August 28, 2012

Nothing scares me anymore

Kiss me hard before you go.
Summertime sadness.
I just wanted you to know,
that, baby, you're the best.

Photos taken by Milica, edited by Anđela <3

I was wearing: Time Out t-shirt, Stradivarius shorts, backpack bought in Tunisia, Converse All Star sneakers, Naočare online aviators, Diva bracelets, Accessories republic lightning ring, Oasap eagle claw earrings

This song describes this period as precisely as it can. Only six more days to go and it's back to school. My posting will not be that frequent from September since it's my senior year in high school, and I really have to focus on deciding which direction I'd like to continue my education in. I still can't decide between stomatology and molecular biology.
I used one of the last days of summer to hang out with my friend, Milica. She was also kind enough to make me this fishtail braid (in case you're interested to see how you can make it yourself, you can find a great tutorial here) and take these pictures. <3
You can also notice my galaxy nails. It's quite easy to make them! I'll show you how in the next post. ;)

Ova pesma opisuje ovaj period najpreciznije moguće. Još samo šest dana i počinje nova školska godina. Neću pisati na blogu tako često od septembra na dalje, pošto će ovo biti moja poslednja godina srednje škole, i zaista moram da se usredsredim na to da odlučim u kom ću smeru nastaviti svoje obrazovanje. Još uvek se dvoumim između stomatologije i molekularne biologije.
Iskoristila sam jedan od poslednjih dana leta i provela ga sa svojom drugaricom Milicom. Ona je bila i dovoljno ljubazna da mi napravi ovu "riblju kost" pletenicu (u slučaju da bi vas zanimalo da naučite kako da je sami napravite, možete pronaći dobra uputstva ovde) i napravi ove slike. <3
Možete takođe primetiti i moje svemirom inspirisane nokte. Vrlo je lako napraviti ih! Pokazaću vam kako u narednom postu. ;)

Enjoy the last days of summer!


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August 25, 2012

Instagram n0 3

1. Choosing the best lipstick shade for a friend.
    U toku biranja najbolje nijanse karmina za drugaricu.
2. Me preparing for an outfit post some time ago.
    Pripremanje za outfit post pre nekog vremena.
3. My little girl swinging.
    Moja mala devojčica se ljulja.
4. Don't touch me while I'm sleeping!
    Ne diraj me dok spavam!
5. My little gamer. You can see that he's all groomed up.
    Moj mali igrač. Možete da vidite kako je doteran.
6. The fountain in front of my favourite cafe.
    Fontana ispred mog omiljenog kafića.

 Follow me on @jelena483. :)

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August 23, 2012

Lana Del Rey

The first time I saw her on TV, I didn't like her at all. Her song "Video games" was so boring the first time I heard it, and I didn't even like the video. But after some time, when I got to hear some of her other songs and take a closer look into her looks, I became a fan. "Born to die", "Blue jeans" and "National anthem" got stuck in my head and I couldn't get them out. Her unusual music and vintage style that reminds us of the decades of the past century have that irresistible "hipster" vibe that you either love or hate. I say LOVE, and you? :)

Prvi put kad sam je videla na TVu, uopšte mi se nije dopala. Njena pesma "Video games" bila mi je tako dosadna na prvo slušanje, a ni spot mi se uopšte nije svideo. Ali, nakon nekog vremena, kada sam čula njene druge pesme i malo bolje pogledala njen izgled, postala sam njena obožavateljka. "Born to die", "Blue jeans" i "National anthem" ušle su mi u glavu i nisam mogla da ih izbacim odatle. Njena neobična muzika i starinski stil koji nas podseća na decenije prošlog veka imaju tu neodoljivu "hipster" vibraciju koju ili volite, ili mrzite. Ja kažem da VOLIM, a vi? :)

This is my favourite song among the ones she performs.

 Love you all!


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August 20, 2012

Oasap pre-sale items

Contrast panel Hipping Hugging dress (find it here)

OASAP has fantastic new arrivals! You'll see them on their website marked with a green PRE-SALE tag. They have a lot of new things, and these are some of my favourites! :D

OASAP ima fantastičnu novu robu! Videćete je na njihovom sajtu obeleženu zelenim natpisom PRE-SALE. Imaju puno novih stvari, a ovo su neke od mojih omiljenih! :D

Flower print elastic waist leggings (find them here)

Contrast color bead embellished pants (find them here)

Slim pure color tapered pants (find them here)

And these are my favourites!
A ove su mi omiljene! 

Skinny mesh pants with contrast faux leather (find them here)

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August 19, 2012

Spikes and studs

These black leather Lita shoes with spiked heels are, as I have previously mentioned, the very top item on my wishlist.
Ove crne, kožne Lita cipele s bodljama na petama i štiklama su, kao što sam ranije pomenula, na samom vrhu moje liste želja.

Spikes and studs are by far my favourite trend. They can make every outfit look edgy and fierce. I love them everywhere - on jackets (especially black leather ones), shorts, bags, belts, bracelets, rings, collars, shoes, and even if it may be painful, bras! I'd probably wear them all the time if I could! You can only imagine how excited I was when I saw the newest Zara collection - nearly everything is studded!

