April 26, 2017

Zaful jewellery haul

Zaful tassel earrings (sold out)  //  Zaful turquoise earrings (find them here)  //  Zaful rhinestone earrings (find them here)  //  Zaful rose gold platelet necklace (find it here)  //  Zaful double necklace (find it here)  //  Zaful turquoise arrow necklace (find it here)

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Iako to možda niko ne bi pomislio, obožavam nakit i mogla bih da nađem nešto što mi se dopada i što bih rado pridodala svojoj kolekciji bilo kad i bilo gde. Ranije su mi se dopadale glomaznije ogrlice koje su sjajan način da jednu svedenu odevnu kombinaciju unapredite do sjajnog rezultata, a nešto čemu u poslednje vreme sve više težim je minimalizam. Pre par dana mi je sa sajta Zaful pristiglo nekoliko paketa u kome je, pored nakita, bilo i nekih odevnih predmeta, ali odlučila sam da vam ih pokažem nekom drugom prilikom, i stoga ako želite da vidite šta sam još sve tamo pronašla nastavite da pratite COUTURE CASE na svim društvenim mrežama i budite spremni na nove objave. ;)
Minđuše nemam običaj da menjam, svakodnevno nosim jedan par koji mi je mama kupila za deseti rođendan, što iz navike, što jer imaju sentimentalnu vrednost. Međutim, odlučila sam da to promenim i obogatim svoju kutiju za nakit sa čak tri para. Minđuše sa resastim kićankama, kao i one sačinjene od cirkona su sve samo ne minimalistički komadi, ali jednostavno nisam mogla da im odolim i morala sam da ih priuštim sebi. Čim sam ih isprobala prijatno sam se iznenadila jer sam mislila da će biti teške za nošenje s obzirom na to koliko su velike, ali mi nimalo ne smetaju i mislim da će biti sjajni upečatljivi detalji i uklopiti se uz moj stil iako do sada nisam imala običaj da nosim ništa slično. Za razliku od njih, treći par je znatno manji, ali podjednako lep i upadljiv. Primetićete da u poslednje vreme volim nakit sa detaljima koji podsećaju na mermer i tirkiz, tako da vas neće začuditi što sam ih odabrala, a isto se odnosi i na ove dve ogrlice u sličnom stilu. Jedino što odudara od svih ovih komada jeste ova delikatna ogrlica u boji ružičastog zlata, što je ujedno i moj prvi komad nakita u toj boji, ali svakako ne i poslednji. Jedva čekam da vam pokažem sve moguće načine na koje planiram da kombinujem ovaj nakit.
Kakav nakit karakteriše vaš stil? Da li više volite svedene komade ili pre birate nešto upadljivije kao dominantan detalj? Recite mi to u komentarima. ;)

Although no one might think that, I love jewellery and I could find at least something that I like and would love to add to my collection anytime, any place. I used to prefer statement necklaces which were a perfect way to elevate a basic outfit to perfection, but lately when it comes to jewellery I go for minimalism. A couple of days ago I received several packages from Zaful, which contained some clothing items apart from the pictured jewellery, which I decided to show you some other time, so if you'd like to see what else I found there keep up with COUTURE CASE on all social media and be ready for updates. ;)
I don't have a habit of changing my earrings, I've been wearing the same pair since I turned ten on a daily basis, both out of habit and because of their sentimental value as they were a gift from my mum. However, I decided to change that and so I added three more pairs to my jewellery box. The tassel earrings, as well as the ones made of rhinestones, can be described as anything but minimalist, but I just couldn't help myself, I had to take them. As soon as I tried them on I was pleasantly surprised because I was expecting them to be heavy on the ears considering their size, but they are pleasant to wear and I'm sure they'll be great statement details and fit into my style despite the fact that I never wore anything like them before. Unlike them, the third pair is considerably smaller, but equally beautiful and eye-catching. You must have noticed that I prefer jewellery with marble and turquoise details lately, so you won't be surprised that I picked these, and one can say the same for the two necklaces that also match the aesthetics. The only thing that stands out among these pieces is the delicate rose gold necklace, which is also my first piece in this color, but certainly not the last one. I can't wait to show you all possible ways that I can think of to combine this jewellery.
What kind of jewellery represents your style in the best way? Do you prefer simple pieces or rather go for statement accessories to dominate your looks? Let me know in the comments. ;)


