February 25, 2017

Counting down to spring

SheIn rose gold slip dress (find it here)  //  Romwe leather jacket  //  Nanna concept store bag  //  Zaful velvet choker (find it here)  //  Šiš Mišovićke silver snake print choker  //  Lace choker gifted by a friend

S obzirom na moj doskorašnji tempo pisanja verovatno ste iznenađeni što ponovo objavljujem nešto novo na blogu, ali primećujem da su dani sve sunčaniji i topliji i samim tim sam sve srećnija što je proleće na vidiku. Iako još uvek ne mogu da zamenim topliju garderobu onom koju toliko želim da vam pokažem jer imam bezbroj ideja za najnovije postove, ono što mogu jeste da sa vama podelim razloge zašto, između ostalog, tako nestrpljivo čekam prolećno vreme:

1. "Slip" haljine:  podsećaju na negližee i nešto u čemu zavodite u okviru spavaće sobe, a posebno su bile aktuelne tokom poslednje decenije prošlog veka. Međutim, one su se vratile kao trend i mogu se i te kako nositi na više načina. Ja sam dete devedesetih, a uz to i neko ko voli svilu, čipku i slične materijale, dakle neku delikatnu estetiku. Mislim da vas upravo zato neće začuditi što sam sa SheIn sajta poručila ovu delikatnu haljinu zlatnoružičaste boje. Posedujem još jednu, kraću i u crnoj boji, a skoro sam poručila i treću koju ću vam pokazati čim mi je poštar dostavi. ;)

2. Kožne jakne:  apsolutno sam opsednuta kožnim jaknama, i mislim da ih imam sigurno pet. Razlog što ih toliko volim jeste upravo taj što svakoj kombinaciji mogu dati tu odmerenu dozu oštrine kojoj jednostavno ne mogu da odolim. Već ste u prethodnom postu videli kako kožnu jaknu prikazanu na slici nosim i u slojevitim kombinacijama za zimske dane, ali ostaje da vidite kako planiram da je kombinujem tako da ona bude jedan od dominantnijih elemenata.

3. "Choker" ogrlice:  kao što sam rekla, ja sam rođena devedesetih godina prošlog veka, i uživam u trendovima i estetici tog perioda, mada ove ogrlice imaju svoje dublje korene u istoriji (osamnaesti i devetnaesti vek, na primer). Bilo kako bilo, iako nisam navikla da mi išta prianja pretesno uz vrat jednostavno ne mogu da prestanem da kupujem ove ogrlice i pravim čitavu malu kolekciju. Ovde možete videti tri od nekoliko iz moje kutije za nakit, a očekujem dostavu još jednog, koji će mi verovatno postati i najdraži. ;)

4. Pastelni detalji:  ovu torbicu ste mogli da vidite u nekom od mojih prethodnih postova kao detalj koji dominira u odnosu na crno/belo/sivu kombinaciju, i sigurna sam da ću je vrlo često nositi ovog proleća. Volim pastelne boje i jedva čekam da iste preovladaju čitavim odevnim kombinacijama i makar malo gurnu crnu i sivu u drugi plan.

5. Cvetni dezen:  zajedno sa cvećem koje će bujati u našem okruženju istoimeni dezen se vraća na velika vrata u bezbroj boja i varijanti. Moj utisak je da ljudi koji nose ovako razigrane dezene i više boja izgledaju srećnije, tako da i zato jedva čekam da zajedno sa prirodom procveta i naše raspoloženje. Uz vedrije boje i printove vratiće se i nežne nijanse po pitanju šminke, tako da očekujem karmine sa roze i ljubičastim tonovima i podtonovima, koji će svakako licu vratiti sjaj i svežinu.

Da li se vi radujete prolećnoj sezoni koja je pred nama? Šta mislite da će biti u trendu, a šta jedva čekate da sami isprobate ili obučete?


