November 9, 2012

Shopping in Italy

bag: H&M

Finally I found some time to show you the clothes I bought in Italy. The cities we've been to were perfect for shopping! I had so much fun trying all those things on and thinking of ways to combine them.
I bought this satchel bag in Florence. It's really practical and easy to carry around.


Konačno sam ugrabila malo vremena da vam pokažem odeću koju sam kupila u Italiji. Gradovi koje smo posetili bili su savršeni za kupovinu! Bilo je zabavno isprobavati sve stvari i smišljati kombinacije s njima.
Ovu torbu sam kupila u Firenci. Veoma je praktična i lako se može nositi okolo.

blouse: H&M

I fell in love with this blouse as soon as I saw it. I love its flouncy material and the embellished collar - it's very romantic and easy to combine. I found it in an H&M store in Florence as well.

Zaljubila sam se u ovu bluzu čim sam je videla. Obožavam njen lagani materijal i kragnu s detaljima - vrlo je romantična i laka za kombinovanje. I nju sam pronašla u firentinskoj H&M prodavnici.

necklace: H&M

H&M is one of my favourite brands not only because it's affordable, but also because it can satisfy nearly every customer. They offer a wide range of different styles, leaving more than enough room to experiment with their garments. No wonder I bought this necklace in the same store as the previous two items.

H&M je jedan od mojih omiljenih brendova, ne samo zato što je priuštiv, već i zato što skoro svaki klijent može biti zadovoljan. Nude širok spektar različitih stilova, dajući nam i više nego dovoljno slobode da eksperimentišemo s njihovim odevnim predmetima. Nije ni čudo što sam kupila ovu ogrlicu u istoj prodavnici kao prethodne dve stvari.

jeans: H&M

Again, an H&M garment from Florence. You've seen me wearing these tie-dye jeans a couple of times on my school trip. They're really comfortable to wear and not so difficult to combine despite the pattern that might keep you away from some ideas at first.

Još jedan odevni predmet iz H&M-a u Firenci. Videli ste da sam nosila ove prošarane farmerke nekoliko puta na ekskurziji. Stvarno su udobne i nije ih teško kombinovati, iako bi vas ovaj dezen odvratio od nekih ideja na prvi pogled.

biker boots: Peluso

Ever since I bought these Peluso biker boots in Florence, I haven't taken them off. That's why their heels got a little damaged, their paint peeled off. Fortunately, they were easily repaired, and now they're as good as new!

Otkad sam kupila ove Peluso bajkerske čizme u Firenci, nisam ih izuvala. Iz tog razloga su im se potpetice malo oštetile, boja se malo oljuštila pozadi. Srećom, lako su popravljene, i sada izgledaju kao nove!

leather jacket: Le Group

I desperately needed a leather jacket. I can't believe I haven't had a single black leather jacket before I bought this one. When my best friend Kona pointed at a similar blue one in the store window, I couldn't resist getting in and looking for a black one. They had it in blue, red, olive green, purple, and only one black jacket was hanging among them. I picked it up immediately! Since it's really warm and edgy, buying it really payed off.

Očajnički mi je bila potrebna kožna jakna. Ne mogu da verujem da nisam imala nijednu crnu kožnu jaknu pre nego što sam kupila ovu. Kada mi je najbolja drugarica Kona pokazala identičnu plavu u izlogu, nisam mogla da odolim ulasku u prodavnicu i potrazi za crnom. Imali su plavu, crvenu, maslinastozelenu, ljubičastu, i samo jedna crna jakna je visila među njima. Odmah sam je ugrabila! Pošto je veoma topla i opakog izgleda, ta kupovina se stvarno isplatila.

dress: H&M

I barely found an H&M store in Venice, not only because it was my first time there, but also because there were some construction works on the building facade. When I finally found it, I entered it just to see if there was anything different from the H&M stores in Florence and Rome. I haven't found anything new, but this dress caught my eye. The playful print attracted me at once and I had to see how it fitted me. I liked the round cleavage and its long sleeves, so I had to take it. I can't wait for an opportunity to wear it.

Jedva sam uspela da pronađem H&M prodavnicu u Veneciji, ne samo zato što sam tamo bila po prvi put, već i zbog toga što su se tada odvijali građevinski radovi na fasadi te zgrade. Kada sam je napokon pronašla, ušla sam unutra samo da vidim da li ima bilo čega drugačijeg od H&M prodavnica u Firenci i Rimu. Nisam pronašla ništa novo, ali ova haljina mi je zapala za oko. Razigrani print me je privukao u sekundi i morala sam da vidim kako mi pristaje. Dopali su mi se okrugli izrez i dugi rukavi, tako da sam morala da je uzmem. Jedva čekam priliku da je nosim.

How do you like these things? Would you wear them? :)
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  1. great post! Kisses.

  2. Ja bi ih sve nosila ;) a pogotovo chizme <3

    Imam novi post ;) Navrati :D



  3. Wow great stuff:) lovin the boots and jacket!

  4. Bela bluza i ogrlica su super, bas po mom ukusu :)

  5. Cizme su super i odlicna mi je bela kosulja sa detaljima na kragni!

  6. Sve je odlicno, ali kosulja mi je favorit.

  7. Jao ja sam ispraznila H&M u Becu,a ni Bratislava nije prosla "neosteceno" :D Videces vec <3

    Super su stvari :)

  8. aj sve mi se svidja, kosulja, jakna, i cizmice posebno =D

  9. jao, cizmice i torbica su prelepe! :)

  10. That satchel is so pretty!

    Xo, Imke

  11. Ooooh the glossy bag is awesome! So many goodies! o_O

  12. I love the white blouse.

  13. super stvari :)
    kosuljica mi je mrak :)

  14. wow, I like each thing you bought, except the last dress but that may depend on taste. Really, nice thing, I'm jealous ;)

  15. Se e prekrasno,posebno kosulata!

  16. Mislim da pretpostavljaš da sam torbom apsolutno oduševljena :D

  17. So glad you found something in Italy. It's a great shopping place and my fav is Milan. I love your necklace and boots too! =D

  18. love that bag! satchels are so hot right now!
    and tehe i love how the mouse on your blog is a mustache, made me giggle :P


    ♥ Ellen

  19. Ow, lovely boots and jacket! :3
    x, Lara

  20. Skroz mi se svidja tvoj izbor. :)
    Bela kosuljica sa nitnama na kragni, kao i ova sarena haljina su moj favorit.
    Savrseni komadi!!

  21. thanks for ur looovely comment :)
    following you now

  22. čizme, bijela košulja i jakna savršenooooo :**

  23. i'm so jealous;) everyting is amazing but i love most your jacket & shoes <3 rock;)

  24. what a lovely bag! and the jeans are amazing too! xx

  25. Divne stvarcice! Haljina i kosulja su mi favoriti!:)

  26. Kosulja, jakna i haljina su favoriti!

  27. I hope you like Italy! I like the blouse and the bag!

  28. Very cool things ! look at my Blog and if you like, maybe you want to follow ...

  29. thanks a lot for your coment :D
    i love all of your pieces! And i was going to buy those pants from H&M :O i just love them <3

    I'm going to follow you back, kisses from Portugal!

  30. Love the shirt and jacket, great haul! :D
