November 29, 2014

Christmas wishlist

Dress  //  Necklace  //  Dress  //  Earrings  //  Blazer

Kako se bliže praznici padaju mi na pamet stvari koje bi me usrećile kao pokloni, i Sheinside prodavnica mi je poslužila kao inspiracija. Nekako mi je uspelo da izdvojim ovih pet komada:

1. Ovo je najlepša haljina koju sam videla u svom životu, bez sumnje. Kombinacija kraljevskoplave i zlatne boje odlično izgleda na beloj osnovi i u ovakvoj haljini bih se sigurno osećala kao princeza.

2. U poslednje vreme sve više volim da nosim nakit, pogotovo upečatljive ogrlice. Iako većini na pamet padaju glomazni modeli sa puno kamenčića u različitim bojama i oblicima, meni je ovakva ogrlica apsolutno prelepa i bez svega toga. Mislim da je ovaj neobičan rad efektan sam po sebi.

3. Ovakav model haljine pre bih nosila kao majicu, tj. dužu varijantu majice, jer bih u modelu haljine koji ne prati siluetu zasigurno izgledala smešno. Kladim se da je, ovako jednostavna, odlična za kombinovanje na mnogo načina.

4. Obožavam orijentalne zemlje i njihove kulture, i jedva čekam da ih posetim. Kada sam ugledala ove minđuše koje me neodoljivo podsećaju na Indiju, nisam mogla da verujem, pogotovo što su kamenčići baš u mojoj omiljenoj boji!

5. Ukoliko ne želite da se stopite sa haosem šljokica na novogodišnje veče (kao, na primer, ja, koliko god volela šljokice), a i dalje želite da budete primećene, mislim da je ovo odlična alternativa. Pored toga, ovaj print je izvanredan i u ležernim varijantama jer može da oplemeni svaku jednostavnu odevnu kombinaciju i da joj pravi pečat ženstvenosti.


As holidays are slowly coming round, I started thinking about things that would make me happy as Christmas gifts, and yet again the Sheinside online store gave me some inspiration. I somehow managed to choose my top five items:

1. This is the most beautiful dress I've ever seen, without a doubt. The royal blue and gold combo looks amazing on the white base and I would surely feel like a princess wearing it.

2. I'm much more into wearing jewellery lately, especially statement necklaces. Although most people think of big and heavy models with many gemstones in different shapes and colors, I think this one is absolutely gorgeous without all those things. This unusual pattern is pretty effective by itself in my opinion.

3. This kind of dress is the one I'd wear as a t-shirt, a longer version of it, to be exact, because I would surely look ridiculous in something that doesn't really show the silhouette. I bet that it's perfect for being combined in many different styles in all its simplicity.

4. I love oriental countries and their cultures, and I'm dying to visit them someday. When I saw these earrings that remind me of India, I couldn't believe it, especially because the stones are in my favourite color!

5. In case you don't want to blend in with the sequin and glitter chaos (like me, for example, despite all the love I have for sequins), but still want to be noticed, in my opinion this is a great alternative. Aside from that, this print is excellent in casual styles because it can spice up even the simplest outfit and give it a feminine touch.

November 12, 2014

New nails

Flormar white nail polish  //  Golden Rose silver glitter nail polish  //  Sweater from H&M  //  Rings from Romwe

Kako sam danas imala slobodan dan odlučila sam da deo njega iskoristim za odlazak na manikir da konačno sredim nokte. Moj izbor je bio ovaj ženstveni oblik i kombinacija bele i srebrne boje. Pored toga sam dan, u pauzama od učenja, provela slušajući pesme sa novog albuma mog omiljenog benda, Tokio Hotela, koji je konačno izašao nakon pet godina njihove pauze. Album se zove "Kings of Suburbia" i mogu reći da me nije razočarao.
Planiram da ovih dana ugrabim vreme za outfit post, i zato pratite dešavanja na ovom blogu. :)

As I had a day off today I decided to use a part of it to have a manicure and finally get my nails done. My choice was this feminine shape and the combination of white and silver. Aside from that, during my study breaks I was spending time listening to the songs from my favourite band, Tokio Hotel's newest album that finally came out after five years of their hiatus. The album is called "Kings of Suburbia" and I can say that it didn't disappoint me.
I am planning to take some time for an outfit post these days, so stay tuned to this blog. :)


