Konačno sam i ja došla na red da dobijem kutiju sa sajta Japan Fun Box! Svaki put kad otputujem negde volim da probam tamošnje slaniše i slatkiše, a kako ne znam hoće li mi se u skorije vreme ukazati prilika da posetim Japan (verovatno ne), ovo je sjajna prilika da probam nešto novo. Nisam morala dugo da čekam na dostavu, svega petnaest dana, i čekanje se svakako isplatilo! Upravo sam završila s degustacijom, da pogledamo sve?
Finally it's my turn to receive a box from the Japan Fun Box website! Every time I travel somewhere I like to taste local snacks, and since I don't know whether I'll get a chance to visit Japan anytime soon (probably not), this was a great opportunity for me to try something new. I didn't have to wait too long for the delivery, only fifteen days, and the wait surely paid off! I just finished the tasting part, let's check everything out, shall we?
Prvo što sam probala jesu ove grisine/hrskavi štapići s ukusom paradajza. Bila sam skeptična u početku jer nisam navikla na tu kombinaciju ukusa, ali sam se prijatno iznenadila, zaista su odlični! Kad bih ocenjivala brojevima od 1 do 10, 10 bi bilo sasvim prikladno, mnogo su mi se dopali.
The first thing I tasted were these tomato flavoured crispy sticks. I was skeptical at first since I'm not used to the flavour combo, but I was pleasantly surprised, they're really great! If I could rate them using numbers from 1 to 10, 10 would be befitting, I really liked them.
Ovo me je automatski vratilo u detinjstvo - obožavala sam da kupujem lizalice sa pucketavim bombonama ili kiselkastim prahom i umačem ih, to mi je bilo pravo uživanje. Iako nisam naročiti ljubitelj ukusa grožđa, svidelo mi se. Oceniću ovo s 8 od 10. ;)
This automatically brought me back to my childhood - I loved buying lollipops with popping candy or sour powder and dip them in, that was my greatest enjoyment. Although I'm not the biggest fan of grape flavour, I liked this. I'll rate with an 8 out of 10. ;)
Ovo su dugački hrskavi flips štapići s ukusima koje nisam pre imala prilike da probam - mentai, terijaki burger i čorba od kukuruza odozgo na dole. Nisam naročito oduševljena, mislim da ne bi prijalo svakome, ali nisu bili ni preterano loši. Pošteno je dati im 5 ili 6 od 10.
These are long crispy flips sticks with flavours I never got a chance to taste before - mentai, teriyaki burger and corn potage looking from up to down. I'm not really amazed, I don't think that everyone would enjoy it, but they weren't so bad overall either. It would be fair to rate them with 5 or 6 out of 10.
Rebrasti čips sa pica ukusom, mnogo mi se dopada. Mogla bih da jedem ovo ceo dan! Mislim da ne treba da dužim mnogo, 10 od 10.
Zig-zag potato chips with the taste of pizza, I like it so much. I could eat this all day! I don't think that I need to elaborate, 10 out of 10.
Gaburichu je mekana karamela s ukusom grožđa, rastegljiva je i teško se otkidaju komadići, ali što se duže žvaće, ukus je sve intenzivniji i prijatniji. Iako sam imala poteškoća da je odvojim od omota jer je pomalo lepljiva, nije me razočarala. Mnogo volim voćne karamelice i ovoj ću dati 9 od 10.
Gaburichu is a soft type of caramel, grape flavoured, stretchy and it's hard to separate it into pieces, but the longer you chew on it, the flavour gets more intensive and enjoyable. Although I had a hard time to separate it from the foil because it's a little sticky, it didn't disappoint. I really love fruity caramels and I'll give this one a 9 out of 10.
Svakako nisam očekivala da ću dobiti i instant rezance, ali moram da priznam da mi je drago jer ih stvarno volim. Kad god idem u nabavku potrpam kolica silnim pakovanjima IndoMie rezanaca, ne daj Bože da mi ponestane! Dovoljno je samo sipati malo vruće vode u njih i ostaviti pet do petnaest minuta da se natope, promešate i uživate. Imaju ukus karija, i ja koja sam inače ljubitelj pikantnijih ukusa moram da ih ocenim sa 9 od 10.
Da li biste vi probali nešto od ovoga? Izgleda li vam nešto posebno primamljivo i ukusno? ;)
I certainly didn't expect to get instant noodles in this as well, but I have to admit that I'm happy about it because I really like those. Whenever I go grocery shopping I fill the cart with countless IndoMie noodle packs, God help me if I ever run out of those! You only have to pour some hot water in them and let them soak in it for five or fifteen minutes, stir and enjoy. These taste like curry, and since I'm a huge fan of spicy flavours I have to rate them with a 9 out of 10.
Would you taste any of these? Does anything look especially alluring and tasty to you? ;)
Karamele obožavam, pa bih od svega ovoga najviše volela da probam karamelu sa ukusom grožđa. :)
ReplyDeleteFashion, Beauty and Style
Super su :-) ja bih sve probala definitivno, volim da isprobavam razne ukuse :-)
Mmm yummy ! <3
Super zanimljiv post! Baš neobični slatkiši :)
ReplyDeletehttps://katyblogfirst.blogspot.hr/2016/09/my-favourites-forever_9.html novi post je tu!
I want to try japanese candies so badly but I never had the chance, it all looks delicious!
An Aesthetic Alien | Instagram
Magnificent box! all I want to try)
Que incrível ♥
Vou Arrasar
Looks yummy! :)
Sve izgleda zanimljivo :3 Jedino instant rezance ne bih jelaa, jednom sam probala i nikad vise xD
Cini mi se da bih sve probala jer sve izgleda zanimljivo :) Super su ti jastucici :)
haha fantatična ideja! Ne bi bilo loše da i sama kušam :D
Great stuff, enjoy it all!
ReplyDeleteXoxo, Victoria
Ovo izgleda stvarno ukusno, sve bih volela da probam *-* Jako si lepo ovo predstavila, volim ovako neke recenzije, volela bih da ih bude više♥
ReplyDeleteKika's blog