Since I'm getting ready for the school trip during busy weeks at school, I'll post a couple of outfits as soon as I get back home. I'm leaving next Saturday, and the country I'll go to is Italy. I've been there before, but this time I'll be able to see some cities I haven't been to: Venice, Rome, Pisa etc. I'm looking forward to the trip and I can't wait to taste their delicious food again!
Before I leave, I have to thank everyone who helped me earlier this summer. You're amazing and I love you all! Wondering what the reason of my happiness could be? Check it out!
Pošto se pripremam za matursku ekskurziju tokom napornih nedelja u školi, postaviću par odevnih kombinacija tek kada se vratim s puta. Polazim iduće subote, a zemlja koju ću posetiti je Italija. Već sam bila tamo, ali ovoga puta moći ću da posetim gradove u kojima još nisam bila: Venecija, Rim, Piza itd. Toliko se radujem ekskurziji i jedva čekam da ponovo okusim njihovu fantastičnu hranu!
Pre nego što odem, moram da se zahvalim svima koji su mi pomogli ranije u toku leta. Neverovatni ste i puno vas volim! Pitate se šta bi mogao biti razlog moje sreće? Pogledajte!