September 5, 2014


Sony XPERIA SP android phone (also available in black)

Pre jedno par meseci bila sam prinuđena da kupim nov telefon, što me je malo i rastužilo jer sam se dosta navikla na svoj prethodni uređaj. Pošto zaista volim Sony telefone znala sam da će moj naredni uređaj takođe biti iz Sony XPERIA generacije, i posle pažljivog razmatranja i konsultacije sa stručnjakom (tatom, da budem preciznija :D), kupila sam Sony XPERIA SP u beloj boji. U početku sam oklevala jer je bio znatno veći od onog na koji sam navikla, a i kao nekadašnja ljubiteljka crnih telefona sam se dosta premišljala, ali donela sam odluku nakon koje se ni danas ne kajem. Ovaj telefon radi odlično za sve moje potrebe, beli model je jako ženstven (moja opsesija belom bojom je prevagnula) i ubrzo sam se navikla i na njegovu veličinu. Štaviše, sada ne bih mogla ni da zamislim sebe sa manjim telefonom! :)
Ako neko razmišlja o kupovini novog telefona, mogao bi da makar uzme ovaj u obzir, s tim što bi trebalo obratiti pažnju na nove verzije softvera koje su u početku nekompatibilne s uređajem i izazivaju kvarove, tako da ih ne treba instalirati odmah po pojavljivanju na tržištu.

A couple of months ago I was obliged to buy myself a new phone, which made me kind of sad because I got used to my previous device. Since I really like Sony android phones I knew that my next device will also be from the Sony XPERIA generation, and after a lot of thinking and consulting an expert (my dad, to be precise :D) I bought the Sony XPERIA SP phone in white. At first I hesitated because it was quite larger than the one I was used to, and as someone who preferred black phones I went through a lot of second thoughts, but I made a decision which I don't regret, not even today. This phone works perfectly for all my needs, the white model is very feminine (my obsession with white triumphed) and soon I got used to its size as well. What's more, now I couldn't possibly imagine myself with a smaller phone! :)
If anyone is thinking of buying a new phone, they should at least consider this one, although you should pay attention to software updates that are often incompatible to the device at first and may cause malfunctions, so they shouldn't be installed right after appearing on the market.

August 25, 2014

Viewer discretion is advised

T-shirt from Sheinside (find it here)  //  Rings from Romwe (find them here)  //  Sunglasses from Romwe  //  Tally Weijl jeggings  //  Nightmare Before Christmas backpack  //  Festina wristwatch  //  New Yorker studded belt

Čak i jedan naizgled sasvim običan, ležeran outfit može, i u svojoj monohromatskoj jednostavnosti, biti efektan odabirom pravih aksesoara ili statement komada, što je u ovom slučaju, barem po mom mišljenju, ova savršena Sheinside majica (možete je pronaći ovde). Upozoravajući print, sečeni kroj i mrežasta tekstura koji daju prikladnu meru provokacije savršeno se nadopunjuju, i iako se opet radi o komadu koji pripada isključivo ležernom stilu, opet daje dovoljno slobode za kombinovanje sa džinsom, kožom, čak i kariranim printom (mogla bih i na to da se odvažim). S vremena na vreme volim da u svoj izgled uključim i malo oštrine, i mislim da je ovo najjednostavniji način kombinovanja jednog takvog odevnog predmeta. Kako sam se naprosto zaljubila u ovu majicu, budite sigurni da ću je nositi na više načina, jer već znam da mi neće dosaditi tako lako.

Even a seemingly plain, casual outfit can be effective in its monochromatic simplicity with the right accessories or statement pieces, which is in this case, at least the way I see it, this perfect Sheinside t-shirt (you can find it here). A warning print, cropped tailoring and the hollow mesh texture that give the appropriate dose of provocation complement each other perfectly, and even though once again it's a piece that is exclusively casual by style, it still gives enough freedom to be combined with denim, leather, and even plaid (I might do that too). From time to time I like to include a bit of sharpness to my looks, and I think that this is the simplest way to combine such a clothing item. Since I'm simply in love with this t-shirt, you can be sure that I'll wear it in more ways than one, since I already know that I won't get tired of it so easily.

