May 29, 2015

When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die

Choies fedora hat (find it here)  //  Happiness Boutique ancient coin necklace (find it here)  //  LEHAPPY x Romwe leather mash sleeve jacket  //  H&M basic t-shirt  //  Oasap bag  //  Zara leather trousers  //  Peluso biker boots

Postoje tri razloga što sam ovaj post ovako nazvala. Prvi - opsednuta sam tom serijom. Drugi je ova ogrlica koja me dosta podseća na pojavu moje omiljene junakinje Daenerys Targaryen koju je u seriji veličanstveno dočarala moja omiljena glumica Emilia Clarke. Treći, i najvažniji razlog je taj što sam se, slikajući se u ovoj monohromatskoj kombinaciji, osećala moćno i veličanstveno, poput kraljice koja sedi na dobro poznatom gvozdenom prestolu. To u vama može probuditi samo dobar prijatelj, osoba koja je toliko lepa i spolja i iznutra da tu lepotu prenese i na vas, nekada toliko da teško prepoznate sebe. Danas sam srećna i počastvovana zbog toga što obnavljam jedno takvo prijateljstvo sa nekim ko me zasmejava, daje mi komplimente bez zavisti i čini da pamtim svoje najsrećnije trenutke, nekad čak i kroz fotografije.

There are three reasons why I named this post this way. First - I'm obsessed with this series. The second is this necklace that reminds me a lot of my favourite heroine Daenerys Targaryen that was portrayed perfectly by my favourite actress Emilia Clarke. The third, and most important reason is that, while taking pictures in this monochromatic outfit, I felt powerful and magnificent, just like a queen sitting on the very well known iron throne. That's what only a great friend can awaken in you, a person that is so beautiful both on the inside and on the outside to transmit that beauty onto you as well, sometimes even so much you can barely recognize yourself. Today I am happy and honored to have rebuilt one such friendship with someone who makes me laugh, gives me compliments without envy and makes me remember my happiest moments, sometimes even through photographs.


May 23, 2015

Dresslink wishlist

Kimono here  //  Jumpsuit here  //  Clutch here  //  Cape blazer here  //  White dress here  //  Blue leather jacket here

May 22, 2015

Bits and pieces of happiness

Black lace bralet from Sheinside (find it here)  //  Ancient coin statement necklace from Happiness Boutique (find it here)  //  Time turner replica necklace bought at Potter Mania

Pre nego što objavim naredni outfit post (ispitni rok se približava pa moram da se latim knijge) pokazaću vam neke sitnice koje sam skoro dobila u saradnji sa brendovima Sheinside i Happiness Boutique, plus jednu koju sam imala sreće da pronađem kada sam išla na događaj inspirisan mojom omiljenom književno-filmskom franšizom. Ovaj top nalik na donji veš poručila sam još pre nego što sam u Temišvaru kupila sličan (pokazala sam vam ga u nekom od prethodnih postova) jer nisam bila sigurna hoću li ga pronaći, i mnogo mi se dopadaju njegovi čipkani delovi. Ljubaznošću ljudi koji stoje iza sajta Happiness Boutique dobila sam u znak saradnje ovu savršenu ogrlicu kakvu sam tražila već duže vreme i nikako nisam uspela da naiđem na odgovarajuću dok nisam pronašla njih. Uz nju nijedan outfit sasvim sigurno neće biti dosadan. Ono što me je oduševilo koliko i sama ogrlica je način na koji su je upakovali da bi neoštećena stigla do mene, kao i mala posveta koja me je raznežila. Retko kad imam priliku da sarađujem s brendom koji posveti više pažnje pakovanju svojih pošiljki umesto da ih samo strpa u kesu, tako da toplo preporučujem da pogledate njihov sajt.
Što se tiče ove neobične ogrlice koju sam kupila, ona je replika vremeplov-priveska iz filma "Hari Poter i zatvorenik iz Azkabana" (sniman po trećoj knjizi iz popularne franšize) koja ima moć da vraća vreme unazad i šalje svog nosioca u deo prošlosti koji želi da izmeni. Međutim, pošto je ovo ipak samo ogrlica koja nema tu moć (barem koliko ja znam), bolje je da prionem na knjigu jer se ispiti bliže, a vreme ističe!

Before I publish a new outfit post (exams are getting closer so I have to take my books and study) I'm going to show you some little things that I recently got in collaboration with the brands Sheinside and Happiness Boutique, plus another one that I had the luck to find when I went to an event inspired by my favourite literary-movie franchise. I ordered this bralet even before I bought a similar one in Timisoara (which you saw in one of my previous posts) because I wasn't sure if I was going to find it, and I really like its lace details. With the kindness of people who stand behind the Happiness Boutique I got this perfect statement necklace as a sign of collaboration. I was looking for such a necklace for so long and I couldn't find anything I wanted anywhere until I came across them. No outfit will be boring with it, that's for sure. What I loved as much as the necklace itself was the way they packed it to make sure it would be delivered to me undamaged, as well as the little message that melted my heart. I rarely have the opportunity to work with a brand that devotes much more attention to packing its merchandise than just tossing it in a bag, so I happily recommend you to visit their website.
When it comes to this unusual necklace that I bought, it's a replica of a time turner from the movie "Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban" (filmed by the third book of the popular franchise) that has the power to turn back time and take its bearer to the part of the past that he or she wants to alter. However, since this is just a necklace that has no such power (at least that I know of), I better go study since exams are coming, and time is running out!

