November 22, 2013

Insta summer

Otkad je počela prva godina fakulteta, ne mogu da prestanem da se prisećam divnih uspomena na ovo leto. Već mi nedostaju dani kada nije bilo svakodnevnih obaveza, kada sam mogla da natenane prošetam s drugaricama gradom ili do tržnog centra, uživam u vrtu nekog lepog kafića uz dobru hladnu moccu na vreo letnji dan, kao i putovanja s jednog mesta na drugo, bilo gradskim prevozom ili posetom nekog drugog grada ili zemlje. Iako još uvek nije ni decembar, jedva čekam naredno leto i priliku da otputujem na neko sasvim novo mesto. :)

Ever since my freshman college year started, I can't stop reminensce the wonderful memories of this summer. I already miss the days without every day obligations, when I could casually go to the mall or to the shopping mall with my friends, enjoy in the garden of a good caffee with a tasty cold mocca on a hot summer's day, as well as traveling from one place to another, whether by the city buses and trams or to visit another city or country. Although it's not even December, I already can't wait for the next summer and a chance to travel to an all new place. :)

Romwe “Rose D” sweatshirt
Have it at bargain price $1.99 on 26th Nov or for FREE!
Leave your comment to the sweatshirt here > , you will have bigger chance to win!
Don’t miss, girls!

November 8, 2013

A monster on the inside

pictures by Merima

H&M faux fur vest  /  Le Group leather jacket  /  Motivi t-shirt  /  Calliope jeans  /  H&M rings  /  Merima's sunglasses  /  Peluso biker boots

Kožna jakna i krzneni prsluk su moj način da se prilagodim ovim čudnim jesenjim danima. Ne pamtim ijedan novembar kada je bilo ovako vruće, i slojevito oblačenje je jedini način da podnesem nagle temperaturne promene. Uostalom, drago mi je što sam konačno dobila priliku da se poigram materijalima na sasvim nov način. ;)

A leather jacket and a faux fur vest are my way to adapt to these strange autumn days. I can't remember any November when it was this hot, and layered outfits are the only way to deal with sudden temperature changes. Besides, I'm glad that I finally got a chance to play with materials in a brand new way. ;)

Romwe Party Season Sale Round 2 ! Up to 60% off!
Valid dates: Nov12 to Nov18
Don’t miss, girls!

October 21, 2013

All I ever wanted was the world

Primadonna creepers

Pozdravite moje nove Primadonna cipele! Da mi je iko ikada rekao da ću uopšte poželeti da kupim jedan par čuvenih "creepersica", sigurno bih mu rekla da je lud. xD Međutim, kada sam ugledala ovaj par u izlogu Primadonna butika, jednostavno im nisam odolela. Ne znam koliko ću ih često nositi u narednom periodu jer su predviđene za suvo vreme, ali već imam dosta ideja kako da ih uklapam i nadam se da ću imati priliku da vam pokažem neke od tih ideja.
Jako mi je žao što moj blog nimalo ne liči na modni blog, ali imam jako puno obaveza i još uvek se privikavam na raspored i nove aktivnosti. Nadam se da ću uskoro uhvatiti malo vremena za neku odevnu kombinaciju.

Say hello to my Primadonna girls! If anyone ever told me that I'd even wish for a pair of creepers, I'd probably call them crazy. xD However, when I saw this pair in the Primadonna store window, I just couldn't resist them. I don't know how often I'll get to wear them in the upcoming period because they can only be worn during dry weather, but I already have a bunch of ideas on how to match them and I hope to get to show you some of those ideas.
I'm really sorry that my blog doesn't look like a fashion blog at all, but I have a lot of obligations and I'm still getting used to the schedule and new activities. I hope I'll get some time to make an outfit post soon.

Romwe Halloween Sale
Up to 70% off, over 1000+ styles
FREE Mystery Gift Orders over $40
Date: 10/25/2013 -10/31/2013
And new flash sale now:

October 13, 2013

Max Factor creme puff pressed powder

photo by me

Nedavno sam kupila ovaj Max Factor puder i moram priznati da sam oduševljena proizvodom. Ne samo što sam uspela da pronađem nijansu koja savršeno odgovara mom tenu, već me je iznenadila i dobra pokrivenost koju pruža. Osim što prilično dobro sakriva kolutove ispod očiju i bubuljice (barem kada je moje lice u pitanju), uz njega se lako postiže matirani efekat kože. Toplo bih vam preporučila da ga isprobate jer bi mogao prijatno da vas iznenadi. ;)

Recently I bought this Max Factor powder and I have to admit that I love the product. Not only did I manage to find a shade that perfectly fits my complexion, I was also surprised by the good coverage it gives. Aside from covering those "bags" under your eyes and pimples (at least when it comes to my face), it also gives a super matte effect to your skin. I would warmly recommend you to try it out because it could surprise you pleasantly. ;)

Romwe Pre-winter Must-Haves
Up to 40% off
Date: 10/15/2013--10/18/2013
And the flash sale:

October 1, 2013

Elie Saab ready to wear SS 2014


Mislim da mi je najveća želja, nažalost neostvariva, definitivno da upoznam neverovatnog čoveka koji stoji iza brenda za koji se usuđujem da kažem da je čisto savršenstvo. Način na koji se poigrava materijalima, bojama i krojevima dokaz je njegovog talenta i kreativnosti iz sezone u sezonu i nijedna kolekcija me ne razočarava. Umesto da dužim previše, povući ću se s nadom da ćete uživati u njegovim kreacijama za prolećnu i letnju sezonu predstojeće godine.

