November 28, 2012

Romwe XMAS gift packs

As you may notice by the Coca Cola commercials on TV and billboards, Christmas holidays are coming up! Jingle bells sing though the streets, colorful lights illuminate our cities as holiday cheer comes back into our homes.
People from Romwe have decided to make us even happier by giving away Christmas gift packs on Facebook every day. Each winner will get a gift pack, including a blazer, a pair of leggings, a bracelet, a jumper and many more things you can only imagine.
Two winners will be announced every day. It's open worldwide and you can participate from the 27th of November to the 18th of December.
You can see more details here, I wish you all a lot of luck! :D


Kako možete primetiti po Coca Cola reklamama na TVu i bilbordima, Božićni praznici nam se primiču! Muzika zvona odjekuje ulicama, šarena svetla obasjavaju naše gradove dok se praznična radost vraća u naše domove.
Osoblje Romwe sajta su odlučili da nas još više usreće dajući Božićne poklon-pakete na Facebook-u svakog dana. Svaki pobednik će dobiti poklon-paket, koji uključuje sako, par helanki, narukvicu, džemper i još mnogo stvari koje možete zamisliti.
Dva pobednika biće najavljena svakog dana. Otvoreno je za ljude širom sveta i možete učestvovati od 27.11.2012. do 18.12.2012.
Više detalja možete videti ovde, želim vam svima puno sreće! :D

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November 16, 2012

Instagram n0 5 + Romwe novelties

1. I love playing video games on my Play Station 2. This is my favourite - Digimon Digital Card Battle. This was my battle against Submarimon. Looks like I got the second turn. :)
    Obožavam da igram video igrice na Play Station 2. Ova mi je omiljena - Digimon Digital Card Battle. Ovo je bila moja borba protiv Submarimona. Izgleda da sam druga na redu. :)

2. Bored in class, so I played with my marker pen.
    Bilo mi je dosadno, pa sam se poigravala markerom.

3. So much to learn. Senior year is not easy at all. :/
    Toliko toga mora da se nauči. Uopšte nije lako biti maturant. :/

4. Sweet and sour treat for breakfast.
    Slatko-kisela poslastica za doručak.

5. My physics teacher recently celebrated his 50th birthday with my class. We bought him a chocolate cake. Yum!
    Profesor fizike nedavno je proslavio 50. rođendan s mojim odeljenjem. Kupili smo mu čokoladnu tortu. Njam!

6. My friend has amazing hair - I made her this fishtail braid. I'm getting quite good at it. :D
    Moja drugarica ima divnu kosu - napravila sam joj "riblju kost" pletenicu. Sve sam bolja u tome. :D

7. A beautiful sunset through my classroom window.
    Divan zalazak sunca kroz prozor moje učionice.

8. What are you looking at? :P
    U šta ti gledaš? :P

ROMWE: "Black Friday" and the “Join Romwe Official Fashion Bloggers in 2013” Facebook contest

Romwe has given us two novelties. The first one is the "Black Friday" Annual sale! It will last from the 21st of November to the 26th of November, and it goes up to 70%! And if you think that's amazing, check this out!

Romwe nam je dao dva noviteta. Prvi je godišnja rasprodaja "Black Friday"! Trajaće od 21. do 26. novembra, i ide do čak 70%! A ako mislite da je to neverovatno, pogledajte ovo!


A fashion blogger contest! Unbelievable, isn't it? "Join Romwe Official Fashion Bloggers in 2013" is a great chance for all of you who like their merchandise. You can win a lot, up to $130 in freebies and becomming an official Romwe fashion blogger! Here are some of the contest details:

Three lucky winners can win $100 in freebies! Awards are given to bloggers with the most “likes”, most “fans” and best style.
…And each qualified participant will also receive $30 in freebies. You can join them if you have 2.000 or more fans on their Facebook fan page. You will also have the chance to become a Romwe fashion blogger. You can apply from the 12th of November to the 30th of November. Unfortunately, current Romwe fashion bloggers cannot participate.

Takmičenje za modne blogere! Neverovatno, zar ne? "Join Romwe Official Fashion Bloggers in 2013" je sjajna prilika za sve vas koji vole njihovu robu. Možete osvojiti puno, do 130 dolara za kupovinu i privilegiju da postanete zvanični Romwe modni bloger! Evo nekih detalja u vezi sa takmičenjem:

Tri srećna dobitnika mogu osvojiti do 100 dolara za kupovinu! Nagrade se dodeljuju blogerima s najviše "lajkova". "fanova", i sa najviše stila. 
... I svaki kvalifikovani učesnik dobiće 30 dolara za kupovinu. Možete se priključiti ako imate 2.000 ili više fanova na njihovoj Facebook stranici. Takođe možete dobiti i šansu da postanete Romwe modni bloger. Možete se prijaviti od 12. do 30. novembra. Nažalost, trenutni Romwe modni blogeri ne mogu učestvovati u takmičenju.
Više detalja na njihovoj stranici:

I wish you all good luck and a nice weekend! 
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November 9, 2012

Shopping in Italy

bag: H&M

Finally I found some time to show you the clothes I bought in Italy. The cities we've been to were perfect for shopping! I had so much fun trying all those things on and thinking of ways to combine them.
I bought this satchel bag in Florence. It's really practical and easy to carry around.


Konačno sam ugrabila malo vremena da vam pokažem odeću koju sam kupila u Italiji. Gradovi koje smo posetili bili su savršeni za kupovinu! Bilo je zabavno isprobavati sve stvari i smišljati kombinacije s njima.
Ovu torbu sam kupila u Firenci. Veoma je praktična i lako se može nositi okolo.

November 4, 2012

Romwe classic styles of leggings giveaway

The online store Romwe organized something fantastic - The Classic Styles Of Romwe Leggings Giveaway!

Three winners will be announced every day, you can apply from the 29th of October to the 12th of November.
All you need to do is to click on this link here, and follow the instructions you see on this page. You can be a winner, give it a try!

I wish you all the best of luck!

Online prodavnica Romwe organizovala je nešto fantastično - The Classic Styles Of Romwe Leggings Giveaway!

Tri pobednika će biti najavljena svakog dana, možete se prijaviti od 29.10.2012. do 12.11.2012.
Sve što treba da uradite je da kliknete na ovaj link, i ispratite uputstva za učešće. Možete osvojiti nešto, pokušajte!
Svima vam želim puno sreće!
P.S: I know I promised to show you what I bought during my school trip these days, but I have a lot to do at school, so I'll delay that post for a short while. Hope that's OK! Obećavam da nećete čekati još dugo. <3
P.S: Znam da sam obećala da ću vam pokazati šta sam kupila u toku ekskurzije ovih dana, ali imam puno obaveza u školi, pa ću na još malo odložiti objavljivanje tog posta. Nadam se da je to u redu! Obećavam da nećete čekati još dugo. <3
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