May 14, 2015

Welcome to my future

U današnjem postu donosim vam nešto malo drugačije od uobičajenog sadržaja ovog bloga. Iz malog uvodnog pasusa sa strane na blogu možete pročitati da sam student stomatologije u svom rodnom gradu Beogradu, pa sam mislila da ne bi bilo loše da vam pokažem barem delić puta do stomatološke karijere. Dugo nisam mogla da se odlučim za to koji ću fakultet upisati jer, iskreno da vam kažem, mislim da je zaista nepravedno što se od nas traži da tako mladi, neodlučni i željni da isprobamo sve moguće stvari trajno odaberemo u kom smeru ćemo graditi svoju budućnost dok još ljudski nismo iskoristili ni svoju sadašnjost. Posle temeljnog razmišljanja i uzimanja svih mogućnosti u obzir odabrala sam stomatologiju i uopšte se ne kajem što sam se opredelila upravo za nju. Jeste teško, i jeste naporno, ali jednom kada shvatite da je sav vaš napor vredan truda osetićete ne samo olakšanje, već i zadovoljstvo.
Ovo su slike sa naših, da kažem, glupiranja na praktičnoj nastavi iz gnatologije koju vam ne mogu baš najbolje predstaviti jer sam ubeđena da ni sami profesori ne znaju šta tačno žele od nas, ali ono što sa sigurnošću mogu da tvrdim je da sam na ovom fakultetu upoznala mnogo divnih ljudi, svojih budućih kolega, i da sam od tog dana jako srećna. Za one koji u poslednje vreme razmišljaju o tome koji će fakultet upisati imam samo jedan savet: pokušajte da pronađete spoj onoga u čemu ste dobri s onim što vas usrećuje, jer ćete samo tako biti sigurni da nećete pogrešiti.

In today's post I bring you something slightly different from the usual content of this blog. In the little introduction paragraph on the sidebar of my blog you can read that I'm a dental medicine student in my home city Belgrade, so I thought that it wouldn't be bad if I showed you at least a part of the journey to the career of a dentist. For so long I couldn't decide what college I wanted to apply for because, to be honest, I think it's really unfair that we are, in our best years when we're young, indecisive and eager to try everything out, obliged to choose how we're going to build our future before we could even experience our present the right way. After thinking through it thoroughly and taking all my possibilities into consideration I chose dental medicine and I don't regret making up my mind that way. It is hard, and it does demand a lot of effort, but once you realize that all your hard work is worth it you will feel not only relief, but also pleasure.
These are the pictures from us, let's say, fooling around on gnatology practice which I can't really explain all that well because I doubt that even our teachers know what exactly they want from us, but what I can say with certainty is that I met so many wonderful people in this college, my future colleagues, and that I'm really happy ever since. I only have one piece of advice for those who've been thinking about which college to apply for lately: try to find a merge of what you're good at and what makes you happy, because only then will you be sure that you'll never go wrong.

May 10, 2015

Iulius finds

//  M·A·C Please me matte lipstick and In anticipation lip liner  //

Kao što sam i obećala, u ovom postu vam pokazujem šta sam sve pronašla i kupila u Temišvaru. Kako smatram da je potpuno nepotrebno trošiti mnogo novca na jednodnevnim izletima nisam kupila puno stvari, ali ovima zaista nisam mogla da odolim. Najpre sam kupila malo šminke - karmin i olovku za usne u nežnim roze nijansama. Pošto već imam previše crvenih i bordo karmina u gomili nijansi smatrala sam da bi bilo čisto preterivanje kupiti još jedan u nizu tako da sam odlučila da prištedim novac i kupim taj nekom drugom prilikom, a da sada odaberem ovaj koji sam merkala već duže vreme. Imala sam na umu olovku za usne u nekoj drugoj nijansi, ali kako nje nije bilo u ponudi prodavačica mi je izašla u susret i pomogla da pronađem nijansu koja se od karmina ne razlikuje mnogo. Moram reći da su neverovatno postojani i odličnog kvaliteta, boja je mat i mislim da bi pristajala svakoj devojci.

As I promised, in this post I'm showing you what I found and bought in Timisoara. As I think that it's pure nonsense to spend a lot of money on a one-day trip I didn't buy a lot of things, but I really couldn't resist these. First of all I bought some make up - a lipstick and a lip liner in delicate shades of pink. As I already have way too many red and burgundy lipsticks in different shades I thought it would be too much for me to buy another one, so I decided to save up some money and buy it some other time, and I ended up buying this one that I wanted for a while instead. I wanted to buy a different lip liner, but since they had none of it in stock the lady from the shop helped me choose one which is the most similar to the lipstick itself. I have to say that they are very permanent and great in quality, the color is matte and I think that any girl could wear it.


