Zdravo, narode! Posle uspešno završenog ispitnog roka napokon se javljam, a nadam se da će vas obradovati i to što planiram novi outfit post relativno uskoro. I sama jedva čekam! Ali, pre toga, mali osvrt na moj omiljeni sajt
SheIn i moje najnovije favorite. Za početak, mali predlog za trendi outfit:
Ukoliko ne trpite paklene vrućine poput ovih u Beogradu (gde ima i više od 40 stepeni, ali se uporno o tome ćuti) ovo je sasvim sigurno nešto u čemu se nećete skuvati. Jedan od poslednjih trendova diktira nošenje komada sa resama, a ovakva jakna je na mojoj listi želja već duže vreme. Što se tiče majice, sa natpisom se slažem, i to ne tako malim delom jer će vam danas pre gledati u grudi nego u oči, ili je to možda samo moje mišljenje. Šalu na stranu, ovakve majice volim jer su jednostavne, a sjajno se uparuju sa komadima poput ovog šortsa koji mi se stvarno mnogo dopada. Sva sreća da su ovakvi outfiti sami po sebi prilično efektni pa vam nisu potrebni aksesoari poput glomaznih ogrlica koje bi vam samo smetale na ovoj vrućini.
Hello, suspects! After a successful exam period I'm finally writing, and I hope that you'll be happy to hear that I'm planning a new outfit post relatively soon. I can't wait for it myself! But before that, here I am with my all-time favourite SheIn website and some of my most recent picks. For a start, here is a little suggestion for a trendy outfit:
If you aren't sizzling in the merciless heat such as this one in Belgrade (where it's over 40 degrees Celsius, but they keep lowering the heat scale) this is something you won't boil to death in. One of the most recent trends dictates wearing items with fringes, and this jacket is something that I want for quite a while. When it comes to this t-shirt, I agree with the print almost entirely because most people nowadays look into your breasts more often then into your eyes, or maybe it's just my opinion. Just kidding, of course, but these t-shirts are great because they are simple and easy for pairing up with a pair of shorts such as this one, which I like very much. Good thing that outfits like this are pretty effective as they are and you don't need accessories such as statement necklaces that would only be a fuss to wear in this heat.

Ono što je apsolutni imperativ svakog leta su svakako haljine! Kako bilo gde ići bez njih? Za ležerne i plažne varijante jedna pamučna sa mornarskim prugama je idealan izbor. Za izlaske uveče ili, ako vam se posreći, dejtove svakako biram jednu klasičnu puderasto roze haljinu koja će nehajno pratiti siluetu, a na pravim mestima lagano odstupati od nje. I jeste da je mala crna haljina obavezna investicija za svaku devojku, ali leti biram da je gurnem u drugi plan da ustupi mesto beloj. Obično mi ovakav kroj užasno stoji, ali ovi rajsferšlusi su tako markantan detalj da nisam mogla tek tako da je zaobiđem.
A vi? Šta vi nosite leti? :)
Dresses are an absolute imperative every summer! How do you go anywhere without them? For casual and beach days a cotton dress with sailor stripes is an excellent choice. For nights out and, if you get lucky, dates, my pick is a powder pink classy dress that gently slides against the silhouette, and all at once, follows its own path in all the right places. And yes, maybe the little black dress is something every girl should invest in, but when summer comes I choose to push it back and let the white dress take its place. I usually look terrible in this shape, but these zippers were such a powerful detail that made me want this dress so bad.
And you? What do you wear in the summer? ;)