August 21, 2014

Lovie products

Lovie baby pink nailpolish  //  Lovie purple mascara  //  Lovie black mascara  //  Lovie lip pensil  //  Lovie eyeshadow set  //  Mango flavored olive oil based lip balm from a local store in Olympic Beach

U toku jednog od obilazaka Paralije na ovom letovanju naišla sam na parfimeriju sa velikim izborom šminke i sličnih proizvoda po veoma povoljnim cenama, tako da sam pomislila da bi bilo dobro da dopunim zalihe šminke kod kuće, ili da napravim rezerve za kasnije. Pronašla sam ljubičastu maskaru kakva mi je zaista trebala (ljubičaste maskare proizvodi i ARTDECO), standardnu crnu maskaru kakve mi UVEK ponestane, roze lak u nijansi koju nikako nisam mogla da nađem ovde, kao i olovku za usne boje breskve koja se savršeno slaže s AVON ružem za usne u gotovo identičnoj nijansi i koji mnogo volim da nanosim. Izuzetak je ovaj balzam za usne na bazi maslinovog ulja koji sam kupila u jednom dućanu u Olympic Beachu. Bilo je pet varijanti: miris manga, maline, kokosa, kakao putera i klasičan bez dodatnih aroma. Naravno, kako moj ukus naginje ka malo egzotičnijim mirisima i ukusima, nakon kraćeg razmišljanja odabrala sam mango. :)
Uz to, kada sam otišla na kasu da platim svoje pronalaske u parfimeriji u Paraliji, na poklon sam dobila i set senki za oči koje su divnih boja, ali istovremeno i blagog intenziteta, savršene za nenapadan izgled koji naginje više ka prirodnom. Odlazak u Paraliju se tog dana stvarno isplatio!

During one of my visits to Paralia on this summer holiday I came across a drogerie with a great range of make-up and related products at very affordable prices, so I thought that I could refill my make-up supplies, or at least make a stock for later. I found a purple mascara which I really needed (ARTDECO also makes purple mascaras), a standard black mascara that ALWAYS runs out way too quickly, a nail polish in the shade of pink that I just couldn't find here, as well as a peachy lip pencil which perfectly matches my AVON lipstick in an identical shade and which I love to use. The only thing I didn't buy there is this mango flavored olive oil based lip balm that I found in a local store in Olympic Beach. It was available in five options: mango, raspberry, coconut, cocoa butter and classic without additional aromas. Of course, since my taste prefers a bit more exotic flavors and scents, after a little thinking I chose mango. :)
Also, when I went to the cash register to pay my Paralia findings, I got a set of eyeshadows as a gift. They are in such lovely colors, but also really mild, perfect for a subtle look that leans towards an almost no make-up natural look. Going to Paralia really paid off that day!

August 15, 2014

Tell me I'm your national anthem

Le Group leather jacket  //  Choies hat  //  Romwe sunglasses  //  Romwe t-shirt (find it here)  //  VJ Style bag (find it here)  //  Six moustache necklace  //  New Yorker jeans  //  Converse sneakers

Postoje stvari koje su neobične i upadljive, upravo zbog toga i primamljive, i iako znate da ih nećete moći kombinovati na mnogo načina i da će vam verovatno i dosaditi već sledeće sezone, jednostavno ne uspevate da odolite i na kraju ih kupite. Ove farmerke na neki način spadaju u kategoriju tih stvari - markantne su i isključive tako da se mogu kombinovati u okviru samo jednog stila. Takva kupovina se gotovo nikad ne isplati, ali kada su ove farmerke u pitanju, uprkos tome ne kajem se što sam ih kupila pre par godina. Volim njihovu komotnost, neobičnost, eksplozivnu pojavu među jednostavnim stvarima, kao i zato što su uspomena na dan kada je COUTURE CASE osnovan.

There are clothing items which are unusual and eye-catching, therefore also tempting, and even if you know that you won't be able to combine them in many ways and that they'll probably bore you shortly after, you just can't resist and end up buying them. These jeans somehow belong in that category - they are remarkable and exclude many styles so you can pick only one in which you'll include them. Buying such things never really pays off, but when it comes to these jeans, despite all those things I don't regret buying them a couple of years ago at all. I love them for being comfy, unusual, with an explosive appearance among plain things, and as well as being a memory of the day when COUTURE CASE was founded.

