M∙A∙C cosmetics Mehr matte lipstick // M∙A∙C cosmetics Pink Plaid matte lipstick (friend's) // Adidas Superstar sneakers
Oktobarska serija postova nastavlja se mojom kupovinom u Amsterdamu, da se tako izrazim. Ponela sam svoju ušteđevinu sa sobom u startu znajući na šta ciljam i šta tražim, tako da sam po drugim prodavnicama razgledala više iz znatiželje nego da bih nazad za Beograd teglila pune kese. Međutim, kako sam imala u planu samo jedno, a kući se vratila sa više stvari, bilo je i one čuvene neplanirane kupovine, pogotovo što sam naišla na nešto što se u Srbiji za sada može nabavljati isključivo preko interneta (nekom drugom prilikom objavljujem post na tu temu).
U parfimerije koje prodaju M∙A∙C kozmetiku sam ušla najpre iz čiste radoznalosti, ali sam na kraju završila s jednim njihovim karminom više. U poslednje vreme izbegavam roze nijanse jer sam ubeđena da mi ne stoje, ali ova nijansa Mehr ima cimetasti podton koji joj daje toplinu, tako da sam zadovoljna kako odgovara mom tenu. Kada sam ih pitala koju bi mi olovku uz njega preporučili (odgovor je bio olovka u nijansi Soar) shvatila sam da imam duplikat dotične (NYX olovka za usne u nijansi Mauve) i odlučila da ga uklapam sa njom i da je efekat potpuno isti. Pored njega se, poređenja radi, nalazi karmin koji je moja drugarica uzela, u nijansi Pink Plaid, koja je prava nijansa roze, svetla i idealna za devojke sa svetlom bojom kose i ne tako tamnim tenom.
Kada sam saznala da idem u Amsterdam bila sam sigurna da Adidas Superstar patike moram tamo da pronađem, jer kad sam ih potražila u Beogradu nisu ih uopšte imali. Da, to kažem i ja, koja sam se jedno vreme zaklinjala da sportske patike nikada neću nositi. Na svu sreću, našla sam ih već prvog dana, ali sam isprobala tri para dok nisam našla adekvatan broj. Kako je model takav da je kalup veći, pristaje mi samo ceo broj manje od moje standardne veličine (inače nosim 37, a ove sam uzela u broju 36), i presrećna sam što sam kupila svoj par. Ne samo što su preudobne tako da sam sigurna da neću potrošiti pola hanzaplasta iz svoje kućne apoteke zbog njih, nego su i tako svestrane i zahvalne za kombinovanje da već sada imam na umu nekoliko načina da ih nosim, a sigurna sam da će ih biti i mnogo više.
Da li vi pred put pravite plan kupovine, ili u toku razgledanja izloga spontano odlučite da sebi nešto priuštite?
The October series of blog posts goes on with my Amsterdam shopping spree, so to say. I brought my savings with me knowing what I'm aiming at and what I'm looking for from the very beginning, so I was going into other stores out of curiosity, and not to drag full bags back to Belgrade. However, even though I only planned to buy one thing, and came back home with more than that, there was also some unplanned shopping, especially since I found some things that you can still only order online in Serbia (I'll write a post about that some other time).
At first I only entered stores that sell M∙A∙C cosmetics out of pure curiosity, but I ended up having another one of their lipsticks. Lately I've been avoiding shades of pink, thinking that they don't suit me so well, but this shade called Mehr has a cinnamon subtone that gives it warmth, so I'm happy with how it fits my complexion. When I asked them which lipliner they'd recommend to use it with (the answer was the lip pencil in the shade called Soar), I realized that I had a dupe already (NYX lip pencil in the shade called Mauve) and decided to combine them together. For comparison, right next to it you can see the lipstick that my friend took, in the shade called Pink Plaid, which is a true pink, light and ideal for girls with fair hair and not such a dark complexion.
When I found out that I'd be going to Amsterdam I was sure that I had to find Adidas Superstar sneakers there, because when I looked for them in Belgrade they had none in stock. Yes, you hear this from me, who swore to never ever wear sport sneakers. Thankfully, I found them during my first day of staying there, but I had to try on three pairs before I found the suitable size. Since the fit is a bit larger, I had to take them in one size down (usually I'm size 37, but I took these in size 36), and I'm so happy that I bought my own pair. Not only are they super comfy so I'm sure that I won't waste half of my supplies of bandages because of them, but they're also versatile and great for combining, I already have several ways to wear them in mind, and some more will come to mind for sure.
Do you make a plan before you go shopping abroad, or do you just go and spontaneously treat yourself with something?
nice lipsticks and i love this shoes :)
Divne stvari si uzela. Nijansa Mac karmina je savršena, a za patike nema potrebe da bilo šta kažem jer je ovaj model moj omiljeni. :)
ReplyDeleteJa uglavnom ne pravim planove kupovine pred odlazak na neki put jer se uglavnom desi da naiđem na neke mnogo zanimljivije i lepše stvari od onih koje sam planirala da kupim.
Fashion, Beauty and Style
Karmin je savrsen. :)
Adidas Superstar su predobre patike :)
ReplyDeleteFashion Lover
Patike su prelepe :)
Wonderful stuff :)
An Aesthetic Alien | Instagram
Jelena draga, odlican post. Slike su savrsene, bas u tvom stilu, kao sto sam i naviklaa.
Boja ruža ubija, predivan je!
ReplyDeleteJa dugo želim MAC karmina, cijena sigurno, po recenzijama drugih blogerica opravdava kvalitet i stvarno jedva čekam doći do svoga primjerka u skorije vrijeme.
Superstar patike u trendu naravno, prekrasne!
Super post. ♥
Adoramos ♥
Vou Arrasar
Odlican post! Mislim da svi mi iako isplaniramo sebi nesto sto bi zeljeli kupiti zavrsimo sa makar jednom stvarcicom vise :)
Great post! you can spend 100$ on Dresslily site if you win in my giveaway,so check it out! :) There will be 15 winners :D
Great lipsticks. :)
ReplyDeleteHave a fabulous week ahead!
Xoxo, Victoria
Great post, cute photos!
Wow super su mi obe stvari! Nalaze se i kod mene na wish listi!
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ReplyDeleteSo nice items, I liked :)
Helena Primeira
Helena Primeira Youtube
Primeira Panos
Ajmee odlične stvari!!