all of her qualities and make her shine, but instead she chooses to appear in a horrific state that makes us want to give her a bottle of oxygen and tell a nurse to follow her around in case she faints? This red chaos makes no sense and sadly, Katy looks like a hanger with a pile of material tossed on top of it. This dress (or whatever you can describe this as) is wearing her, and not the other way around, as it should be.

Mary Kate i Ashley Olsen:  ko je rekao ovim nesrećama da umeju da se lepo obuku i da su ikone stila i zašto ih je lagao? Ne, dame, vaš stil nije boho šik, i vi niste trendi, ispred svog vremena i modni inovatori. Vi ste hrpa miljea i drugih gluposti bez imalo ukusa za odevanje.

Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen:  who told these two disgraces that they can dress well and that they are style icons, and why did they lie to them? No, ladies, your style is not boho chic, and you are not trendy, ahead of your time or fashion innovators. You are a pile of doilies and other rubbish with no sense of fashion and style.

Helen Lasichanh i Pharell Williams:  je l' neko za bioskop, narode? Ne znam da li je neko izmislio čin ili tehnologiju da udahne život neživim predmetima, ali ovo izgleda kao fotelja u koju se zavalite da gledate film na velikom platnu. Toliko o gospođi. Pored toga, Pharelle, je l' si pročitao na šta su te pozvali kada ti je pozivnica stigla? Sumnjam u to, jer mislim da i pećinski ljudi znaju da se na gala događaj nikako ne dolazi u pocepanim farmerkama i ostatku ovog krajnje neprikladnog izdanja. Mada, ruku na srce, pored svoje žene izgleda daleko normalnije.

Helen Lasichanh and Pharell Williams:  movie night, anyone? I don't know if someone invented a spell or technology to bring inanimate objects to life, but this looks like a chair that you sit in and relax to watch a movie on the big screen. So much for the lady. Apart from that, Pharell, did you read what they invited you to when you received the invitation? I highly doubt it, because I believe that even cavemen would know that you can't attend a gala event wearing ripped jeans and the rest of this highly unbefitting outfit. However, to be frankly honest, he looks far more normal than his wife.

Solange Knowles:  verujem da nisam jedina kojoj se prispavalo kada se Solange Knowles pojavila noseći jastuke i dušeke. Šalu na stranu, ne znam šta je njoj, ili njenim stilistima, bilo na pameti. Ako sam u toku sa savremenim dobom, svesna i orijentisana u vremenu, onda bi trebalo da je početak maja meseca, što znači da je već uveliko proleće. Teško da su vremenske prilike bile takve da bi neko trebalo da ponese... ovako nešto.
I na samom kraju ostaje da vas pitam - koje se vama izdanje najviše dopalo na ovom događaju? I, ono što me takođe zanima, koje vas je najviše zgrozilo i zašto?

Solange Knowles:  I believe I'm not the only one who became drowzy when Solange Knowles appeared wearing a matress and pillows. Jokes aside, I don't know what was on her, or her stylists' mind. If I'm in touch with present day, and time in general, it should be the beginning of May, which means that spring has arrived days ago. I doubt that the weather demanded something like... this to be worn.
And in the very end, all that's left for me to do is to ask you - what appearance did you like the most when it comes to this event? And what I'd also like to know, which one shocked you in the worst way and why?


  1. Rihanna a totally yes! The MET gala is about art in clothes and she is the one who dress comme les garçon the brand that is on exhibition!

    1. True, but art is one thing and this extreme is another.

  2. Uglavnom se slažem sa tobom i samo mi je žao što si izostavila Nicki Minaj xD meni je ona lepo izgledala, mozda više zbog toga kako se sredila nego zbog onoga što je obukla.

    1. Ja nisam mogla da verujem da je ona nosila H&M. :O

  3. Sviđaju mi se kombinacije devojaka koje se i tebi sviđaju. Helen Lasichanh mi je preeeeesmešna, podseća me na neku kartu lol. Meni se kombinacija od Kylie mnogo dopala, dok me je JLo razočarala. :) Super post!

    1. Kylie je ponela haljinu za koju ne znam šta da mislim - iz nekog ugla izgleda divno dok mi pozadi deluje previše providno na određenim mestima. A što se Jennifer Lopez tiče, meni se i to izdanje svidelo - boja koju je nosila mi se mnogo dopada. :)

  4. Candice i Kendal su izgledale odlično! *_*

    Kathy's delight / Instagram / Facebook

  5. I think Kim Kardashian should have choose a better looking dress for her.

    1. Maybe something a bit more formal and elegant looking, but this tailoring really suits her curves. :D

  6. Uzivala sam citajuci tvoje komentare :)

  7. We match in some looks! but let me say I totally loved Rihanna, not only bc of her look and makeup but bc she followed the theme of this year, inspired by the designer of Comme des Garçons.

    I loved your blog and I'm following you back! xx.

    1. I fully respect your opinion, dear. People aren't meant to agree on absolutely everything, but mutual respect is more than necessary. :D

  8. Glad that you shared your opinion here. :D

  9. I must say I loved so many celebs made a huge fashion statement, obvs Selena and Candice looked incredible!!!

    Love from London,

  10. nakon dugog razmisljanja odlucila sam se za selinu, ipak je ne samo najsladja nego i najprirodnija od svoh gore, mada iskreno ne znam jesam li vise sokirana ili prestravljena kreacijama koje nose nase dame i gospoda. Kim je za moj ukus previse jednostavna ali sudeci da je dosla sa ove dve sestre gde se ne zna koja je gore (ipak kajli mislim da je bolje odevena ako za kendal mogu da kazem da je odevena) cudno mi je da ih vidim u tom izdanju! Super post draga, najbolji od svoh met gala koje sam videla do sada!

    1. Hvala! :D I ja se slažem da je Kylie bila bolje obučena jer se ono što je ona nosila, za razliku od Kendall, može svrstati u haljine.

  11. Odlična ideja za post, super ♥ :)

  12. Boze, slazem se apsolutno sa svim sto si napisala! Bas sam uzivala citajuci! ODlican post :*

  13. Uživala sam čitajući,posebno za ove katastrofe na kraju.Slažem se sa svime što si napisala!♥

  14. Divan post draga <3 Slažem se sa tvojim kritikama u potpunosti !
    Pogledaj moj blog . Pišem o fashion,beauty i lifestyle temama. Bilo bi mi veoma drago da zapratimo jedna drugu i uživamo u novim postovima ♥

  15. Ah, kakve savršene kreacije. Uglavnom mislim na ove bajkovite i raskošne haljine. Ove druge jesu originalne, ali ipak malo too much.

  16. While I adored the same styles as you, they didn't really respect the theme. Those beautiful actresses and models were dressed for a normal gala, love them nonetheless. I think Rihanna respected the theme, even if it's not my style ahaha


    1. Agree, but then I hope they make up with more wearable themes, not something that very few people can dare to wear. And also, if paying a tribute to an artist is the theme, there are other ways to do it without making a fool of yourself. :D

  17. Nasmejala sam se nekim tvojim komentarima i definitivno delim misljenje. zapratila sam te. ako hoces zaprati i ti mene <3
    Ako ti nije tesko pogledaj moj novi post i klikni na linkove ispod slika :D hvala puno <3