August 12, 2014

Alles tickt, tickt im Takt

Wristwatch from Le Cachôt

Najbolji deo neplanirane kupovine u Paraliji je definitivno ovaj ručni sat. Već neko vreme želela sam jedan okrugli u zlatnoj boji pošto u poslednje vreme više volim zlatnu nego srebrnu (jedini koji sam imala do sada je četvrtasti Festina sa crnim kaišem), i poželela sam da imam još nešto što predstavlja osobinu koju cenim i kod sebe i kod drugih - tačnost. Kako je mojim kriterijumima teško udovoljiti mislila sam da ću dugo čekati dok pronađem idealan za sebe. Pored toga, pošto imam relativno sitnu ruku satovi u veličinama koje se češće nalaze u prodaji na mojoj ruci izgledaju kabasto i glomazna narukvica je celu proguta, i zato mi je izbor još ograničeniji. Međutim, dok sam razgledala zlatare u Paraliji ne očekujući da pronađem bilo šta, za oko mi je zapao upravo ovaj model koji nije mogao biti savršeniji čak i pošto sam ga stavila na ruku. Znala sam da je u tom trenutku morao biti moj i da mi pristaje tačno onako kako sam zamišljala.
Sama narukvica mi je bila preduga pa je morala biti skraćena za nekoliko karika, ali u trenutku kada mi je kopča konačno oglasila ono slatko: "klik!" oko zgloba, bila sam sigurna da bi bilo gotovo nemoguće da, barem u skorije vreme, nađem sat koji je moja srodna duša.

The best part of the unplanned shopping in Paralia is definitely this watch. For a while I've been wanting to have a round one in gold since I prefer gold to silver lately (the only one that I had so far is the square-shaped Festina with a black belt), and I wanted to have something else to reflect the quality I value in both myself and other people - punctuality. Since my criteria is hard to satisfy I thought that I was going to wait for a good while before finding an ideal one for myself. Aside from that, since my arms and hands are relatively petite, watches in sizes that one usually comes across in stores look too chunky on my hand and the bracelet literally eats it up, so my choices had to be narrowed down even more. However, as I was looking through some golden jewellery shops in Paralia, not expecting to find anything doing so, this model caught my eye and it couldn't be any more perfect even after being put on my hand. At that moment I knew that it had to be mine and that it fitted me exactly as I pictured it.
The bracelet itself was a little too long for me so it had to be shortened by a couple of links, but in the moment the buckle gave that lovely: "click!" around my wrist, I was sure that it would be nearly impossible for me to, at least anytime soon, find my soulmate watch.

August 9, 2014

Olympic Beach

Stars and stripes bikini from Oasap (find it here)

Olympic Beach je mesto koje sam odabrala za svoj desetodnevni dugo očekivani, a mogu reći i zasluženi odmor, uz povremene posete obližnjoj Paraliji. Iskoristila sam deset dana za opuštanje, plivanje, šetanje i, jednu od mojih omiljenih aktivnosti, skupljanje školjki kojih sam sigurno samo ovog leta našla jedno par stotina. xD Nedostajalo mi je more i ponestalo energije da se posvetim novim obavezama (ostao mi je još jedan, ali nimalo lak ispit da očistim prvu godinu, Bogu hvala da sam dala uslov za budžet), i ovo malo i mirno mesto mi je pružilo mali beg od svakodnevnog života. Pored toga, potpuno neplanirano, kupila sam nekoliko novih stvari od kojih mi je jedna bila posebno neophodna i ubrzo postala i najdraža. Više o tome u narednom postu! :)

Olympic Beach is the place that I chose to go to on a long awaited, and I can also say well deserved ten-day long holiday, including occasional visits to the nearby Paralia. I had ten days to relax, swim, walk and also do one of my favourite things, collecting seashells which lead to getting about a couple of hundreds of them. xD I missed the sea and ran out of energy to dedicate myself to new obligations coming my way (I still have one exam to pass to finish the first year in college, thank God I fulfilled the condition for the state budget), and this small and calm place gave me a little escape from everyday life. Apart from that, without any plans, I bought some new things, among which is one specifically necessary and it soon became the dearest one. More about that in the next post! :)


Ponovo bih vam preporučila Sheinside kao idealan sajt za nalaženje sjajne letnje garderobe koja će vam sigurno dobro doći na odmoru. Meni su lično najdraži letnji odevni predmeti šortsevi čega na ovom sajtu ima u izobilju u mnogim varijantama, a svakog leta je obavezno imati odgovarajući kupaći kostim, što sam sigurna da takođe možete pronaći. Neki od mojih predloga su ovde, ali to nije sve, tako da požurite i pogledajte i sami! :)

