November 12, 2014

New nails

Flormar white nail polish  //  Golden Rose silver glitter nail polish  //  Sweater from H&M  //  Rings from Romwe

Kako sam danas imala slobodan dan odlučila sam da deo njega iskoristim za odlazak na manikir da konačno sredim nokte. Moj izbor je bio ovaj ženstveni oblik i kombinacija bele i srebrne boje. Pored toga sam dan, u pauzama od učenja, provela slušajući pesme sa novog albuma mog omiljenog benda, Tokio Hotela, koji je konačno izašao nakon pet godina njihove pauze. Album se zove "Kings of Suburbia" i mogu reći da me nije razočarao.
Planiram da ovih dana ugrabim vreme za outfit post, i zato pratite dešavanja na ovom blogu. :)

As I had a day off today I decided to use a part of it to have a manicure and finally get my nails done. My choice was this feminine shape and the combination of white and silver. Aside from that, during my study breaks I was spending time listening to the songs from my favourite band, Tokio Hotel's newest album that finally came out after five years of their hiatus. The album is called "Kings of Suburbia" and I can say that it didn't disappoint me.
I am planning to take some time for an outfit post these days, so stay tuned to this blog. :)



  1. I love the color!


  2. Taj oblik noktiju je najbolji, najljepši i najženstveniji. I točka! =)

  3. Really great nails! I`m not a big fan of long nails but the polish and especially the glitter looks amazing. Would like to try that, too. Thanks for your lovely comment. So many nice words at one time. That made me so happy. Thank you!

    Have a nice evening.