Bodlje i nitne su ubedljivo moj omiljeni trend. Svaka odevna kombinacija uz njih može izgledati oštro i opako. Volim ih svuda - na jaknama (posebno crnim kožnim), šortsevima, tašnama, kaiševima, narukvicama, prstenju, cipelama, i iako to može biti bolno za nošenje, brushalterima! Možete zamisliti moje oduševljenje novom kolekcijom u ZARA prodavnicama - gotovo sve je optočeno nitnama!

August 18, 2012

Instagram n0 2

I can't believe a week has passed already! Time sure flies during summer. ;) Although I wrote the previous Instagram post a short time ago, I decided to make recaps such as this one every Saturday.

Ne mogu da verujem da je nedelja već prošla! Vreme zaista leti tokom leta. ;) Iako sam prethodni Instagram post objavila pre malo vremena, odlučila sam da pravim ovakve "rekapitulacije" svake subote.

1. My dearest souvenir from my trip to Italy.
    Moj najdraži suvenir s putovanja u Italiju.
2. My baby is trying to get some sleep. <3
    Moja beba pokušava da se naspava. <3
3. My friend Jovana enjoying her ice cream coffee.
    Moja drugarica Jovana uživa u svojoj kafi sa sladoledom.
4. When I met the Tokio Hotel guys, they gave me their autographs on this HUMANOID flag. It's been hanging on my wall ever since.
    Kada sam upoznala momke iz benda Tokio Hotel, dali su mi autograme potpisavši se na ovu HUMANOID zastavu. Visi na mom zidu od tog dana.
5. Coffee with a friend. My favourite is the iced mocha.
    Kafa s drugaricom. Omiljena mi je hladna mocha.
6. Almost done!
    Skoro da je gotovo!

By the way, my doggy got a haircut today! I can't wait to show you! :3
I wish you all a nice weekend!


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August 15, 2012

It's a wicked world that we live in

I was wearing: Tally Weijl hat, H&M sweater, TRF playsuit worn as shorts, Jeffrey Campbell Lita shoes, Accessories Republic lightning ring, Oasap revolver ring, Oasap eagle claw earrings 

Visit the Oasap website by clicking on the banner on my blog and/or the link in the post. It would mean a lot to me and them.
Thank you.

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August 11, 2012

Instagram n0 1

1. The drawing that I'm currently working on.
    Crtež na kome trenutno radim.
2. My little lovebird Margalo playing inside her cage.
    Moja ptičica Margalo se igra u kavezu.
3. My old buddy. I adore him.
    Moj matori prijatelj. Obožavam ga.
4. My absolutely favourite pair of shoes. I sure hope I'll find a studded one one day.
    Moj apsolutno omiljeni par cipela. Nadam se da ću pronaći i bodljikave jednog dana.
5. What a beautiful day! I love sunshine!
    Kako je lep dan! Obožavam sunce!
6. Each time I want to peek into what my favourite VIPs are doing, I make sure to check out the BTK Android app. :)
    Svaki put kad poželim da zavirim u ono što rade moje omiljene poznate ličnosti, posetim BTK Android aplikaciju. :)

Ever since I created an account on Instagram, I can't stop using it. It's so contagious! Are you using the Instagram app?
If you are, you can follow me: @jelena483

Otkad sam napravila nalog na Instagramu, ne mogu da prestanem da ga koristim. Tako je zarazan! Da li i vi koristite Instagram aplikaciju?
Ako da, možete me pratiti: @jelena483

I hope you like this little sneak peek into my weekly activities. I'll make sure to post these pictures frequently.
Have a nice weekend, everyone!


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August 7, 2012


Remember when I told you that drawing was my hobby and I promised that I'd show you something from my notebook one day? This is one of the most complex drawings I've done recently, and I must say that I'm really proud of it. It's not that I pride myself on my drawing skills, I'll never be 100% satisfied with them, it's the strongest memory of my childhood that makes this illustration special. I'm happy that, unlike most people my age, I still cherish every moment of happiness I lived, every tear I shed, and every lesson I learned with these imaginary little creatures.
I loved Digimon, and I still adore them, and even though I may seem childish, I'll never give up on this memory. If I saw them on TV again, I wouldn't miss a single episode. This drawing of mine contains my dearest memories of my earliest childhood, current interests, imagination and creativity that absorbed every sign of support and resisted all inhibitions. I'd love to thank all the people who made me happy every day and kept me going. My life would be empty and purposeless without you.
The name of this post is related to my very favourite song. I've known the lyrics since I was five years old, and I haven't forgotten a single word. I'm still perfecting the pronunciation, and my singing skills... well, I better not say anything about that. :D

