May 22, 2015

Bits and pieces of happiness

Black lace bralet from Sheinside (find it here)  //  Ancient coin statement necklace from Happiness Boutique (find it here)  //  Time turner replica necklace bought at Potter Mania

Pre nego što objavim naredni outfit post (ispitni rok se približava pa moram da se latim knijge) pokazaću vam neke sitnice koje sam skoro dobila u saradnji sa brendovima Sheinside i Happiness Boutique, plus jednu koju sam imala sreće da pronađem kada sam išla na događaj inspirisan mojom omiljenom književno-filmskom franšizom. Ovaj top nalik na donji veš poručila sam još pre nego što sam u Temišvaru kupila sličan (pokazala sam vam ga u nekom od prethodnih postova) jer nisam bila sigurna hoću li ga pronaći, i mnogo mi se dopadaju njegovi čipkani delovi. Ljubaznošću ljudi koji stoje iza sajta Happiness Boutique dobila sam u znak saradnje ovu savršenu ogrlicu kakvu sam tražila već duže vreme i nikako nisam uspela da naiđem na odgovarajuću dok nisam pronašla njih. Uz nju nijedan outfit sasvim sigurno neće biti dosadan. Ono što me je oduševilo koliko i sama ogrlica je način na koji su je upakovali da bi neoštećena stigla do mene, kao i mala posveta koja me je raznežila. Retko kad imam priliku da sarađujem s brendom koji posveti više pažnje pakovanju svojih pošiljki umesto da ih samo strpa u kesu, tako da toplo preporučujem da pogledate njihov sajt.
Što se tiče ove neobične ogrlice koju sam kupila, ona je replika vremeplov-priveska iz filma "Hari Poter i zatvorenik iz Azkabana" (sniman po trećoj knjizi iz popularne franšize) koja ima moć da vraća vreme unazad i šalje svog nosioca u deo prošlosti koji želi da izmeni. Međutim, pošto je ovo ipak samo ogrlica koja nema tu moć (barem koliko ja znam), bolje je da prionem na knjigu jer se ispiti bliže, a vreme ističe!

Before I publish a new outfit post (exams are getting closer so I have to take my books and study) I'm going to show you some little things that I recently got in collaboration with the brands Sheinside and Happiness Boutique, plus another one that I had the luck to find when I went to an event inspired by my favourite literary-movie franchise. I ordered this bralet even before I bought a similar one in Timisoara (which you saw in one of my previous posts) because I wasn't sure if I was going to find it, and I really like its lace details. With the kindness of people who stand behind the Happiness Boutique I got this perfect statement necklace as a sign of collaboration. I was looking for such a necklace for so long and I couldn't find anything I wanted anywhere until I came across them. No outfit will be boring with it, that's for sure. What I loved as much as the necklace itself was the way they packed it to make sure it would be delivered to me undamaged, as well as the little message that melted my heart. I rarely have the opportunity to work with a brand that devotes much more attention to packing its merchandise than just tossing it in a bag, so I happily recommend you to visit their website.
When it comes to this unusual necklace that I bought, it's a replica of a time turner from the movie "Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban" (filmed by the third book of the popular franchise) that has the power to turn back time and take its bearer to the part of the past that he or she wants to alter. However, since this is just a necklace that has no such power (at least that I know of), I better go study since exams are coming, and time is running out!


  1. The lace top is gorgeous! Love it :)

    Mafalda ||

  2. Kako je sve slatko, ja sam totalna neznalica kad pricamo o Poteru, ali ovo mi je definitivno najepsa stvarcica :)

    1. Hahaha, nema veze. xD Ne možemo svi voleti isto. ;) Ja sam se oduševila kad sam videla da ih prodaju i morala sam da imam jednu. :D

  3. These pieces are just so amazing, I love them all which is rare because I'm such a simple style person myself. They are just unique, which is what I'm drawn to. I have to be wearing the same thing as everyone these just made me smile. Truly unique! Thanks for visiting my blog recently and leaving a comment. Have a wonderful weekend! Oh yeah, following you now on G+, Bloglovin, and Instagram. Hope you'll follow me back as well!


    1. Thank you! I like coming across people who like something they don't normally wear, that means they aren't limited. It's my pleasure to see you on my blog. :*

  4. Good luck with your exams! ^^ The top is so pretty <3


  5. That necklace is perfect! I love Harry Potter!

  6. Hello Jelena. Thanks for sharing the review, not only because I love discovering new stores, but also because you've got lovely stuff. I love the first necklace so much!

    I followed your blog via Bloglovin and GFC, it would be nice if you did the same!