I think that my greatest wish, which unfortunately can't come true, would definitely be to meet the incredible man standing behind the brand I dare to describe as pure perfection. The way he plays with materials, colors and tailoring is the constant proof of his talent and creativity from one season to another and no collection has ever disappointed me. Instead of saying anything more, I'll hold back and hope that you'll enjoy his creations for the spring and summer season of the upcoming year.

Romwe Columbus Day Weekend Sale
Up to 74.92% off
From 10/08 to 10/14, whole week!
Don’t miss, girls!

September 27, 2013

Have a break

pictures by me

Pošto mi nastava na fakultetu počinje za svega par dana, nemam vremena, a ni inspiracije za odevne kombinacije, tako da umesto toga listam modne magazine ne bih li pronašla adekvatne komade kojima bih dopunila izbor jesenje i zimske garderobe u ormanu za ovu sezonu. U ovom broju The Best Shop magazina pronašla sam idealnu torbu za fakultet, kao i još neke stvari koje su mi se mnogo dopale.
Kafa je moje omiljeno piće i imam osećaj da će pored užitka konzumiranje iste postati i rutina. xD Zato sam odlučila da je malo "ulepšam" kad god je napravim za sebe. Iako je ovo trebalo da bude srećni izraz lica koji mi poručuje da ostanem pozitivna, neću se naljutiti ako mi kažete da više izgleda kao neka utvara jer zaista deluje malo jezivo.
U nedelju putujem u Temišvar sa drugaricom na jednodnevni izlet i jedva čekam da ponovo tamo odem! Veoma se radujem putu i nadam se da ću imati lepe slike da vam pokažem pošto se vratim. Uživajte u predstojećem vikendu!

Since my freshman college year starts in no more than a couple of days, I have no time or inspiration to make outfit posts, so instead I'm reading fashion magazines to find adequate items to add to my autumn and winter wardrobe for this season. In this issue of The Best Shop magazine I found an ideal bag for college, as well as some other things I liked a lot.
Coffee is my favourite drink and I have a feeling that, aside from pleasure, consuming it will also become a routine. xD That's why I decided to give it a "makeover" whenever I make myself one. Although this was supposed to be a smiley face that tells me to be positive, I won't get angry if you say that it looks more like a monster because it does look kind of creepy.
On Sunday I'm going to Timisoara with a friend on a one-day trip and I can't wait to go there again! I'm looking forward to the trip and I hope I'll have nice pictures to show you after I come back. Enjoy the upcoming weekend!

Unfold your free style with Romwe items.
Best-seller Collection! Up to 60% off
Do not miss! 72h only!

September 23, 2013


photos by me

Oduvek sam želela da imam sat u svojoj sobi, ali dugo nisam uspela da nađem neki koji mi se dovoljno sviđa i uklapa se u enterijer. Danas sam imala sreću da pronađem ovaj iako uopšte nisam razmišljala o tome. Nisam mogla da mu odolim i jednostavno je morao biti moj. Na istom mestu pronašla sam i ove divne veštačke ruže i grančicu sitnih cvetova od kojih ću, nadam se uskoro, napraviti novu krunicu.
Žao mi je što slike nisu boljeg kvaliteta i nadam se da ću jednog dana imati bolji foto-aparat i praviti kvalitetnije slike.

I always wanted to have a clock in my bedroom, but for a long time I couldn't find a single one that I liked enough and also matched the interior. Today I was lucky enough to find this one even though I wasn't thinking about it at all. I couldn't resist it and it just had to be mine. I found these beautiful artificial roses and a branch of little flowers there as well, and I will use them to make a new flower crown, hopefully soon.
I'm sorry that the pictures aren't in better quality and I hope that one day I'll have a better camera and take high quality pictures.

"Love is patient, love is kind, love never fails."

Super slim price flash sale!  Only 48 hours!

Fashionable best sellers!  $14.99 up!

Don’t miss, girls!


September 11, 2013

When the Earth met the universe

DIY flower crown  //  Romwe round sunglasses  //  Romwe leather jacket (designed by Le Happy)  //  Just wish it t-shirt  //  Romwe mint backpack (find it here)  //  Romwe galaxy leggings (find them here)  //  Peluso biker boots

Kada sam se ovako obučena pojavila na rođendanu svog brata od tetke, rekao mi je kako sam spojila svemir i Zemlju, i nisam ga razumela u početku. Međutim, kada sam razmislila malo bolje, shvatila sam na šta misli i to me je inspirisalo da tako nazovem ovaj post. Sad imate priliku da vidite kako izgleda krunica od cveća koju sam napravila (kako sam to uradila objasnila sam ovde), kao i moj način nošenja galaxy printa.

When I appeared at my cousin's birthday party dressed like this, he told me that I put the universe and the Earth together, and I didn't understand him at first. However, when I thought through it, I realized what he was referring to and that inspired me to name this post the way I did. Now you can see how the flower crown I made looks (I wrote about making it here), and you can also see my way of wearing galaxy print.

Romwe Hot Sale for Cardigans & Jumpers

Up to 50 %off

Valid dates: Sep17 to Sep19

Only 72 hours!!Don’t miss, girls!

Go :

And flash sale: