September 5, 2014


Sony XPERIA SP android phone (also available in black)

Pre jedno par meseci bila sam prinuđena da kupim nov telefon, što me je malo i rastužilo jer sam se dosta navikla na svoj prethodni uređaj. Pošto zaista volim Sony telefone znala sam da će moj naredni uređaj takođe biti iz Sony XPERIA generacije, i posle pažljivog razmatranja i konsultacije sa stručnjakom (tatom, da budem preciznija :D), kupila sam Sony XPERIA SP u beloj boji. U početku sam oklevala jer je bio znatno veći od onog na koji sam navikla, a i kao nekadašnja ljubiteljka crnih telefona sam se dosta premišljala, ali donela sam odluku nakon koje se ni danas ne kajem. Ovaj telefon radi odlično za sve moje potrebe, beli model je jako ženstven (moja opsesija belom bojom je prevagnula) i ubrzo sam se navikla i na njegovu veličinu. Štaviše, sada ne bih mogla ni da zamislim sebe sa manjim telefonom! :)
Ako neko razmišlja o kupovini novog telefona, mogao bi da makar uzme ovaj u obzir, s tim što bi trebalo obratiti pažnju na nove verzije softvera koje su u početku nekompatibilne s uređajem i izazivaju kvarove, tako da ih ne treba instalirati odmah po pojavljivanju na tržištu.

A couple of months ago I was obliged to buy myself a new phone, which made me kind of sad because I got used to my previous device. Since I really like Sony android phones I knew that my next device will also be from the Sony XPERIA generation, and after a lot of thinking and consulting an expert (my dad, to be precise :D) I bought the Sony XPERIA SP phone in white. At first I hesitated because it was quite larger than the one I was used to, and as someone who preferred black phones I went through a lot of second thoughts, but I made a decision which I don't regret, not even today. This phone works perfectly for all my needs, the white model is very feminine (my obsession with white triumphed) and soon I got used to its size as well. What's more, now I couldn't possibly imagine myself with a smaller phone! :)
If anyone is thinking of buying a new phone, they should at least consider this one, although you should pay attention to software updates that are often incompatible to the device at first and may cause malfunctions, so they shouldn't be installed right after appearing on the market.