Sećate li se kad sam vam rekla da mi je crtanje hobi i obećala vam da ću vam pokazati nešto iz svoje sveske jednog dana? Ovo je jedan od najsloženijih crteža koje sam u skorije vreme radila, i moram reći da sam ponosna na rezultat. Ne ponosim se svojom veštinom crtanja, nikada neću biti 100% zadovoljna njome, već je najjača uspomena iz mog detinjstva ono što čini ovu ilustraciju posebnom. Srećna sam što, za razliku od većine mojih vršnjaka, još uvek cenim svaki trenutak sreće koji sam doživela, svaku suzu koju sam isplakala i svaku lekciju koju sam naučila uz ova mala, fiktivna stvorenja.
Volela sam Digimone, i još uvek ih obožavam, i mada mogu delovati detinjasto, nikada se neću odreći ove uspomene. Kada bih ih ponovo videla na TV-u, ne bih propustila nijednu epizodu. Ovaj moj crtež sadrži moje najdraže uspomene iz mog najranijeg detinjstva, trenutna interesovanja, maštu i kreativnost koja je upijala svaki znak podrške i prkosila svim sputavanjima. Volela bih da se zahvalim ljudima koji su me činili srećnom i bodrili svakog dana. Moj život bi bio prazan i besmislen bez vas.
Naziv ovog posta povezan je s mojom ubedljivo najdražom pesmom. Znam tekst još od svoje pete godine, i nisam zaboravila nijednu reč. Još uvek usavršavam izgovor, ali kad je u pitanju moje pevanje...bolje da vam o tome ništa ne kažem. :D


I always cry when I see this scene.

Mugendai na yume no ato no yarusenai yo no naka ja
Sou sa joushiki hazure mo waruku wa nai ka na
Stay shisou na imeeji wo someta gikochinai tsubasa demo
Kitto toberu sa on my love 

In this miserable world that arises out of an infinite dream
Maybe not using common sense is not so bad after all
But even with these clumsy wings, dyed with images that seem to stay
I am sure we can fly on my love.

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August 3, 2012

Coco Fashion

While browsing through some fashion blogs, I came across a post about an another online store based in Asia. It's fantastic!
It's called Coco-Fashion, and it left a really nice impression on me. They have everything for fashion lovers - from dresses to jackets, bags and jewelry, and their prices are really affordable! They are perfect, if you ask me!

Dok sam razgledala neke modne blogove, naišla sam na post o još jednoj online prodavnici sa sedištem u Aziji. Fantastična je!
Zove se Coco-Fashion, i zaista je ostavila divan utisak na mene. Imaju sve za ljubiteljke mode - od haljina do jakni, tašni i nakita, a cene im se kreću u priuštivom intervalu! Ako mene pitate, savršeni su!

This T-Shirt and this jacket are my favourites. The jacket is exactly what I'm looking for! Visit their website and tell me what you like most. And which do you prefer out of these two? :D

Ova majica i ova jakna su mi omiljene. Jakna je baš onakva kakvu tražim! Posetite njihov sajt i recite mi šta vam se najviše dopada. I šta vam je lepše od ova dva? :D

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August 1, 2012

And no one's gonna save you from the beat about to strike

I was wearing: New Yorker shirt, New Yorker shoes, TRF playsuit worn as shorts, Mango shoulder bag, Tally Weijl hat, Accessorize ring, silver bracelet from Tunisia, Festina wristwatch, Abataba collar necklace

Ah, finally an outfit post! I was so impatient to make it after all those days I spent working, especially when this collar necklace arrived! When I contacted Abataba, I knew I wanted something I can't find in stores which are available, and something simple and effective at the same time. They couldn't be any more precise! 
This weekend I'll be going shopping, and I'm so excited because I'm finally going to buy something from the first money I earned. 
A friend of mine took these pictures, and after that, we went to her place for a little chit-chat. Her kitty Sarang is so cute and I was so happy that she let me pet her for at least a little while. It was a wonderful day, except for the pain caused by these unbearable shoes.

Ah, konačno post s odevnom kombinacijom! Bila sam jako nestrpljiva da ga napišem nakon svih ovih dana koje sam provela na poslu, posebno kada mi je dostavljena ova ogrlica-kragna! Kada sam pisala Abatabi, znala sam da želim nešto što ne mogu naći u prodavnicama koje su mi dostupne, i nešto jednostavno, ali efektno. Nisu mogli bolje da pogode!
Ovog vikenda idem u kupovinu, i tako sam uzbuđena pošto ću konačno kupiti nešto od prvog novca koji sam zaradila.
Moja drugarica je napravila ove slike, a posle toga smo otišle kod nje kući da malo popričamo. Njena maca Sarang je jako slatka i bila sam jako srećna što me je pustila da je makar malo mazim. Današnji dan je bio divan, osim što su me stopala bolela od ovih nepodnošljivih cipela. 

By the way, I can't believe it's August already! Time flies so quickly during summer holidays. I sure hope I take the best of it while it still lasts. ;)

Inače, ne mogu da verujem da je već avgust! Vreme tako brzo prolazi tokom letnjeg raspusta. Nadam se da ću ga iskoristiti najbolje što mogu dok još traje. ;) 

I wish you all a nice day! Lots of love!


P.S: I'm also working on an illustration I'd like to show you. Almost done!

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