May 10, 2015

Iulius finds

//  M·A·C Please me matte lipstick and In anticipation lip liner  //

Kao što sam i obećala, u ovom postu vam pokazujem šta sam sve pronašla i kupila u Temišvaru. Kako smatram da je potpuno nepotrebno trošiti mnogo novca na jednodnevnim izletima nisam kupila puno stvari, ali ovima zaista nisam mogla da odolim. Najpre sam kupila malo šminke - karmin i olovku za usne u nežnim roze nijansama. Pošto već imam previše crvenih i bordo karmina u gomili nijansi smatrala sam da bi bilo čisto preterivanje kupiti još jedan u nizu tako da sam odlučila da prištedim novac i kupim taj nekom drugom prilikom, a da sada odaberem ovaj koji sam merkala već duže vreme. Imala sam na umu olovku za usne u nekoj drugoj nijansi, ali kako nje nije bilo u ponudi prodavačica mi je izašla u susret i pomogla da pronađem nijansu koja se od karmina ne razlikuje mnogo. Moram reći da su neverovatno postojani i odličnog kvaliteta, boja je mat i mislim da bi pristajala svakoj devojci.

As I promised, in this post I'm showing you what I found and bought in Timisoara. As I think that it's pure nonsense to spend a lot of money on a one-day trip I didn't buy a lot of things, but I really couldn't resist these. First of all I bought some make up - a lipstick and a lip liner in delicate shades of pink. As I already have way too many red and burgundy lipsticks in different shades I thought it would be too much for me to buy another one, so I decided to save up some money and buy it some other time, and I ended up buying this one that I wanted for a while instead. I wanted to buy a different lip liner, but since they had none of it in stock the lady from the shop helped me choose one which is the most similar to the lipstick itself. I have to say that they are very permanent and great in quality, the color is matte and I think that any girl could wear it.


 //  H&M basic dark grey t-shirt  // 

Majica imam i previše, to neću osporavati, ali jedna klasična u tamnosivoj nijansi mi je svakako bila potrebna, pogotovo kada sam videla kako sjajno može izgledati kada se ukombinuje s malo glomaznijim ogrlicama i u više varijanti osim ležerne. Jedna takva ogrlica treba da mi stigne poštom sa sajta koji ću vam tada i predstaviti, jedva čekam da je i sama nosim.

I have too many t-shirts and I won't deny it, but I really needed one basic t-shirt in the dark shade of grey, especially when I saw how good it can look when combined with statement necklaces and in more outfit types than just the casual one. One such necklace is on its way to my local post office from the website that I'll introduce to you as soon as it does, I can't wait to wear it myself.

 //  H&M black lace bra  //  

Za razliku od majica, košulja i varijacija na temu kojih imam previše, brushaltera nikako nemam dovoljno! U našem H&M-u sam pronašla ovaj i oduševila se jer mi je falio jedan crni, a ovaj model naprosto obožavam. I zato sam odlučila da ga potražim i u Temišvaru i, na svu sreću, pronašla jedan koji mi je odgovarao. Inače sam maaaaaaalo opsednuta donjim vešom, pogotovo čipkanim, tako da su ovakve stvari moja mala slabost. ;)

Unlike t-shirts, blouses and similar things that I have over the top, I don't have enough bras! In our local H&M shop in Belgrade I found this one and loved it as I needed one in black, and I absolutely adore this shape. That's when I decided to look for it in Timisoara and, lucky for me, they had one that suited me. I'm sliiiiiightly obsessed with lingerie in general, especially with lace, so these things are a bit of a weakness. ;)

//  H&M gold metal hair band  //

Uvek gubim trake za kosu, i još uvek nisam upoznala nijednu osobu kojoj se to nikad ne dešava. Nemam pojma da li negde u mojoj sobi postoji neka vrsta Bermudskog trougla u kome te korisne male stvarčice nestaju bez traga, ali ako ih kupim desetak, biću srećna ako do kraja meseca uspem da pronađem jednu. Ovu sigurno neću izgubiti tako lako zbog ovog lepog metalnog okvira koji će mi i ulepšati frizuru, jer mislim da kosa s tim malim detaljem može izgledati otmenije.

I always lose all of my hair bands, and I still haven't met anyone who never managed to lose track of their own. I have no idea whether there is some sort of Bermuda triangle where these useful little things disappear without a trace somewhere in my room, but if I buy ten of them, I will be happy if I manage to find at least one at the end of the month. I'm not going to lose this one for sure because of this nice metal ring that will make my hairdo look better, because I think that with this little detail the hair can look classier.


  1. widać zakupy udane,
    shopping ♥

  2. Great post!

  3. These are great items! I especially love the bra and that cool hair tie. The gold ring will add such a nice touch! Great post.
    xo Kiki

  4. I love MAC and lace bra !
    xoxo Gi.

    new post

  5. odlican post, ja mislim da je lepo kupiti neke sitnice kad odes negde, a ne sad ceo dan da provedesu soping molu!
    svidja mi se majca, u zadnje vreme mi se sve sive stvari doadaju o.O
    puno pozdrava od mene :**

  6. Ja obicno kad odem preko preteram sa shopingom ;) Mnogo mi se dopada taj donji ves iz H&M definitivno mi treba nesto tako slicno cipkano i prelepo ;)

  7. Lovely haul! I love the lace bra <3

    Join my giveaway

  8. Great haul! Those are some pretty good finds :)


  9. These are gorgeous pieces ! xo
    Can we follow eachother ? Let me know on my blog and I will follow back immediately xo

  10. Great haul :)

  11. Draga pogledaj moj novi post:

  12. Thank you so much ! the lipstick is from Catrice I don't know the number...I'm following too, the bra is beautiful.

  13. Such cute bra !