  1. Ja ne volim ovakve mindjuse bas, ali ove sitne mi se svidjaju i ogrlice su divne :D Ova dupla mi je strava, merkala sam je stalno al nikad nisam uzela haha :D


    1. Ja očigledno mogu doveka da kupujem ogrlice jer ne znam koje su mi ovo po redu, ali mislim da do sada nisam imala nijednu duplu. Hvala. :)

  2. Divan nakit. Baš mi se dopada sve! :)

    Kathy's delight / Instagram / Facebook

    1. Hvala, ja ne mogu da odolim ovakvim komadima. :)

  3. I meni se u poslednje vreme najviše dopada nakit koji ima mermerne detalje. Sviđa mi se tvoj izbor. :)

    Fashion, Beauty and Style

  4. Super komadi nakita :)

  5. Prelepo izgleda nakit :) Odlican post :)

  6. Predivna nakit.
    Mindjuse sa velikim cirkonima su moj favorit!!


    1. Hvala! Jesu zanimljive, jedva čekam da ih kombinujem. :)

  7. Nice stuff !


  8. Hello!! I love your blog !! your posts are really very interesting !! I wait in my blog, I have just published a post dedicated to the beauty of our hair. I wait for you

  9. Love these jewelleries, so nice and so cool, the color is so delicate and beautiful.
    Wish you a beautiful evening!
    Flo from

  10. Divan post ^_^ prelepe boje ogrlica i mindjusa :) Ja nosim kako kad, zavisi sta obucem, nekada nosim upadljivu ogrlicu, a nekada skroz obicnu ^_^


    1. Isto tako i ja, mada češće nosim ovakve stvari. :)

  11. Beautiful jaweLlry!

  12. great!

  13. Predivan nakit. :)


  14. Love it and love zaful things! And I am now following you :D


  15. Nakit je fenomenala. Sve mi se jako dopada... ljubac


  16. Hi,nice to meet you. :)
    Lovely post and blog!♥ I'm very happy to follow you back, thank for visit my place!

    the smell of friday ☕

  17. Predivan nakit 🌸
    Odličan post 💙

  18. I use to not like jewelries... just earing and Im good to go. Now I bought and use jewelries particularly necklace and bracelets. Ive got some allergies with earing that I cant wear just anything. SO I skip it and not wear any earing.

    (◕‿◕✿) EmoteraGoddess.com | Instagram | Bloglovin

    1. Ah, I know exactly what you're talking about. Don't worry, dear, you're not the only one! :D

  19. Nice products :) I love this *_* I follow your blog :)

    My blog -> http://agrafka-blog.blogspot.com/

  20. Divan si nakit odabrala. Posebno su mi zapale za oko ogrlice.

  21. Predivan nakit draga,bas mi se svidja! Mindjuse su mi bas zapale za oko mada su i lancici predivni!


  22. Nemam naviku da nosim minđuše već ih iskoristim kada se sjetim ili u posebnim prilika, ali ono što definitivno nikada ne nosim jesu alkice. Ne znam iz kog razloga ali nikada ih nisam voljela. Mini ogrlice su predivne i obožavam ih. Skoro pa da i spavam u njima :D.

    Moj mali kutak

    1. Ponekad jednostavno ne postoji razlog zašto nam se nešto ne dopada, meni se, na primer, pom-pom kuglice i vez na odeći nikako ne dopadaju, a nikako ne mogu da objasnim zašto! Drago mi je što si odgovorila na postavljeno pitanje, volim obostranu komunikaciju. <3
