U današnjem postu donosim vam nešto malo drugačije od uobičajenog sadržaja ovog bloga. Iz malog uvodnog pasusa sa strane na blogu možete pročitati da sam student stomatologije u svom rodnom gradu Beogradu, pa sam mislila da ne bi bilo loše da vam pokažem barem delić puta do stomatološke karijere. Dugo nisam mogla da se odlučim za to koji ću fakultet upisati jer, iskreno da vam kažem, mislim da je zaista nepravedno što se od nas traži da tako mladi, neodlučni i željni da isprobamo sve moguće stvari trajno odaberemo u kom smeru ćemo graditi svoju budućnost dok još ljudski nismo iskoristili ni svoju sadašnjost. Posle temeljnog razmišljanja i uzimanja svih mogućnosti u obzir odabrala sam stomatologiju i uopšte se ne kajem što sam se opredelila upravo za nju. Jeste teško, i jeste naporno, ali jednom kada shvatite da je sav vaš napor vredan truda osetićete ne samo olakšanje, već i zadovoljstvo.
Ovo su slike sa naših, da kažem, glupiranja na praktičnoj nastavi iz gnatologije koju vam ne mogu baš najbolje predstaviti jer sam ubeđena da ni sami profesori ne znaju šta tačno žele od nas, ali ono što sa sigurnošću mogu da tvrdim je da sam na ovom fakultetu upoznala mnogo divnih ljudi, svojih budućih kolega, i da sam od tog dana jako srećna. Za one koji u poslednje vreme razmišljaju o tome koji će fakultet upisati imam samo jedan savet: pokušajte da pronađete spoj onoga u čemu ste dobri s onim što vas usrećuje, jer ćete samo tako biti sigurni da nećete pogrešiti.
In today's post I bring you something slightly different from the usual content of this blog. In the little introduction paragraph on the sidebar of my blog you can read that I'm a dental medicine student in my home city Belgrade, so I thought that it wouldn't be bad if I showed you at least a part of the journey to the career of a dentist. For so long I couldn't decide what college I wanted to apply for because, to be honest, I think it's really unfair that we are, in our best years when we're young, indecisive and eager to try everything out, obliged to choose how we're going to build our future before we could even experience our present the right way. After thinking through it thoroughly and taking all my possibilities into consideration I chose dental medicine and I don't regret making up my mind that way. It is hard, and it does demand a lot of effort, but once you realize that all your hard work is worth it you will feel not only relief, but also pleasure.
These are the pictures from us, let's say, fooling around on gnatology practice which I can't really explain all that well because I doubt that even our teachers know what exactly they want from us, but what I can say with certainty is that I met so many wonderful people in this college, my future colleagues, and that I'm really happy ever since. I only have one piece of advice for those who've been thinking about which college to apply for lately: try to find a merge of what you're good at and what makes you happy, because only then will you be sure that you'll never go wrong.
what a great time! :)
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Love the pictures.
Blog: adonadasushi.blogspot.pt
FB Page: facebook.com/blogdadonadasushi
It's really interesting to know what you are studying, your career is nice. And I couldn't help laughing at the man beside you in the first pictures haha his expression is so funny. It seems that you enjoy your career :) Wish you luck x
ReplyDeleteI am now following via GFC, it would be so nice if you did the same
Thank you so much! :D The man beside me is called "the phantom" - we use him to practice until we get human patients later during our studies. :D
DeleteAmazing post! Looks like funny!
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the degree!
Jordina ♡
—> Fashion Blog: THE SILVER FELINE
Still so much time left ahead of it, but thanks anyway! :D
DeleteSuper fotografije..kad se studira ono sto se voli, sve je nekako bolje i pozitivnije.
ReplyDeleteTu se moram složiti. Hvala! :D
DeleteBas mi se dopada ovaj post. Ja inace mislim isto kao i ti. Nije fer da se od nas sada trazi da odlucuje stvari od kojih ce nam zavisiti ceo zivot. Na primer , ja jesam jos uvek u osnovnoj skoli (8. razred) , ali se jako stresiram jer i dalje ne znam koju cu skolu upisati. Ne ide mi se iz mog rodnog grada i zato imam samo 2 mogucnosti , gimnazija ili medicinska skola. Odmah sam odbacila gimnaziju tako da sam osudjena na medicinsku skolu. Uopste nisam srecna zbog toga , ali sta da radim. Mozda mi se vremenom dopadne. Ko zna. Inace , jako mi se dopada to sto si se odlucila za stomatologiju. To je divno. ♥
ReplyDeleteP.S. Uclanila sam se u tvoj blog , ako mozes da uzvratis mnogo bi mi znacilo. ♥
such interesting pictures!!!
ReplyDeleteAdi xx
This is so cool! Now I can understand why all dentist thinks that we can open our mouth so wide. haha. Good luck with your future job!
wauuu kul post
ReplyDeleteprelepa si i imas lep osmeh :D
Molim te postavi mi pitanje na mom blogu je Q&A :)
Have a great week!
Isidora http://highheelpoodl.blogspot.com
Znači isplatilo se nositi fiksne ortodontske aparate. Hvala puno! :*