July 25, 2014

Mr. Grey will see you now

Nemam naviku da pravim planove mnogo unapred, ali ovoga puta tačno znam šta ću raditi na Dan Zaljubljenih 2015. godine. Tako je, bestseler iz 2012. godine konačno je ekranizovan i biće premijerno prikazan u bioskopima 14. februara naredne godine. Knjigama sam dala šansu i nisu me oduševile, ali uprkos tome, ja i neke od mojih drugarica sa faksa jedva čekamo da pogledamo film. Jao, ko će čekati 204 dana do dolaska filma u bioskope! Mada mislim da jednako želim da čujem ekskluzivnu verziju pesme "Crazy in love" prelepe Beyoncé koja je prva i postavila zadirkujući kadar iz filma na svom Instagram profilu. Ja jedva čekam da pogledam film, a vi? Jeste li čitali knjige, kakvi su vam utisci i planirate li možda da kupite karte za projekciju? 

I don't really have the habit to make plans much in advance, but this time I know exactly what I'll be doing on Valentine's Day in 2015. That's right, the 2012 bestseller is finally filmed and the movie premiere is on the 14th of February next year. I gave the books a chance and they made no significant impression on me, but despite that, me and some of my college friends can't wait to see the movie. Oh, who can wait for another 204 days until it gets on the cinema screens! Though I think that I want to hear the exclusive version of the song "Crazy in love" by the gorgeous Beyoncé who was the first one to post a teaser on her Instagram profile just as much. I can't wait to see the movie, how about you? Have you read the books, what are your impressions and are you planning to maybe buy the movie tickets?


  1. Hmmm....knjige mo, moram priznat, uopce nisu privukle, al cu film vjerojatno pogledat. Mada mi Mr Gray.....hmmm...nekako mi ne pase casting.
