April 28, 2013


pictures by Milica

scarf: vintage
t-shirt: H&M
skirt: Zara
bracelet: birthday gift
bag: SammyDress (find it here)
shoes: LovelyWholesale (find them here)

Danas sam iskoristila divno, sunčano vreme za šetnju sa svojim drugaricama i pomislila kako bih mogla da prošetam svoje nove cipele sa LovelyWholesale sajta. Iako su se uklopile u kombinaciju tačno onako kako sam zamišljala dok sam ih kupovala, nisu se pokazale kao najudobnije za duže šetnje, tako da je bilo mudro što sam ponela svoje crvene Converse patike i odlučila da ću svoje nove cipele nositi samo u posebnim prilikama.
Takođe mi je palo na pamet da bi se moja nova torba sa SammyDress sajta sjajno uklopila uz ovaj pomalo mornarski izgled. Ona je ujedno i jedna od najljupkijih stvari koje imam od nedavno. Maramu svoje pokojne bake iskoristila sam kao ukras za kosu i pružila je lep mali kontrast prugastoj majici.
Želim vam lepe Uskršnje i prvomajske praznike!

Today I took advantage of the wonderful, sunny weather for a walk with my friends and thought how I could show off my new shoes from the LovelyWholesale website. Although they fit into the outfit exactly how I imagined when I bought them, they didn't turn out to be the most comfortable footwear for a longer walk, so it was wise of me to bring my red Converse sneakers, and I decided to wear my new shoes only on special occasions.
I also got the idea that my new bag from the SammyDress website would perfectly fit into this sailor inspired look. It's also one of the loveliest things I own from recently. I used my deceased grandmother's scarf as a hair accessory and it gave a nice little contrast to the striped t-shirt.
I wish you happy Easter and Labor Day holidays!

Romwe giveaway on Youtube
5 winners/day from 26th April to 3rd May! :)
Click to join: 

April 13, 2013

Make each day your music festival

pictures via different Tumblr blogs

Konačno su stigli topli prolećni dani! Sada jedva čekam raspust povodom Uskrsa i Prvog maja koji će biti koristan predah od škole, kao i prilika da provedem više vremena s prijateljicama. U poslednje vreme me dosta inspiriše festivalski stil - okrugle naočare za sunce, majice s printovima omiljenih bendova, šortsevi i razbarušena kosa. Takođe mi se u poslednje vreme sve više dopada ideja da uradim barem jednu tetovažu, ali još uvek nemam ideju kakvu i gde. Nadam se da ću na leto imati priliku da to i ostvarim.
Nedavno sam poručila majicu s logom jednog od svojih omiljenih bendova i jedva čekam da stigne. Sigurna sam da će se i vama dopasti!

Warmer days of spring have finally arrived! Now I'm looking forward to Easter and Labor day holidays which will be a much needed break from school, and also an opportunity to spend more quality time with my friends. Lately I've been inspired by festival style - round sunglasses, t-shirts with my favourite band prints, shorts and messy hair. I also like the idea of having at least one tattoo more and more, but I still have no idea which one and where. I hope I'll get to get it this Summer.
I recently ordered a t-shirt with one of my favourite band's logo and I can't wait for it to arrive. I'm sure you'll like it too!

Mother’s Day is coming! What will you prepare for your mom?

Have you ever thought of wearing the same clothes with your mom? Want to make people believe that you are sisters when they see you walking along the street together?

Go there to find your family fitted clothing: http://www.romwe.com/

Up to 70% off and a mystery gift!

April 7, 2013

Fashion Shell

Kreativnost mi je uglavnom jača strana, izuzev kada treba da smislim naziv za blog. Tako mi je bilo i prvi put kad sam ga nazvala Wandering Heart. Međutim, taj naziv mi je ubrzo dosadio, ali je prošlo mnogo vremena (skoro godinu dana) dok mi je palo na pamet nešto prikladnije. Konačno sam se dosetila naziva koji je moj blog danas dobio.
Pošto mnogo volim more, a pogotovo školjke, koje sakupljam kad god odem negde na letovanje, Fashion Shell mi se učinilo kao najprikladnije ime za blog. Od sada moj blog možete posećivati na sledećem domenu: http://fashion-shell.blogspot.com Nadam se da ćete se brzo navići na ovu promenu i da će vam se dopasti!

Creativity is a quality that I'm mostly proud of, except when I have to think of a name for my blog. That's exactly what happened when I gave it its original name, Wandering Heart. Unfortunately, I soon became unsatisfied with it, and it has been a long time (almost a year) until I came up with something more appropriate. I finally thought of the name my blog got today.
Since I love the sea, especially sea shells that I collect everytime I go to the seaside, Fashion Shell seemed like the most appropriate name for a blog. From now on you'll be able to visit my blog on this domain name: http://fashion-shell.blogspot.com I hope you'll get used to this change soon and that you'll like it!