July 22, 2014

Chanel FW 2014/2015 by Karl Lagerfeld

Chanel je jedan od mojih omiljenih brendova, a Karl Lagerfeld jedan od mojih omiljenih dizajnera. Ova kolekcija je samo potvrdila da sam u pravu što gajim simpatije prema ovom čoveku, ili barem njegovom stvaralaštvu. Uglavnom, kada gledam prenose modnih revija (pošto, nažalost, do sada nisam bila te sreće da prisustvujem jednoj), kreacije koje oslikavaju određeni trend ili ideju mi privuku najveći deo pažnje, dok venčanica koja obično zatvara reviju ne ostavlja naročit utisak na mene koliko god da volim brend ili dizajnera. Međutim, to ovde nije bio slučaj. Svakako da su me oduševile bele haljine u kombinaciji sa zlatnim (jedna od mojih omiljenih) sa baroknom tematikom, ali ova venčanica je definitivno ukrala moje srce. Kroj koji je savršeni spoj savremenog i tradicionalnog, zlatni detalji i barokni vez koji čine da ova haljina izgleda kraljevski probudili su onu devojčicu u meni koja i dan danas, makar potajno, priželjkuje svoj srećan kraj. Videla sam veliki broj venčanica i nijedna nije uspela da mi da ideju kako bih zamišljala taj svoj veliki dan, ali ova je u svakom smislu oblikovala moj davno zaboravljeni devojački san. Zaista bih volela da se udam u ovoj haljini.

Chanel is one of my favourite brands, and Karl Lagerfeld one of my favourite designers. This collection just confirmed that I was right for having some affinity to this man, or at least his creations. Anyway, usually when I watch fashion show broadcasts (since I, unfortunately, still had no opportunity to actually attend one), the creations that introduce a certain trend or idea mostly catch my eye, while the wedding dress at the closing of the show doesn't make much of an impression on me, regardless of how much I like a brand or designer. However, this wasn't the case. Of course I was amazed by the white dresses in combination with gold (one of my favourites) with baroque theme, but this wedding dress has definitely stolen my heart. The shape which is a perfect combo of contemporary and traditional, golden details and baroque embroidment that make this dress look royal awakened that little girl in me who even today, at least secretly, longs for her happy ending. I've seen many wedding dresses and not a single one could give me an idea on how I'd picture my big day, but this one shaped my long forgotten girly dream in every possible way. I would really love to get married in this dress.


  1. Wow, Karl is a genius. Period.


  2. What a gorgeous collection (as always!)... Also love that sweet blue dress ;) x


  3. I love his geniune and classy style!
    very good content btw..

  4. chanel ♥
    piękne suknie !

