Balea cotton candy scented shower gel // Lip Smacker Coca Cola flavoured lip balm // Essence contouring eyeshadow set
Tražeći nešto što mi je stvarno potrebno (i što na kraju, naravno, nisam ni pronašla gde god da sam otišla da pitam) ulovila sam ove slatkiše. Prvo što sam videla jeste gel za tuširanje sa mirisom šećerne vune i bila sam u šoku. Nisam znala da to uopšte postoji i oduševljeno sam zgrabila bocu jer sam opsednuta šećernom vunom. Ne samo što je sam miris šećerne vune neverovatno dobro reprodukovan (kad vam to kažem ja, koja bih mogla da živim na šećernoj vuni, verujte mi da je tako), nego je i pakovanje preslatko. Već vidim da ću to uzimati svaki put kad uđem u DM (ako ne prestanu da je uvoze), pogotovo što je koštalo svega 149 dinara.
Ne znam jeste li prošle godine imali prilike da vidite Coca Cola kamion na Trgu Republike, ali se ja i dalje sećam koliko sam patila za setom Lip Smacker labela sa ukusima gaziranih pića koji je bio preskup čak i za buržujski budžet. Međutim, kad sam videla ovaj jedan sa ukusom Coca Cole nisam mogla da odolim da jednom u životu priuštim sebi jedan iako je koštao oko 350 dinara, što je za jedno labelo stvarno skupo, ali ko zna hoću li imati drugu priliku. Miris Coca Cole je odlično urađen, poput gumenih bombona sa tim ukusom, a samo labelo dosta kremasto tako da je dovoljno naneti ga u jednom sloju da pokrije cele usne.
I na kraju je tu ovo pakovanje od dve Essence senke za oči u tonovima koje najviše volim, i koje daleko najčešće koristim u svakodnevnom šminkanju. Svetlija nijansa je u osnovi bež, ali je svetlucava i ima šampanj-beličasti odsjaj, dok je ova tamnija svetle boje kafe, diskretna i nenametljiva, ali lepo nadopunjuje ovu svetliju i lepo se stapaju jedna sa drugom, nema onih ružnih naglih prelaza. Svakako ću ih koristiti jer su me pozitivno iznenadile, kvalitet je daleko veći od cene.
Da li se i vama nekad desi da potpuno neplanirano naiđete na nešto što vam se dopadne? ;)
P.S: Da, još uvek imamo Coca Cola limenke sa simbolom Olimpijskih Igara, vidite koliko kasnimo?
While I was looking for something I really needed (and that I couldn't find anywhere, of course), I found this body candy. The first thing I saw was this cotton candy scented shower gel and I was in shock. I didn't know that it even existed and I grabbed a bottle of it immediately because I'm obsessed with cotton candy. Not only is the scent of cotton candy very well depicted (if I, who could live on cotton candy all my life, tell you that, you better believe me), but the package is super cute as well. I can already see myself buying this every time I enter a DM store (unless they stop importing it), especially because it only costed around a euro and a half.
I don't know if the Coca Cola caravan was in your town last summer, but I still remember how sad I was over a Lip Smacker soda flavoured lip balm set which was really expensive even for a stinking rich budget. However, when I saw this Coca Cola flavoured one I couldn't resist treating myself with one even though it was around three and a half euros, which is pretty expensive for a single lip balm, but who knows if I'll ever have a chance to buy it again. The Coca Cola scent was perfectly made, like gummy candy with its flavour, and the lip balm itself is very creamy so it's enough to apply a single layer to cover your entire lips.
And in the end there is also this Essence eyeshadow set in the shades I like the most, and that I use nearly all the time for my daily make up routine. The light shade is basically beige, but since it's shimmery it has a champagne white glow, while the darker one is a tender shade of coffee, discreet and subtle, but complements the light one nicely and they blend really well, there are no ugly sudden transitions. I'll surely use them because they were a pleasant surprise, the quality is quite higher than their price.
Does it ever happen to you to come across something you really like even when you don't plan it? ;)
P.S: Yes, we still have Coca Cola cans with the symbol of the Olympic Games, see how late we are?
Najbolje su one kupovine koje nismo planirali. Nisam znala za ovaj Balea gel. I ja jako volim šećernu vunu i definitivno ću morati da ga kupim. :) ♥
ReplyDeleteFashion, Beauty and Style
I would love to try the Essence contouring eyeshadow set!
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I wonder how cotton candy product smells)
Sounds interesting in would want to smell that
essence <3
Predivan haul!
ReplyDeleteInače imam ovu essence duo sjenkicu i obožavam ju !
Doslovno mi je samo ona potrebna za svakodnevni make-up, divno! ☺
These products look so great!
ReplyDeleteI love the EOS lip balms, I have one as well, strawberry flavored.
Happy Friday and have a great weekend!
Xoxo, Victoria
That coca cola's lip balm is so freaking cute!
An Aesthetic Alien | Instagram
Extra proizvodi,sviđaju mi se tvoje slike i postovi(uvijek su posebni) ...
Definitivno cu morati da probam gel za tusiranje i labelo :D <3 Ja npr uvek kad udjem u DM ili Lilly moram da kupim neke gluposti koje mi ni ne trebaju samo zato sto mi se svidja pakovanje xD
Zavidim na Coca Cola lip smackeru, i ja već duži period tragam za njim i još nisam imala sreće..
ReplyDeleteS h a k e T h a t B e a u t y b l o g♥
Super proizvodi kao i slike, obožavam Baleine proizvode♥
Odlican post, volim Baleine proizvode! Najvise mi se svidjaju sjene jer mi bas ovako nesto treba sada!
ReplyDelete xx
Obozavam te mirisljave gelove za tusiranje!
ReplyDeleteBy Maja Mladenovic
Divan post ! Sviđa mi se sve *_*
ReplyDeleteZapratila sam te. Da li bi uzvratila?
Heh, nema ništa ljepše nego kada kreneš "onako" u kupovinu :D. Tu se uvijek nađe mnogo divnih sitnica i mnogo dobrih akcija ^_^. Divan post i sviđa mi se ovaj gel, iako ga nisam probala, ali ti si mi probudila želju da ga isprobam. Hvala ti :*
Awesome products and photos are perfect.
ReplyDeleteI started following your blog <3
Hello Jelena,
ReplyDeletevery nice products and photos.
Thank you for following my blog. We can follow each other. I follow your blog via GFC (Nancy T.) from now on. Have a nice week.
Nancy :)