Considering my rate of writing until recently you must be surprised that I'm publishing something new on my blog this soon, but I can't help but notice how days are getting warmer and sunnier, and therefore I'm so happy that spring is just around the corner. Although I still can't fully replace warmer clothes with the ones I'm dying to show you because I have tons of ideas for upcoming posts, what I can, and will do, is share my reasons why I'm so eager for spring weather to come:

1. Slip dresses:  they remind one of nightgowns and something you seduce with in your bedroom, and they were really popular during the last decade of the previous century. I'm a nineties child, and also someone who loves silk, lace and similar fabric, a delicate type of aesthetic. I think that's why you won't be surprised that I ordered this delicate rose gold dress from SheIn. I also own a shorter one in black, and I also recently ordered a third one, which I will show you as soon as the mailman delivers it to me.  ;)

2. Leather jackets:  I am absolutely obsessed with leather jackets, and I think that I own five of them for sure. The reason I like them so much is that they can give any outfit that necessary dose of edge that I simply can't resist. In one of my previous posts you could see how I wear the pictured jacket in a layered winter time outfit, but what is left for you to see is how I plan to wear it as one of the dominant elements.

3. Chokers:  as I said, I was born in the nineties, and I enjoy the trends and aesthetics of that decade, although these necklaces date way back (18th and 19th century, for example). Anyway, although I'm not used to having anything tight around my neck I simply can't stop myself when it comes to buying these, and I will end up making an entire collection of those. Here you can see three out of several I have in my jewellery box, and I'm also expecting the delivery of another one, which will probably become my favourite.  ;)

4. Pastel accessories:  you've seen this bag in one of my previous posts as the accessory that dominates in a black/white/grey outfit, and I'm sure that I'll be using it often this spring. I love pastel colors and I can't wait for them to rule entire outfits and push black and grey to the back a little.

5. Floral print:  along with the flowers blooming in our surroundings, the same pattern will make its comeback in many colors and variants. My impression is that people who wear such playful prints and more colors look happier, so it's also a reason why I can't wait for our mood to bloom along with the nature surrounding us. With brighter colors and prints we'll be seeing more tender tones in make up, so I'm expecting lipsticks in pink and purple, which will surely give a dash of freshness to one's face.

Are you looking forward to the upcoming spring season? What do you think will be trending, and what are you looking forward to trying and wearing?


  1. Sve mi se mnogo svdija. Predivna kombinacija, zaista. Kozna jakna sigurno, nikada nece biti greska u bilo kojoj kombinaciji. Torbica je mnogo slatka!
    P.S. Clan sam tvog bloga i imas predivan blog! <3


  2. I ja se radujem prolećnoj sezoni. Inače, sve stvari su prelepe. Jakna mi se posebno sviđa. :)

    Fashion, Beauty and Style

  3. Predivne stvari draga Jelena, jako mi se dopadaju.
    Odlican post!


  4. Cvetni print ne mogu da dočekam, ja isto mislim da ljudi koji ga nose deluju srećnije. :D Ili možda i jesu srećniji. XD

  5. Me too, counting down to spring. :) I'm so excited that spring is almost here! Great items you've got here.
    Enjoy your weekend!
    Xoxo, Victoria


  6. lovely dress

    I follow you
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    Chic Poradnik

  7. I love your items! Especially the bag - It looks so fashionable!
    Have a nice day <3


  8. Wow, I love your blog!
    I follow you on GFC, follow back?
    Juli von Lebenlautundleise


  9. Wow! Beautiful! Bag wonderful <3


  10. Odličan izbor za proleće! Bravo za post :D

  11. Pretty selection. I'm super excited for the spring and wearing all the florals I see.


  12. Wow that bag is amazing.The colour is so beautiful


  13. kožne jakne su uvijek dobar izbor.

  14. Oh ja ne mogu da docekam prolece i leto. Ta torba je fantasticna. Pravi detalj za letnje dane.

    March and May

  15. Beautiful look. I love the chockers ♥

  16. prelepe stvari jako mi se dopada torba :D

  17. Zaista divan post a jaknica mi se baš mnogo dopada. :)