Once again I would recommend you Sheinside as the ideal website for finding amazing summer clothes which will surely come in handy on your vacation. My personal favourites are shorts which they have in many different styles, and every summer requires a swimsuit, which I am also sure that you can find. Some of my suggestions are here, but that's not all, so hurry up and have a look! :)

July 25, 2014

Mr. Grey will see you now

Nemam naviku da pravim planove mnogo unapred, ali ovoga puta tačno znam šta ću raditi na Dan Zaljubljenih 2015. godine. Tako je, bestseler iz 2012. godine konačno je ekranizovan i biće premijerno prikazan u bioskopima 14. februara naredne godine. Knjigama sam dala šansu i nisu me oduševile, ali uprkos tome, ja i neke od mojih drugarica sa faksa jedva čekamo da pogledamo film. Jao, ko će čekati 204 dana do dolaska filma u bioskope! Mada mislim da jednako želim da čujem ekskluzivnu verziju pesme "Crazy in love" prelepe Beyoncé koja je prva i postavila zadirkujući kadar iz filma na svom Instagram profilu. Ja jedva čekam da pogledam film, a vi? Jeste li čitali knjige, kakvi su vam utisci i planirate li možda da kupite karte za projekciju? 

I don't really have the habit to make plans much in advance, but this time I know exactly what I'll be doing on Valentine's Day in 2015. That's right, the 2012 bestseller is finally filmed and the movie premiere is on the 14th of February next year. I gave the books a chance and they made no significant impression on me, but despite that, me and some of my college friends can't wait to see the movie. Oh, who can wait for another 204 days until it gets on the cinema screens! Though I think that I want to hear the exclusive version of the song "Crazy in love" by the gorgeous Beyoncé who was the first one to post a teaser on her Instagram profile just as much. I can't wait to see the movie, how about you? Have you read the books, what are your impressions and are you planning to maybe buy the movie tickets?

July 22, 2014

Chanel FW 2014/2015 by Karl Lagerfeld

Chanel je jedan od mojih omiljenih brendova, a Karl Lagerfeld jedan od mojih omiljenih dizajnera. Ova kolekcija je samo potvrdila da sam u pravu što gajim simpatije prema ovom čoveku, ili barem njegovom stvaralaštvu. Uglavnom, kada gledam prenose modnih revija (pošto, nažalost, do sada nisam bila te sreće da prisustvujem jednoj), kreacije koje oslikavaju određeni trend ili ideju mi privuku najveći deo pažnje, dok venčanica koja obično zatvara reviju ne ostavlja naročit utisak na mene koliko god da volim brend ili dizajnera. Međutim, to ovde nije bio slučaj. Svakako da su me oduševile bele haljine u kombinaciji sa zlatnim (jedna od mojih omiljenih) sa baroknom tematikom, ali ova venčanica je definitivno ukrala moje srce. Kroj koji je savršeni spoj savremenog i tradicionalnog, zlatni detalji i barokni vez koji čine da ova haljina izgleda kraljevski probudili su onu devojčicu u meni koja i dan danas, makar potajno, priželjkuje svoj srećan kraj. Videla sam veliki broj venčanica i nijedna nije uspela da mi da ideju kako bih zamišljala taj svoj veliki dan, ali ova je u svakom smislu oblikovala moj davno zaboravljeni devojački san. Zaista bih volela da se udam u ovoj haljini.

Chanel is one of my favourite brands, and Karl Lagerfeld one of my favourite designers. This collection just confirmed that I was right for having some affinity to this man, or at least his creations. Anyway, usually when I watch fashion show broadcasts (since I, unfortunately, still had no opportunity to actually attend one), the creations that introduce a certain trend or idea mostly catch my eye, while the wedding dress at the closing of the show doesn't make much of an impression on me, regardless of how much I like a brand or designer. However, this wasn't the case. Of course I was amazed by the white dresses in combination with gold (one of my favourites) with baroque theme, but this wedding dress has definitely stolen my heart. The shape which is a perfect combo of contemporary and traditional, golden details and baroque embroidment that make this dress look royal awakened that little girl in me who even today, at least secretly, longs for her happy ending. I've seen many wedding dresses and not a single one could give me an idea on how I'd picture my big day, but this one shaped my long forgotten girly dream in every possible way. I would really love to get married in this dress.