pictures by me
Pošto mi nastava na fakultetu počinje za svega par dana, nemam vremena, a ni inspiracije za odevne kombinacije, tako da umesto toga listam modne magazine ne bih li pronašla adekvatne komade kojima bih dopunila izbor jesenje i zimske garderobe u ormanu za ovu sezonu. U ovom broju The Best Shop magazina pronašla sam idealnu torbu za fakultet, kao i još neke stvari koje su mi se mnogo dopale.
Kafa je moje omiljeno piće i imam osećaj da će pored užitka konzumiranje iste postati i rutina. xD Zato sam odlučila da je malo "ulepšam" kad god je napravim za sebe. Iako je ovo trebalo da bude srećni izraz lica koji mi poručuje da ostanem pozitivna, neću se naljutiti ako mi kažete da više izgleda kao neka utvara jer zaista deluje malo jezivo.
U nedelju putujem u Temišvar sa drugaricom na jednodnevni izlet i jedva čekam da ponovo tamo odem! Veoma se radujem putu i nadam se da ću imati lepe slike da vam pokažem pošto se vratim. Uživajte u predstojećem vikendu!
Since my freshman college year starts in no more than a couple of days, I have no time or inspiration to make outfit posts, so instead I'm reading fashion magazines to find adequate items to add to my autumn and winter wardrobe for this season. In this issue of The Best Shop magazine I found an ideal bag for college, as well as some other things I liked a lot.
Coffee is my favourite drink and I have a feeling that, aside from pleasure, consuming it will also become a routine. xD That's why I decided to give it a "makeover" whenever I make myself one. Although this was supposed to be a smiley face that tells me to be positive, I won't get angry if you say that it looks more like a monster because it does look kind of creepy.
On Sunday I'm going to Timisoara with a friend on a one-day trip and I can't wait to go there again! I'm looking forward to the trip and I hope I'll have nice pictures to show you after I come back. Enjoy the upcoming weekend!
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