August 29, 2013

A day at the mall

Danas je bilo zvanično otvaranje prve H&M prodavnice u Beogradu, tako da sam otišla u tržni centar Delta City sa drugaricama da je vidimo. Prostrana je i nudi veliki izbor odeće, tako da već sada znam da ću joj se stalno vraćati. Nažalost, kada sam videla kolika je gužva bila na otvaranju, odlučila sam da ostavim posetu toj prodavnici za neki drugi put. Sudeći po broju ljudi koji su iznosili i po nekoliko kesa iz novootvorenog H&M-a, imam dobar osećaj da ću tamo često kupovati.
Kako se leto bliži kraju, a ovo jutro je podsećalo na predstojeću jesen, odlučila sam se za kratki bež mantil koji sam ukombinovala sa crnom odećom i detaljima. Ležeran, svakodnevni outfit koji pruža komfor za razgledanje tržnog centra.

Today was the official opening of the first H&M store in Belgrade, so I went to the Delta City mall with my friends to check it out. It's quite big and it offers a wide range of clothing, and I already know that I'll keep coming back there. Unfortunately, when I saw the crowd at the venue, I decided to postpone my visit to that store for some other time. Judging by the number of people that carried a lot of bags from the newly opened H&M store, I have a good feeling that I'll be shopping there a lot.
As summer is coming to an end, and this morning weather seemed like the upcoming autumn, I decided to wear my short beige trench coat, which I combined with black clothes and accessories. A casual, every day outfit that gives you the cosiness needed for wandering around the mall.

August 26, 2013

Guilty pleasures

pictures via different Tumblrs

Ono što najviše volim pored mode je hrana (iako to možda ne biste ni pomislili dok me ne upoznate). Dok je većini modnih blogerki omiljeni kanal FashionTV, meni je 24Kitchen. Zaista uživam u hrani, bilo da je sama spremam ili čekam svoju porudžbinu u restoranu. Slano ili slatko, užitak restorana ili kafića ili samo usputna kafa, nikada ne mogu da odbijem ukusni užitak. Šta najviše odgovara vašem ukusu?

What I love the most, aside from fashion, is food (although you might never think so until you get to know me). As most fashion bloggers like FashionTV more than any other TV channel, I say that my favourite is 24Kitchen. I really enjoy food, whether I prepare it myself or wait for my order in a restaurant. Sweet or savory, enjoying the atmosphere of a restaurant or caffé or just a coffee on the go, I can never refuse the delicious delight. What suits your taste?

Hurry up dears! This time you can save up to 84% off from Romwe Labor Day sale!
(time from Aug.27th-Sep.2nd)

August 16, 2013


pictures via different Tumblrs

Kad god sam blizu vode, osećam se kao da sam u svom elementu (što, na neki način, i jesam). Voda me fascinira i volim je zato što je nepredvidiva, nepostojana, tajanstvena, mada je samim tim nekada i zastrašujuća. Voda je jaka, uporna, i uvek nađe svoj put. Voda zalazi tamo gde se niko ne usuđuje da ode.

Whenever I'm near water, I feel like I'm in my element (which is true in a way). Water fascinates me and I love it because it's unpredictable, inconsistent, mysterious, though that can be exactly what makes it frightening. Water is strong, persistent, and always finds its way. Water can reach even places where no one dares to go.

Super slim price flash sale!  Only 48 hours!
Hot items back season!  Only $14.99!
Girls can never have too many!

August 11, 2013

Flower crown

Oduvek sam želela da imam krunicu od cveća, i htela sam i sama da je napravim, ali gde god sam tražila odgovarajuće cveće, nijedno mi se nije dopalo. Danas sam kupila male, beličastoroze ruže koje su mi bile dovoljno lepe da s njima pokušam. Ako i vi hoćete da napravite svoju, mogu da vam objasnim kako sam ja napravila svoju. Potrebno vam je:

1. veštačko cveće
2. tanak metalni rajf
3. konac
4. makaze

Da biste napravili krunicu od cveća poput moje, uradite sledeće:

1. odvojte cveće od grane tako što ćete ga malo jače povući ili iseći, ali tako da mu stabljika bude dovoljno duga;
2. uzmite cvet koji želite da zakačite za rajf i odsecite nešto duži deo konca, a zatim taj konac obmotajte odmah ispod cveta, najpre dva puta u jednu stranu, a zatim dva puta u drugu;
3. prislonite cvet na mesto na rajfu za koje hoćete da ga vežete, ili za kraj rajfa, pa ga posle pogurajte na željeno mesto, a onda dva puta obmotajte konac sa obe strane rajfa i vežite dvostruki čvor oko cveta;
4. odsecite višak konca i veći deo stabljike;
5. ponovite postupak onoliko puta koliko želite da dodajete na krunicu koristeći druge cvetove, mada možete upotrebiti i listiće;

Et voilà! Imate vašu krunicu od cveća! Ovo je prva koju sam ikada napravila i sada visi u mojoj sobi. Jedva čekam da je uklopim u buduće outfit postove!

