August 11, 2016

Take me down into your paradise

All photos taken by me

Dakle, kao što sam i obećala, ovde možete videti deliće mesta Skala Marion kroz moj objektiv (izuzev prve slike jer su nas ti galebovi obletali na putu trajektom između luke Keramoti i Tasosa, ali reći ćemo da se računa). Ukoliko mislite da je mesto prelepo samo gledajući slike onda možete zamisliti koliko sam ja bila oduševljena gledajući ga sopstvenim očima. Međutim, lepota ovog mesta se ne zaustavlja tu - pored mirisa mora koji vas momentalno opusti i sunca koje bezbrižno pluta među oblacima, oduševiće vas meštani koji su puni ljudske topline i koji čine sve da se osećate dobrodošlo kao da ste se nakon dugog puta vratili kući iako ste zapravo na neko vreme otišli od nje. Što se mene tiče, ovo mesto je i postalo moj dom daleko od doma, moj dom u Grčkoj. Svakog dana sam se i opuštala i zabavljala, stekla puno novih prijatelja (malo sam se čak i zaljubila ;) ) i mogu slobodno da kažem da je ovo bilo najbolje leto u mom životu. Što se samog mesta tiče, mislim da sam rekla dovoljno, pustiću fotografije da vam ispričaju ostatak priče.
I ukoliko ste se pitali koji foto-aparat i objektiv sam koristila, odgovor je sledeći - iPhone 6s. Ozbiljna sam.

So, just as I promised, here you can see parts of Skala Marion through my lens (except for the first picture because those seagulls flew over our heads while we were on the ferry boat, going from port Keramoti towards Thassos, but let's say it counts as well). If you think that this place is beautiful just by looking at the pictures you can only imagine how much I loved it looking at it with my very eyes. However, the beauty of this place doesn't end there just yet - apart from the smell of the sea that relaxes you immediately and the sun that carelessly floats among the clouds, you'll be pleasantly surprised by the locals who are filled with human warmth and who make you feel welcome as if you had just returned home after a long time, even when you actually left home for a while. As far as I'm concerned, this place has become my home away from home, my home in Greece. I used every day to have fun and relax, I made tons of new friends (and I even fell in love a little ;) ) and I'm free to say that this was the best summer in my life. When it comes to this place, I think I said enough, I'm going to let these photos tell you the rest of the story.
And just in case you were wondering which camera and lens I was using, this is the answer - iPhone 6s. I mean it.

August 7, 2016

She's crazy but she's mine

//  Jumpsuit from Romwe  //

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Ako me pratite na Instagramu (Couture Case) sigurno ste do sada saznali da sam za odmor odabrala selo Skala Marion na grčkom ostrvu Tasos. Ukoliko ne, onda još uvek možete da me zapratite i pogledate šta ste propustili. Ove su fotografije nastale na Astpas plaži tokom zalaska sunca, a ako mislite da je ovo lepo još niste ništa videli. U nekom od sledećih postova pokazaću vam mnogo, mnogo više. Ja sam ove godine bila tek prvi put i već maštam o tome da se vratim.
Takođe možete primetiti da me na ovim fotografijama vidite bez imalo šminke. Ne šalim se uopšte. Verovali ili ne, nemam apsolutno nikakav problem da se prikažem i u tom izdanju, a ne bi trebalo da ga ima ni bilo ko od vas. Priznajem da nemam oduvek ovo samopouzdanje, niti je ono danas na zavidnom nivou, ali ni Rim nije izgrađen za jedan dan a kamoli nečije samopouzdanje. Vi ste lepi onakvi kakvi jeste, i što pre počnete da verujete u to, to ćete pre osetiti razliku. Imate pravo da se osećate lepo bez obzira na to kako izgledate i niko nema prava da pokušava da vas uveri u suprotno.

If you're following me on Instagram (Couture Case) you surely figured out by now that I chose the village Skala Marion on the Greek island of Thassos for my vacation. If not, you can still start following me and see what you've been missing out on. These photos came to be at the Astpas beach during a sunset, and if you think this is beautiful you haven't seen anything yet. In one of my upcoming posts I'm going to show you so much more. This was my first time there and I'm already imagining a new trip back there.
You can also notice that in these pictures you see me with absolutely no make up. I'm not even close to kidding. Believe it or not, I have no problem with showing myself in that edition, and neither should any one of you. I admit that I haven't felt this way from the very beginning, and that it's far from ideal, but Rome wasn't built in a day, little less someone's self esteem. You're beautiful the way you are, and the sooner you start believing it you'll feel the difference much sooner as well. You have every right to feel beautiful no matter what you look like, and no one has the right to try to make you feel any other way.