September 22, 2012

A gift from Oasap

Since I'm getting ready for the school trip during busy weeks at school, I'll post a couple of outfits as soon as I get back home. I'm leaving next Saturday, and the country I'll go to is Italy. I've been there before, but this time I'll be able to see some cities I haven't been to: Venice, Rome, Pisa etc. I'm looking forward to the trip and I can't wait to taste their delicious food again!
Before I leave, I have to thank everyone who helped me earlier this summer. You're amazing and I love you all! Wondering what the reason of my happiness could be? Check it out!


Pošto se pripremam za matursku ekskurziju tokom napornih nedelja u školi, postaviću par odevnih kombinacija tek kada se vratim s puta. Polazim iduće subote, a zemlja koju ću posetiti je Italija. Već sam bila tamo, ali ovoga puta moći ću da posetim gradove u kojima još nisam bila: Venecija, Rim, Piza itd. Toliko se radujem ekskurziji i jedva čekam da ponovo okusim njihovu fantastičnu hranu!
Pre nego što odem, moram da se zahvalim svima koji su mi pomogli ranije u toku leta. Neverovatni ste i puno vas volim! Pitate se šta bi mogao biti razlog moje sreće? Pogledajte!

September 15, 2012


First of all, I'm sorry for not posting for two weeks. The first days of school brought a lot of hard work with themselves, it was quite a shock after three months of summer that passed by so soon. I'll try to make an outfit post before I go on my school trip, and until then, here's a little something just to make us remember one of this summer's dominant trends. :)
The weather's already cold in my city, and I can't help but frown when I realize that summer heats are definitely over with. There are a lot of reasons why it's my favourite season, but the most important one is a series of sunny days that makes us wear light materials, vivid colors, and my favourite - shorts!
I love all of these, and even though summer has not officially ended yet, I'm impatient for the next opportunity to wear these. Do you like wearing shorts, or do you prefer skirts? :)


Pre nego što počnem, izvinjavam se što nisam pisala dve nedelje. Prvi dani škole doneli su sa sobom puno napornog rada, i to je bio pravi šok nakon tri meseca leta koje je tako brzo prošlo. Pokušaću da objavim neki outfit post pre nego što odem na ekskurziju, a do tada, podsetimo se dominantnih trendova ovog leta.
Vreme je već hladnije u mom gradu, i mogu samo da se mrštim dok shvatam kako su letnje vrućine definitivno prošle. Postoji puno razloga zašto je leto moje omiljeno godišnje doba, ali najvažniji je niz sunčanih dana koji nas nagone da nosimo lepršave materijale, vedre boje, i moje omiljeno - šortseve!
Dopada mi se svaki od ovih, i uprkos tome što se leto još zvanično nije završilo, nestrpljivo čekam sledeću priliku da ih nosim. Volite li i vi da nosite šortseve, ili više volite suknje?

September 1, 2012

Instagram n0 4

1. One of my favourite treats - pancakes with chocolate cream and grind biscuit. :3
    Jedna od mojih omiljenih poslastica - palačinke s eurokremom i plazmom. :3
2. Waiting for my galaxy nails to dry out.
    Čekam da mi se svemirski nokti osuše.
3. This is what happens every night when I try to go to sleep.
    Ovo se dešava svake noći kad pokušavam da odem na spavanje.
4. And this is how he looks at me when I take a snack.
    A ovako me gleda kada uzmem nešto da prezalogajim.
5. Remember the fishtail braid? I learned how to do it too! I made my mum one.
    Sećate se "riblje kost" pletenice? I ja sam naučila kako da je napravim! Jednu sam napravila mami.
6. My summer mornings always started with an iced coffee.
    Moja letnja jutra uvek su počinjala uz ledenu kafu.

Remember them? Today is their 23rd birthday! I can't believe it! It feels like it was yesterday when they turned sixteen. And it feels strange how you notice that time flies by looking at people you don't know personally. If I hadn't kept up with news about them all those years I've been a fan, I probably wouldn't recognize them!
Happy birthday, guys! I wish you all the best and hope I'll see you live in my city again soon!

Sećate li se njih? Danas je njihov 23. rođendan! Ne mogu da verujem! Kao da je bilo juče kad su napunili 16 godina. I čudno je kako primetite kako vreme leti gledajući ljude koje ne poznajete lično. Da nisam bila u toku s novostima o njima svih tih godina tokom kojih sam bila njihova obožavateljka, verovatno ih ne bih prepoznala!
Srećan rođendan, momci! Želim vam sve najbolje i nadam se da ću vas ponovo videti uživo u mom gradu uskoro!

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