I've always wanted to have a flower crown, and I wanted to make it myself, but wherever I went to find flowers for it, I didn't like any of them. Today I bought small, pale pink roses that were pretty enough for me to try. And if you want to make your own flower crown, I can show you how I made my own. What you need is:

1. artificial flowers
2. a thin metal hairband
3. some thread
4. a pair of scissors

To make a flower crown like mine, here's what you need to do:

1. separate the flowers from the branches by pulling them a little stronger or cutting them, but so that the stem is long enough; 
2. take the flower you want to attach to the hairband and cut a longer piece of thread, and then wrap that thread just under the flower, twice to one side, and twice to the other;
3. press the flower to the spot where you want it to be, or to the end of the hairband so that you can pull it later on, and then wrap the thread twice around the hairband on one side, then on the other side and tie a double knot around the flower;
4. cut off the excess thread and the bigger part of the stem;
5. repeat that as many times as you like by using other flowers, though you can use the leaves as well;

Et voilà! You have your flower crown! This is the first one I've ever made and now it's hanging in my room. I can't wait to wear it in some of my next outfit posts

Time to go back to school~

Cool stuff perfects new term!

 Favorable prices are just so great ^_^ >>

Big sale ends on August 18th!

August 4, 2013

Reality is endlessly cold and lonely

pictures by Luka

dress: New Yorker
bag: H&M
bracelet: gift from dad
shoes: Converse

Ovu kombinaciju sam nosila i juče, kada sam išla do tržnog centra sa najboljom drugaricom, ali sam tada zaboravila da ponesem foto-aparat, pa je nisam uslikala, tako da sam odlučila da ovoga puta to nikako ne propustim. Lepršava haljinica poput ove idealna je za pretople dane poput ovoga, i danas sam odlučila da je nosim uz bele starke, kojima nisam mogla da odolim iako više volim duboke modele.
Danas sam provela divan dan sa društvom koje nisam videla od mature, dugo smo pričali o svemu i svačemu, i, naravno, dogovorili se da se viđamo što češće. Mnogo su mi nedostajali i baš mi je bilo drago što sam ih videla. Proveli smo sjajno popodne i veče pijući ukusne ledene kafe.

I wore this outfit yesterday when I went to the mall with my best friend, but I forgot to bring my camera then, so I didn't take pictures of it, but I decided not to forget to do that this time. A fluttery dress such as this one is ideal for these unbelievably hot days, and today I decided to wear it with white Converse sneakers, which I couldn't resist even though I'm more of a deep Converse sneaker person.
Today I spent a wonderful day with my friends, who I haven't seen since prom, and for a long time we talked about all kinds of things, and, of course, made a deal to see each other as often as possible. I missed them so much and I was so glad to see them. We spent a terrific afternoon and evening drinking delicious ice coffees.

Are you enjoying your summer? I know I am!

Shirts with Shorts, the Melody in Summer
find super shirts and shorts with much cheaper prices here :P
Ends on August 11th,  Never miss the opportunity :v

August 1, 2013

Roses and Clementines

1. Anna-beth rose crown (sold out) // 2. Pink rose crown (find it here) // 3. Amelia pink rose crown (find it here) // 4. Sherbet rose crown (find it here)
5. Skye rose crown (sold out) // 6. Marie rose crown (find it here) // 7. Claudette rose crown (find it here) // 8. Rosalynne berry crown (find it here)

Roses and Clementines is an online shop where you can find many kinds of flower inspired accessories - from subtly decorated rings and sunglasses to gorgeous flower crowns of all colors and sizes. Here you can see my top eight flower crowns (two of them are sold out, unfortunately), and in case you'd be interested in buying something, you can use my 20% discount coupon with the code: fashionshell20
I hope you enjoy shopping! :)