 //  H&M basic dark grey t-shirt  // 

Majica imam i previše, to neću osporavati, ali jedna klasična u tamnosivoj nijansi mi je svakako bila potrebna, pogotovo kada sam videla kako sjajno može izgledati kada se ukombinuje s malo glomaznijim ogrlicama i u više varijanti osim ležerne. Jedna takva ogrlica treba da mi stigne poštom sa sajta koji ću vam tada i predstaviti, jedva čekam da je i sama nosim.

I have too many t-shirts and I won't deny it, but I really needed one basic t-shirt in the dark shade of grey, especially when I saw how good it can look when combined with statement necklaces and in more outfit types than just the casual one. One such necklace is on its way to my local post office from the website that I'll introduce to you as soon as it does, I can't wait to wear it myself.

 //  H&M black lace bra  //  

Za razliku od majica, košulja i varijacija na temu kojih imam previše, brushaltera nikako nemam dovoljno! U našem H&M-u sam pronašla ovaj i oduševila se jer mi je falio jedan crni, a ovaj model naprosto obožavam. I zato sam odlučila da ga potražim i u Temišvaru i, na svu sreću, pronašla jedan koji mi je odgovarao. Inače sam maaaaaaalo opsednuta donjim vešom, pogotovo čipkanim, tako da su ovakve stvari moja mala slabost. ;)

Unlike t-shirts, blouses and similar things that I have over the top, I don't have enough bras! In our local H&M shop in Belgrade I found this one and loved it as I needed one in black, and I absolutely adore this shape. That's when I decided to look for it in Timisoara and, lucky for me, they had one that suited me. I'm sliiiiiightly obsessed with lingerie in general, especially with lace, so these things are a bit of a weakness. ;)

//  H&M gold metal hair band  //

Uvek gubim trake za kosu, i još uvek nisam upoznala nijednu osobu kojoj se to nikad ne dešava. Nemam pojma da li negde u mojoj sobi postoji neka vrsta Bermudskog trougla u kome te korisne male stvarčice nestaju bez traga, ali ako ih kupim desetak, biću srećna ako do kraja meseca uspem da pronađem jednu. Ovu sigurno neću izgubiti tako lako zbog ovog lepog metalnog okvira koji će mi i ulepšati frizuru, jer mislim da kosa s tim malim detaljem može izgledati otmenije.

I always lose all of my hair bands, and I still haven't met anyone who never managed to lose track of their own. I have no idea whether there is some sort of Bermuda triangle where these useful little things disappear without a trace somewhere in my room, but if I buy ten of them, I will be happy if I manage to find at least one at the end of the month. I'm not going to lose this one for sure because of this nice metal ring that will make my hairdo look better, because I think that with this little detail the hair can look classier.

May 5, 2015

Labor day

Sun&Sun sunglasses  //  Time Out t-shirt  //  Terranova floral shirt  //  Sheinside tribal denim shorts  //  Converse All Star mint sneakers  //  New Yorker flamingo backpack  //  H&M hair band

Obožavam 1. maj! Svake godine se sa drugaricama organizujem da izađemo negde u prirodu i provedemo dan zajedno, a i nema ničeg lepšeg nego kada ceo grad miriše na roštilj koji se tada tradicionalno pravi i koji volim toliko da ne mogu da opišem. Na svu sreću, otkako smo započele tu tradiciju zajedničkih izlazaka na ovaj praznik vreme je radilo u našu korist tako da uvek možemo da makar na kratko pobegnemo od kuće i uživamo u toplom i vedrom danu. Volim ovaj dan jer tada ne moram mnogo da razmišljam ni o čemu, pa ni o tome šta ću obući. Obično se odlučim za šorts koji je jedna od stvari koje apsolutno volim da nosim, laganu majicu u kojoj mi vrućine neće biti neprijatne, eventualno neku košulju ili jaknicu za slučaj da zahladni pred kraj dana, par starki i praktičan ranac u koji će mi stati sve što ponesem sa sobom. Tada sam spremna na privremen beg od svakodnevnog života. :)

I love Labor Day! Every year my friends and I make a deal to go out somewhere in nature and spend the day together, and there is also nothing better than the smell of traditionally made barbecue, which I love so much I can barely describe it, spreading through the entire city. Lucky for us, ever since we started that little tradition the weather worked in our benefit so we could escape home for at least a little while and enjoy a warm and sunny day. I love this day because I don't have to think much about anything, not even about what I'm going to wear. I usually put on some shorts, which are something I absolutely love to wear, a casual t-shirt that will help me stand the heat, maybe a shirt or jacket in case it gets colder at the end of the day, a pair of chucks and a practical backpack where I can put everything I need. That's when I'm ready for a temporary escape from my everyday life. :)