January 29, 2013

Insta January

Ne mogu da verujem da sam objavila ovoliko slika na Instagramu u toku ovog meseca! Zaista je bilo zabavno i uzbudljivo. Radujem se februaru i svemu što me u njemu očekuje!

I can't believe I've taken so many pictures and uploaded them on Instagram during this month! It was really fun and exciting. Looking forward to February and everything that expects me further on!

January 11, 2013


Stigle su kao trend u toku novogodišnje euforije, i sigurna sam da su zapale za oko svake devojke, bilo na pozitivan ili negativan način. Neke devojke ih vole, neke ih mrze, ali jedno je sigurno - nikoga ne ostavljaju ravnodušnim.
Ove svetlucave stvarčice mogu varirati u oblicima, bojama i veličinama, dajući bilo kakvom odevnom predmetu ili kombinaciji notu glamura i elegancije. Obično nisu nošene u toku dana jer se često smatra da priliče isključivo odlascima u klub ili nekim svečanijim prilikama, ali često govorim da nije stvar u tome šta se nosi, već kako se to nosi. U ležernoj varijanti mogu se provući kao diskretan ukras na nekoj većoj tašni, utkane u pokoju nit džempera, majice, ili kao kragna košulje, a noću ćete uz njih zasigurno vrteti pažnju drugih oko malog prsta. Bilo da je njima optočena pismo tašnica, par cipela, ili čak čitava haljina ili sako, šljokice mogu podići vaš izgled, pa čak i vaše samopouzdanje na jedan sasvim viši nivo.
Iako je nošenje šljokica nalik "kretanju po klizavom terenu", jer lako mogu zaći u kič i neukus, ne ustručavajte se od isprobavanja nečeg novog. Moda bi bila prilično dosadna bez rizika, zar ne? :)

They arrived as a trend during the New Year's Eve euphoria, and I'm sure that they caught every girl's eye, whether in a positive or in a negative way. Some girls love them, some hate them, but one thing's for sure - they leave no one indifferent.
These sparkly little things can vary in shapes, colors and sizes, giving any clothing item or outfit a touch of glamour and elegance. They aren't usually worn during the day because they are often considered appropriate only for going to the club or formal events, but I often say that it's not about what you wear, but how you wear it. In a casual look they can come as a discreet decoration of a bigger handbag, woven into a sweater, t-shirts or as a collar of a blouse, and at night they are sure to help you catch attention of others. Whether they cover a clutch, a pair of shoes, or even an entire dress or a blazer, sequins can raise your look, and even your confidence on a whole new level.
Although wearing sequins is often related to "walking on slippery grounds" because they can easily look pap, don't hesitate to try out something new. Fashion would be quite boring without taking risks, wouldn't you agree? :)

January 7, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it today! Lots of love, happiness and stay safe!

January 1, 2013

Goodbye 2012, hello 2013!

Well, everyone, here we are at the very beginning of a whole new year. 2012 has been a real adventure: whether I was going somewhere or going back home, whether I was serious or just fooling around, coming across kind strangers or seeing a familiar smile, working hard or relaxing, giving or getting, and, in the end, being creative or spending lazy days, at the end of the day, I always knew it was exactly like I wanted it to be. Even though it's been exciting, I wish you all, and myself, a happy New Year, a happy new beginning, lots of love, friends and beautiful moments that tend to be precious memories.

I think I'm quite ready for another adventure. How about you?

I still haven't opened all of my presents, but I'll show you one of them in an upcoming outfit post. I'm not going to tell you what it is, but I'll give you a hint by showing you these sequins. Any guesses?

Evo nas na samom početku sasvim nove godine. Godina 2012. bila je prava avantura: bilo da sam negde išla ili se vraćala kući, bilo da sam bila ozbiljna ili se jednostavno glupirala, nailazila na ljubazne strance ili videla poznati osmeh, naporno radila ili se opuštala, davala ili dobijala, i na kraju, bila kreativna ili provodila lenje dane, na kraju krajeva, uvek sam znala da sam upravo tako želela da bude. Iako je bilo uzbudljivo, želim vam svima, a ujedno i sebi, srećnu Novu godinu, srećan novi početak, puno ljubavi, prijatelja i divnih trenutaka koji pretenduju da budu dragocene uspomene.

Mislim da sam sasvim spremna za još jednu avanturu. A vi?

Još uvek nisam otvorila sve svoje poklone, ali ću vam pokazati jedan u outfit postu koji sledi. Neću vam otkriti šta je u pitanju, ali ću vam dati naznaku tako što ću vam pokazati ove šljokice. Imate li neku ideju?

Happy New Year, everyone! Keep in touch in 2013!


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