cat eye sunglasses: Romwe (find them here)
collar necklace: Abataba (find it here)
blouse: H&M
leggings: Romwe (find them here)
shoes: Jeffrey Campbell Lita
After getting my last grades in this term and putting my braces on, I finally found some time to make an outfit post. It isn't really suitable for this weather, but I couldn't resist these sunglasses, which are perfect for vintage outfits I can't wait to wear, and these leggings with the most beautiful galaxy print I've seen so far. I can't wait for warmer days to wear these items more often.
Nakon što sam dobila poslednje ocene u ovom polugodištu i stavila fiksne proteze, izdvojila sam malo vremena da objavim outfit post. Nije najprikladniji za ove vremenske prilike, ali nisam mogla da odolim ovim naočarima za sunce, koje su savršene za vintage kombinacije koje jedva čekam da sastavim, i ove helanke s najlepšim galaxy printom koji sam videla do sad. Jedva čekam toplije dane da bih mogla da ih nosim češće.
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